Living in a Time-capsule!

in #blog7 years ago

Aaah, got your attention, hey!   Yes, that is what I do… I live in a time capsule, when creating paintings and blogs. 

It’s my BIG secret:

I discovered it a few years back. 

  • You can’t concentrate and give of your best on what you are doing, unless you live in the moment of creating
  • Your whole mind and soul must live in the time-warp of what you are creating

How I live in the moment:

  1. If it’s a painting I live and breathe in the scene, like I was actually there. It helps to create the mood and feeling of the ambiance of the moment. 
  2. And if I’m writing, I think deeply about what I’m creating. Put my `feet in the shoes’ of whom I’m talking to. 
  3. It means feeling the emotions of the moment, to be able to put passion into what I’m creating. So other people feel what I’m feeling. 

Who said it was madness to talk to yourself!

It works for me! You may not be talking aloud, but your thought-up words are running through your brain, in sequence with your imagination.  

Even though you’re in a time-warp state, whether you’re painting or writing, you have to be aware of how things should make proper sense. So there will be… 

A meeting of minds: 

I write blogs like it was a full on conversation, between potential persons and myself!  

Their possible re-action to what I’m talking about. How they would be thinking and what they may be asking me. This makes people feel like you are talking face to face with them personally when you post your blogs. 

You have to be on the same `time-warp’ understanding, to get people to participate (with comments). For instance consider a teacher giving a lesson and expecting the class to participate. 

To get the class to discuss facts in relation to fallacy she or he has to: 

  • Get everyone’s attention she has to open with an outrageous remark. 
  • And then playing on their imaginations, she sets up a scene they can relate to. 
  • She also plays on their emotions, because she knows no one remembers anything, unless their emotions are involved. 

Part of getting people’s attention:

Is to think up crazy or bizarre statements for your Headlines. 

And then in the way your blog’s contents are presented. You use variation in the tone of your jargon. How ‘colourful’ your statements are, etc.

Like in the case of art, you use variation and contrasting shapes, textures, tones and colours to make your paintings interesting. 

Yip, you have to be a little crazy to think up thrilling things to write about, or to paint beautiful sensational scenes.


EXACTLY! there is only this moment of Now. Past and future are thought constructs which are non-existent actually. All creations take place in the Now, so our creation's longevity and beauty shares a symbiotic relationship with our focus. Whenever we focus on past or future while creating, our thoughts drag us to outcome instead of the joy during the process. Thingis, when our attention is dragging us to past or future in the meanwhile, then the work is not fulfilling, while being in the Now means Heart-based Joy is a guarantee because we forget everything else around so much joy it I still in us. The Art lies in the "He-Art" :)

Your writing rings so true to me! Thank you and thumbs up! :)

I loved your input about past and future. Very few people realize that living in the present actually creates the past and prepares us for the future. So if you enjoy what you are doing in the present your whole life will be happy and exciting. What some people refer to as `a full life'. And lastly I think you are very clever to see the art of living lies in the word heart.

That is exactly what the world needs. Souls who act according to their Soul's urge in the Now, surfing the Soul wave's own musical Harmony. And in doing so more and more will emulate that.

Thank you once more for this powerful reminder! in the time- capaule. It's interesting how you ignore the outside world and concentrate on an idea. The power of a genuis. Living in the moment, feeling the emotions of the moment is a skill indeed.

Its an easy skill to achieve, especially if you love what you are doing. For me, painting a scene is like travelling to a make-believe place and having fun there.

Yeah true indeed. I've witnessed this in your blogs. You write with a lot of passion and I have no doubt this is the same passion you use in art. Living in the moment is what it takes to do something to your full expectation. This is what has made me develop and improve in chess, a game I play at professional level. I always put myself deep into the game when playing with someone. This makes me concetrate fully, both mind and body, that my chances of winning always are good. And incase I lose the game, it's easy to reflect on the mistakes and revise on the better moves I should have played.

When I'm painting, its more than concentrating. Its LIVING in the moment... being part of the scene I'm painting.

This what actually happens to me. When I do try to concentrate in one particular work, I always do my level best to concentrate and working hard toward making a great output.

Sometimes, I decide to go far aways from people or lock myself in my room, and then starting my work. This makes my life easy since all my mind can be set to a particular task. At that moment, you only talk with your mind. I mean everything is just I and my mind. Sometimes, I feel excited, anxious or fully confident though wrong sometimes.

Forget about concentrating or working hard. Those things makes me too serious, then I loose the freedom of expression and fun of creating. The consequences of being serious makes your work turn out stiff and lack lustre.

Haha, sorry for meddling in here but you nail it! I also tend to say that whenever discipline is necessary, then the work is not fulfilling itself and external incentives become the main force that keeps us going. The entire process of creating is void of potential outcome, taking away any passion for our immediate surroundings!
I LOVE it! Thanks! :)

I agree with you completely. One needs to focus at what he's doing 100% in order to do it the best as possible. Imagination has no limits, and as you said talking to yourself silently makes perfect sense as we can create our own worlds in our imagination and release our true potential into the work we do.

We're all a little crazy, everyone in his own way and that's completely normal. ;)

Keep up the great work,

Kind regards,
Anna, @arhitekt

Most people would say we are weird when we do crazy things. Their lives must be boring! Its much more fun using our imagination and creating fantastic stuff.

It's amazing the way u narrate though it all comes with experience. It takes lot of struggles to see good sides in your. You should always follow your heart, there are few things which really bring in peace within your mind and soul.. For you its painting and I feel I have it in me while I am writing. I feel at peace :)

Your articles are very interesting. many benefits I got to improve the way I write an article. thanks.

Carpe diem :) Great art by the way!

Your headlines know how to attract attention
You write about simple things - a difficult language, it is read outside the box, but it really fascinates.

I write blogs like it was a full on conversation, between potential persons and myself! .... This makes people feel like you are talking face to face with them personally when you post your blogs.

These words are 101% true. During the reading, you get the impression that you are talking and talking with the readers at the present time.
I like it and I learn from it a good lesson
Thank you

And with people like you, adding their comments, makes it feel like we are having a discussion, not only one-on-one but sharing with others too. Even like having a party, with all parties involved!

Art is a great way to express yourself and your imaginations.

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