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RE: 15 Days Without a Proper Internet Connection.....

in #blog6 years ago


Thanks so much for writing this!!!

I seriously had NO idea how bad the situation is there!
Are you able to get exchange your hard-earned steem or sbd into your currency?
And I was wondering if there was another way you could get internet.
Maybe through a hotspot that you can carry with you which has worldwide internet.
I suspect that this could cost quite a bit but I am sure that there are many Steemians willing to pay for this (including myself)

please let me know!


Thanks for taking the time to read my post!

Its really that bad and i expect it to get worse and worse, since the country's infrastructure is falling apart and what manages to work gets vandalized or robbed. I've heard news of underground phone cables being stolen for the copper inside the cables and leaving entire communities disconnected from the internet and from phone services for months.... but thankfully i managed to confirm that is not my situation since the cable box doesn't look vandalized...

Thankfully there are some great communities that allow us to change our sbds to our local currency (i would never trade away steem or sp, gotta hold that!) and sadly the only ways to get internet that i know of is through the government company, that obviously has failed and the way i am doing it right now, paying for data plans that last 1 or 2 days. I've heard there's a company that provides satelital internet here in Venezuela, but aside from being really expensive, they don't have a good reputation either on their service (because guess what, they are owned indirectly by the government since its a company owned by one of the top crooks)

Right now i'm focusing on writing here on steemit, studying as hard as posible and preparing to leave when the chance comes!


Thank goodness.
So you can make somewhat of a living from Steemit then.

You are planning on leaving Venezuela?
Where you headed?
Or is that a secret?

Even though the situation there is terrible, on the bright side, You found Steem!! :)


Steem was a lifesaver! With the earnings i get here i can provide for myself and it gave me a lot of breathing room to focus on my programming studies on these last few months(hopefully) that i have left here.

My destination is no secret, i'm going to Peru :-D and yes, Steem is one of the few bright things i've managed to dig out of this terrible situation!

There's always something positive in life! I've joined so many communities and made so many new friends in these past 3 months :-D!

Niceee!! :)

Keeping my eye on your blog and your journey!

Thanks! I'll plan to document my journey when leaving and if i write a negative post about having no internet, you can be sure i'll write a happy one when i get back my connection :-D

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