My none smoking journey Day 7. what a week.

in #blog7 years ago

Hello everyone who is following me on this no smoking journey.

It's time to fill you in. 7 days have past and I have not smoked, I have found it really hard to cut them out, since I was on 20+ a day but a week has gone by and I have made it.
I am alive and whats more important is so is my family haha.

I have been through some emotions this week while doing this, like I'll just have one it won't hurt or if I have a quick one no one will no. but I stuck to my guns and I am proud of my self for doing this.

Now there is a few interesting things that I have found while going through this.

  1. I want a fag when I first wake up
  2. I want a fag when I drive
    3 I want a fag when I eat
  3. I want a fag before bed.

I had to challenge these feelings at 4 different times of day. I found that in the morning if I took my mind of it and help the kids have break fist then my thoughts would have been on them. I still wanted to smoke but it was not as bad when I just laid in bed thinking about it.

Smoking when driving was a big thing for me as other drivers piss me off, I tend to smoke loads while driving so instead of using the car to do short trips I would walk. this I thought I would never be able to do as I am always out of breath.

Smoking after eating, oh my I missed my after dinner smoke, I had to really bite my lip and struggle through, there is nothing I could do with this one so I just tend to go out of the way until the feeling has past.

Now I have found that this one is the hardest, I can not sleep with how much I wanted a cig, I have kept to my guns and carried on but with no sleep. what this also meant was that I could spend more time on steemit as I would read through posts that I would not normally read in the day as I could never find time.

Any way a week. I think I deserve a smoke now as a treat for doing so well haha. I am not going back to that habit.

thanks for popping by.



Wow. It takes some balls and determination to quit a habit like this. Big up bro for the efforts. Dont worry it'll be 1 month and then by 1 year, you'd have completely forgotten about cigs. This is a plus to your health. Big ups man👍. It takes guts, and remember: No guts, no glory 👏💪

Will power Drew.Thats fantastic not having a ciggie for 7 days.Keep it up mate.You cracked me up when you discovered when you wanted a ciggie.Blimmen all the time by the looks of it!!! Well I am sure the kids and misses are so proud of you.Just think how many years you will be adding with them.No benefits from smoking horrible habbit.Well done! P.s i didnt even post my haunting tale.

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