Working At Home Ruins Family Life, or Does it? The Cold Hard true about being an EntrepreneursteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago

Working at home Ruins family life, or does it?

The cold hard true about being a full-time Entrepreneur and having a family.


Years ago, I found myself with a tough decision. Keep working at my endless job building someone else's dream, or, quit and start building my own dreams. The choices I would make would define my future and life forever. I had seen first-hand how working from home could be a let-down and I saw how it could be the best blessing anyone could offer you. But, the one thing I did not see was the impact it would have on my family or the constant struggles to juggle being a full-time entrepreneur/ business owner, wife, caregiver, and furry baby momma. Most people keep those facts out of the news but, those FACTS are the one thing everyone needs to hear about before jumping into anything.

The Job Follows You Home:

When you work a 9 to 5, once you clock out, the job gets left at the door. There is no having to go home and worry about work, or, what you could have done differently that day. Walking into your home is like a breath of fresh air, no having to talk work, no having to restock shelves, check someone out, or deal with that god awful rude customer who believes they deserve exactly what ever order they are barking at you. At a normal job yes, it is true, you are building someone else's dreams but, you get to leave the job at the door.

As an entrepreneur, there is no leaving the job at the door. There is no time clock, there is no turning it off. You are constantly on work mode, hell you even become obsessed with working. Your forty hour a week job you left turns into eighty or a hundred hours easily because, you can't fail, you can't stop and there's no turning it off. You'll be working through breakfast, lunch and forget about dinner. The dishes will pile up and the laundry, what is that again? Your mind is not on the countless responsibilities you have at home because your mind is solely focused on the job. Your smartphone is firmly super-glued to your hand, constantly checking emails, updates, social media, hell, you'll probably even sleep with the damn thing. It will become your spouse in many ways. But, isn't that a good thing? Especially if business is going great. NOPE!

Partner issues, they'll feel neglected and unwanted.

You'll become so obsessed with your business you'll forget the last time you spent 'alone' time with them, you'll forget when you said 'I love you' last, and you'll forget about sex. None of it will register on your mind. The relationship will suffer on both ends. Eventually, the both of you will struggle to even have a conversation. Why? Because you've put business first and everything else second. Your partner will feel second best to your business as if you no longer have time for them or any time for anything other than work. Hell, I bet if you watched a movie together your checking your phone at least twice during the movie and finding an excuse as to why you picked up your phone.

Household chores falling behind.

What the dishwasher is broken again? That's how it will feel for a long time. As if the dishes miraculously do themselves but, they don't and we know that. We either have to wash them by hand or load the dishwasher but, there is no magic easy button to wash, dry, and put them away for us. The laundry, yeah, we all wish there was a remote where you could press one button and they would all be done, folded and looking brand new but, reality is if we don't do them they won't get done. Weekly grocery shopping will take an extra two hours because let's face it you are on the phone working through each isle of the store.

Family Night

Maybe you are one of those people that have a weekly family night but, now you are on the go working all the time. You'll forget what day of the week it is, or, worse yet, what month it is. Family night will become a thing of the past and fast. You won't find the time for it. There will be no weekly movie or game night. No date night. Because you will be super glued to your computer and phone.

It doesn't have to be like that

No one said being an entrepreneur would be easy but, it is definitely worth it. The difference is how you 'work' your business. The difference is whether or not you shut it off. Everyone has choices to make, which choice will you make.

Find out how to make family and entrepreneur life easier in Part 2 coming July 18

Follow @AshleyOnline to get the latest posts and Part 2 as soon as it is published



work life balance is a decision and makes everything much better at work and with family - i am now following you in support

That is exactly where I am going with this @daydreams4rock. You could not have said it better. It is all about balancing workd life and home life. Knowing when to shut down work and spend time with family. After all, a house and a family does not run itself.

Jeez. That sounds pathological but there are entrepreneurs who heroize this kind of behaviour. Business = busyness or something. Can't wait to see how you break it down in Part 2.

@eturnerx thanks. Part 2 will rock. :D

You have to give up stuff in order to have new stuff as an example give up fishing to fix your washer give up an extra hour of sleep to clean the house the list goes on

True @eyashalash but, do you not also agree that there are some things that cannot be given up? Say, family, for example. Some things are just to precious to give up or to take time away from. That's why it is vital to learn how to manage time and shut off work to still have a life and family.

Without a family life ain't worth it, personally I rather give up everything before my family, many fact we do what we do to support our families. Was referring giving up personal entertainment like video game , hanging out with the guys , fishing , hunting etc

I agree completely @deyashalash we give up so much 'fun' to support our families because we love then unconditionally and that will never change. Its predetermined before we are even born, love is second nature to us. That has to be sacrifices to succeed but, I don't believe family is one of them. That we can agree on! I can't remember a day when I sit down and played a video game, I think it has been years. Now fishing I do during the summer but, I take that time to brainstorm and relax. Its my way of dreaming up something big to set into motion. I love your outlook on this its so open and exactly what I was going for. :D

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