why I have not been on steemit for a while.

in #blog7 years ago

I was posting on steemit regular and was enjoying interacting with users from the community until a little while ago when I felt like I was posting for nothing.

I am not talking about money, I am talking about post interaction.

Do people even read these posts?

Well I am not too sure, and this is when I realised that people who follow me had not interacted with me for a long time, why is this? well, I really don't know.

So I felt like my work was going unnoticed and this was putting me on a downer to the point where I questioned why was no one commenting.

so as an experiment I would like for everyone who reads this post to drop a comment just so I know my posts are getting read.

I believe that there are other people on here who feel the same and I would like to make my voice heard.

If you are one of my followers who has read this in there news feeds please mention that in your comment.

thanks drew


I noticed your your absence... I was actually a bit worried, as you've mentioned health issues in the past. I'm the sort of person who immediately jumps to the worst-case scenario, and figured something happened. I also reasoned that this is why wrongjohn hasn't been posting either. It's a relief to see you're OK... How's wrongjohn doing?

I'm also in the same boat when it comes to getting noticed. I got really excited when the second chapter of my story generated over 50 up-votes, but I was confused and disheartened when the subsequent chapters didn't garner any real attention at all. Even the people who said they'd follow the story don't seem to be doing so. I, myself, think that our content is just getting lost in the constant flood of posts. I think if they were to overhaul how posts are tagged and categorized it would be a big help.

thanks for replying, I posted this to see how much interaction there is on steemit and to be honest it does seem like there is not a lot. I do thank you loads for following me and commenting, I have read some of your stuff and i think that it is really good. wrongjohn is fine, I think he feels the same way too as he is a proffesional writer and his stuff is hit and miss. one thing we have noticed is wales upvote wales, and the minnows hardly get a look in at the upvotes. 50 up votes for one post is really good, My biggest upvote was 60 dollars and this is what kept me on steemit. maybe all the minnows should stop upvoting wales then the struckture of steemit might change. I had one really good upvoter who I met in person and he has now had his deligance of steem taken away from him. he was a real genuaine nice guy.
when he had it taken of him i felt it for him as he was fair with his upvoting and read posts, commentted his post where in Chinese so i had to translate using google but i read nearly every post of his.

this is the thing wales need to be more fair with there up votes over wise this platform will not make the money it is ment to make.

sorry for the essay

Hopefully the kinks in the site's format will get hammered out with time. I recently re-steemed a post by a fellow by the name of kyrios about bots, and how they are helpful to the minnow community. I have yet to take the time to research the links he posted, but it looks interesting.

I am one of your followers and I read your post. Your not the only one feeling the same. Don't give up just write and someone will read.

thank you for replying to my post. it means alot that you read it and it shows that some people do read them. :)

I try to read whenever I have time some days I can't.

Hello @artonmysleeve!

@starkerz has directed me to you.

I am uniting the promoters and recognition for people's quaity work. I know it sucks man if nobody is paying attention to your work.

How can I contact you? I am on steemit.chat and discord.

hi you can grab my phone number from starkerz, you can then get me via whatsapp or telegram. i am on steemit chat too, just dont go in there that oftern. if you want to give me a time when you can talk on there i can come on. i am at work from 3 today though till 12 so be best some time tomorrow :)

Hi! I like checking your page now and again keep it up its good stuff! I don't comment much because I am lazy :D

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