Is your website like playing a computer game?

in #blog7 years ago

When you consider how popular computer games are, and how fast those games are… Imagine if you could make your website that active and the participation that effective?

That statement above, made me `take-a-second-take’. Think what it may mean in relation to your own website and how you would make your moves! First consider: 

How we generally play computer games:

  • Action is happening so quickly, you have to think and work quickly. 
  • Visionary concepts set the mood and videos make the plot move. 
  • Each game has rules, and that involve a system
  • Understanding the principles of the game in order to play the game effectively. 
  • That you have to click to select the moves you want to take. 
  • You choose and go through stages
  • There are links or movement through the game. 
  • Gathering sufficient points in order to gain good winning results. 
  • The fun of winning (& benefiting). 

WOW… Have I made you think too? A really way-out look, at what we could do, with our own websites. 

How could we translate that, to fix how we setup and run our websites and do our blogging? 

Let’s play the blogging game:

Is there any action on your website? The first thought is to supply videos. But it’s also the way you setup your blogs. Are they fun, easy and quick to read? 

  1. Begin with a bold dramatic statement for your headline title
  2. Next a supporting subtitle. People need some idea what you intend to talk out in the following blog. Give it impact, click ability
  3. Next an (icon) impressive picture. A picture that somehow supports the theme of the intended blog. Games have to look good, for people to want to download the game. 
  4. Introduction statement or content list. A suggestion or direction of what to expect. The underlining rules of the `game’! 
  5. Eliminate unnecessary twaddle. People are quickly switched off by large, boring long winded paragraphs. The maze of words looks like a graveyard, that none wants to get buried in! 
  6. Split up huge paragraphs into much smaller and shorter ones where possible. Making, each paragraph have its own theme or subject projection. 
  7. Cut up your blog into stages, by inserting short dynamic sub-headings. The headlines should suggest what the underlining/next topic is all about. 
  8. Where possible let the sequence of your topics flow onto the next, from one fact leading onto another point of interest. Step by step, making comprehension easy to follow your train of thought. This should be like taking an adventure through your blog. Through an exciting passage of time and events. 
  9. People are basically lazy and don’t want to read each and every word. So they skim down through your blog quickly to catch what your blog is all about. In fact, they’re inclined to pick out only the beginning of sentences or linking bold font words to make sense of your blog. And less and less is read as they go down you blog. So easy perusing and overall appearance is very important. 
  10. If things are displayed with variation, it breaks up large boring areas. Such as: Changing fonts, adding italics and bold font and using bullets to list clear statements. It makes your blog look much more dynamic, interesting and read effortlessly. 
  11. Where possible shorten your sentences. Short sentences create action and stimulate dramatic visionary expectations. Barbara Cartland was a master of this. Check out her novels to see what I mean. In fact she used one sentence per paragraph! And she left out unnecessary twoddle and gave the basic facts. 
  12. Some sentences are not easy to shorten. But if you insert comes, people can understand what you are saying easier.  Commas are like pauses and make a dramatic effect on what’s been said. And puts expression and vitality into your jargon. 
  13. Where possible add a dramatic conclusion. Something worth reading all the way down your to the bottom of your blog. A statement that sums up the topic in a nutshell. 
  14. Give people something to really to think about. Or add a cheeky tongue-in-cheek remark, just for fun, to make people laugh. Games are supposed to be fun and dramatic. 

Can you see?

….the connection and association, between playing a computer game and writing a good blog? 

  • How people read your blogs, selecting only what they want to read and ignore the rest! 
  • The importance of understanding basic concepts and how the system works at the outset. 
  • How dramatic action and emotional vibes of your jargon affect the senses of the participant.  

Thank you @artguru! Gamification will changing our World Wide Web.
The concept of gamification in elearning: The learners go through a series of gamified activities that map to the required qualities of a given reward category. The activities simulate and reinforce the qualities the individuals have to maintain to win. The scores lead them to gaining the reward. This approach also features leaderboards.

Very interesting... With this post I have learnt a lot. But with limited source, I wont be able to execute those ideas. So painful.
You are very right..
Someone like me, I write motivational posts with my phones because I don't have a computer presently and I know all these information are very useful, it will make posts very interesting to read and even makes writing easier... But surely, I will be able to make use of this posts in writing my blog soon.
You have done such a great work in writing this post.
Thank you.

wow amazing post @artguru
if you can visit to my post

Nice really love your posts. Will appreciate if you follow back

it is a great post

Nice work here @artguru , your post reflects the content. Very nicely done and thanks for sharing with us all.

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste :D greetings

"....and don't want to read every single word...." I wanted to rebuke your statement there but I realized I should probably read the whole article before I do.... point taken.

That wasn't a personal statement. Just a general way people read websites and blogs.
So its important that we design and set out our blogs so they are easy to read and enjoyable.

Thank you again. This is what we strive for every day.

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