How BIG is your Cannon?

in #blog7 years ago

How dynamic and effective are your statements in your blogging? What target are you aiming at?


Consider each blog as a cannon ball:

How do you line them up? Is each ‘ball’ listed in order of firing (posting)? 

And when they’re fired, what ‘noise’ do they make? Do they hit the target? Do they deliver explosive dynamite or do they fizzle out? 

There is no point in blogging, unless what you say is effective and carries some `weight’.  

The size of the cannon is important. That is: how strong is your knowledge base, where you’re firing from? 

(I love using unusual statements to make people think. It stretches the mind into deeper thinking, where new ideas can be explored and explode into new avenues.) 

Aiming at your target:

What is your target? Size it up. How close or far is it? What you are going to write about?  

  1. When developing your blog, is it people-driven? Is it what people need, want, crave, desire? 
  2. When you are getting ready to `light the fuse’, how strong are your title and sub-title words? 
  3. Will the subject meet their expectations? And then some… by giving them more than they expect. 
  4. How passionate and emotional can you be, to touch people’s minds and hearts? Are you using dynamic powerful words to get bull’s eye? 

How effective?

When your cannon ball hits the target, was it smashing? Does it `blow people away’? Fantastic stuff, hey? 

How are people responding to the effects of your words? Does the subject carry through to the hearts of the people? What are they thinking and how are they re-acting? 

Sometimes cannon balls bounce a few times: 

Are your blogs been redeemed, bookmarked, re-twittered? 

If not, why not use bigger cannon balls! Say it with greater passion and power. 


Cannon seems to me new, what is that? need to make a search about Cannon...!!!

A cannon is a very BIG gun! The bullets are huge ball shapes. Even today they use them at royal or at important government ceremonies.
So how important are our blogs?! Are they worth reading and redeeming, resteeming, etc.

Absolutely they worth reading and redeeming, resteeming, etc !! Thanks for the details about cannon, something new to learn !!!

ooh ... but if it hits you... its gonna hurt too... huhhh??? :P

He he! Sometimes it's the only way to wake up folks!

haha...amazing... just imagine... you tell them to wake up and they dont... then you just pull it and shout at them saying here is the big boy.... and you know how will they react ....? let me tell ya .... its gonna be like when cheetah start chasing the dear to hunt it.. how that dear runs for life

Yes. You made me laugh. Its fun imagining isn't it.

ooh yeah ... you are right indeed it is .... let me show you what i was thinking....


I don't have cannon but this blog worth to read and learn more about something I need to know or learn, thanks for this blog 👏👍

The point is that the cannon' is your website. And theballs' are your blogs.
Creating fantastic blog posts, you create a great website, that everyone wants to go to.

I don't have cannon this time I mean I don't have website for blogging! Loved the way you represent it well 👌👌👌

Lovely way to describe it, having mental models like these can really stretch your horizons looking at your work. 🙏🏼

Also, how would you say additional marketing would fit into your analogy? Since in a sense that could be looked at as work once fired? Would be interesting to hear your thoughts, couldn't come up with a good way of fitting it into the picture myself 🤟🏼

Overall great post, really enjoyed the analogy 👍🏼

Otherwise, if you happen to be into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around!

As to marketing... Those huge billboards besides the road, as you are driving, stick up in our faces... not only say something, they give the BIG picture! :)

Yes, if you are writing your blogs for just for that, then don't expect an true efforts in return, we have to continuosly think upon our work means we are giving quality content or not, means if we are not packing an value in the box of our blog then there will be no receivers and your blog will be ignored, so first of all read yourself means, what is your strong area, then think on your strong points and write an effective blog with packing an value to it, if you are not good at blogging then learn and read some blogs of different authors, take inputs and try to write it in unique way, and put your efforts because no one will become whale in one day, we have to give our true and dedicated time to reach out to millions, so firstly, aim big, but expect nothing, write quality posts and have healthy conversations with others, it will take time but you will attain success. Your post inspired me to share my views. If you want to know my work so i post on Quote Series (daily) , positive Word Series (Weekly once), photography (weekly once), Video Series On Quotes (Weekly once) and freestyle singing videos (occasionally), and now planning for the own poetry series on weekly basis. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Stay Blessed.

Thank you for your input. It says it all. We shouldn't blog any old thing. Planning and organizing things, so we keep 'on the ball', ever moving, ever effective.

Welcome and i really agree with your words. 🙂

Absolutely in agreement with you. Till the time we aren't sure about our potential, we shouldn't let it go as waste. Take time in making it more stronger and approachable. Put all your mind and soul in it. It should grip the reader in a way that there feels a connect. Thought process and decision making should be polished and you should give it time to happen. And remember failures are there too but dont get disheartened, keep on trying, someday will be yours :)

Hi @artguru
your message today is a hit on the target. The main thing is that people would take this information and help them.
I try to set far and big goals. This helps to cope with small failures. Against the background of a big goal - small failures look frivolous and therefore are perceived easier. Creating a blog is an extremely creative process. Therefore, it is worth trying different techniques and not focusing on one topic. Perhaps you should pay attention to the diversity and in it you will find what you most get.
Thank you

Message well delivered. Every blog has a target audience and must contain details relevant for the audience. Most readers always come back to blog they find informative enough for their needs.

As bloggers, we can only keep getting better by understanding these things and putting them into practice. I hope to have a very effective cannon ball as i progress.

Strategy and people with heart.. Thank you ^^

Really nice post, I like the analogy and I think this will help a lot of people.
Voted and resteemed.

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