True to the heart of the blogger!

in #blog7 years ago

Writing pours from the heart of the blogger. And people only achieve what is dear to the heart.


If you had a stone heart:

  • The soul of the stone can’t talk, it can only sit there. 
  • There won’t be any emotion to draw upon. 
  • It can only move if you pick it up, or at the seashore allow the tide to wash up and tickle it. 

Bloggers operate according to their hearts:

  • Their write according to their emotions and feelings
  • They write even better when they have something dear to their hearts
  • A subject they love and know lots about.  
  • Something they have endured and experienced deeply enough to affected them in some way or other. 
  • Something they saw for themselves or stuck in their minds. 
  • It could be something beautiful or dramatic, that the vision of it has stayed with them. 
  • Something that has touched their hearts profoundly. 

Pouring out of the heart:

We can only write fantastic blogs when we allow ourselves to open up and tell it as it is. 

Best results happen when we are positive and excited about what we are writing. 

We open up more easily when we realize we have the `world-at-our-feet’. 

That happens when we accept who we are.

  • And that the very diversity of our individuality is important in the bigger scheme of life. 
  •  That our particular interests, skills, talents and experience could perhaps help others. 
  • That our very uniqueness is the power that draws people to us. That makes us interesting people. (Plain ordinary people are boring… lost in and to the vast crowd of humanity). 
  • Realizing sharing exciting stuff with one another, we open up new friendships. Each friendship opens up new connections, avenues and opportunities for both parties. 

Been true to yourself:

Know what you like and don’t like. Believe in your ability to achieve what you want. 

Truth can be stronger than fiction.

Draw upon what you have experienced. Because you have experienced it, you know what you are talking about. 

Enthusiasm and excitement drives the writer: 

Words flow easily when your passion is involved. Your sincerity of the heart gives authenticity to what you’re saying. 

Environment plays its part:

If you aren’t in the right mood to write, force the situation. 

  1. Set up your computer in peaceful surroundings/suitable to your personality. 
  2. Play music to set the mood. The type and tempo of the music depends on the topic you wish to write about. Or it could be your favourite music. I have my own selection setup in my computer. 
  3. To get the mind to fabricate and imagine what to write about, you may have to read something. Anything you find fascinating and that is close to your heart. Your particular thing that makes you passionate and excited. 
  4. Pick out a phase or statement that stirs your imagination. Once a vision is formed in your mind, it isn’t long before the words come quickly and forcibly come to the fore. 
  5. Then quickly write those basic statements down. Either on notepaper or directly into your computer. Once they are in your computer you can elaborate on them. You can always re-arrange things or correct stuff later, in order to turn the topic into something really special and exciting.  

Out of all that:

What did you connect with? What hit you as significant to you? Something that gave you an idea? 

Do you feel we operate and do things according to our feelings and emotions?  


...or at the seashore allow the tide to wash up and tickle it.

This is beautiful. <3

It's hard to get a grim faced person to smile. Nothings seems to `tickle' them!
I made it my business to make checkout persons at shops to laugh. One lady I made a funny remark every time I went through her till. It took me a few months. And then one day I won. She burst into a smile. It really made my day!! I walked out the shop with a smile on my face too.

Very nice business you're into, @artguru. I'm afraid that I'm a bit like those stony persons, but you've managed to tickle me a bit. Cheers! : ]

i like how you started "Writing pours from the heart of the blogger. And people only achieve what is dear to the heart"

true bloggers write from their heart, this for sure is a clear truth and i agree to it.

i am a blogger and i know

Why I wrote this blog: I personally write with my heart. I enjoy the feeling of expressing my thoughts through words. And wondered how many other people felt like that too?
The play of words: It always amuses and fascinates me how a sentence's meaning can change, when you swap around, add or eliminate words.

that applies to most writers, they are effective once they are free to think of what they want to achieve, to pour out your heart means to be free of everything that holds you back and to write without reservation

Your imagination and words flow out when you are enjoying yourself.

true and it can be seen it the work that you do

A useful philosophy, thank you for sharing

A parallel or thought that come to mind that arises for me is the difference between writing with or without any connection to your consciousness and subconscious domains. And now, yes of course in a scientific sense your consciousness is involved in any task in it typical sense but I mean that deeper sense of you hidden beneath the layers of intellect and reason. A blogger whom has found that connection (like you for example) has the ability to create something much for authentic, interesting and real rather than someone who operates at the surface layers of mind.

A bit fudgy thoughts but I blame that I haven't had my morning coffee yet 😉

Otherwise, if you're into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around! :)

yeah...bloggers have a lot to communicate. Some bloggers do really speak their mind others don't really bring out the real picture of their stories. I often blog when my heart is settled. when i have peace. I do also blog to express my feelings to tell the world my inside. I often get reluctant when it comes to political analysis or other public opinions or views. not because i can't but because sometimes i feel like i can be biased on one side.

I do agree with your advice about writing down basic statements, the environments, providing true information,....thanks again for your guidance.

My greatest wish as a blogger as a blogger is to have as many mentors as i can and i think i have earned a mentor to day. thanks a lot @artguru

Draw upon what you have experienced.

Even fiction, no matter how imaginary and outrageous is also drawn upon from reality itself. Thank you for this thoughtful article @artguru, really got me thinking!!

what beautiful thoughts, you are absolutely right - if in your heart lies good - you share it with others and give it to them. People appreciate kindness and this is highly appreciated.
Your emotions flow right out of your heart and you sublimate them in your blog - you give them to your readers.
Only a unique person can stand out from the general and diverse mass of other people and bloggers. I believe that every person is unique, but some are afraid to distinguish themselves, they are afraid of what they say that others are their big mistake.
Give vent to your emotions, find the work that fills your heart with kindness and love and share your good with others. This is a recipe for happiness and it's a recipe for a good blog.
Thank you for your soulful post :)

Good informative post. You have provided good idea of blog writing for bloggers, thanks for providing nice information to improve the writing skill of blog writing for steemit community.

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