Are you feeling like a fraud?

in #blog7 years ago

At times you wonder why you continue to write blogs. Is it worth it? Should you keep it up? Do you feel you are wasting your time? What do people care anyway?! 

You get that feeling because:

  • You’re writing in isolation. 
  • The problem is you’re comparing your website and blogs against the `big-boys’ successes. And you feel they are doing much better than you. 

You know you’ve done your very best: 

You’ve followed all the online protocol and you thought your blogs were fantastic. But still no one seems to care `two-hoots’ about what you wrote. And the doubts start to creep in. Isn’t that so?  

And even if you’ve been using analytical plugins, they differ so much you don’t really know which posts were more popular than others! 

It’s only natural that in your heart you would love to know who enjoyed your post. Not to worry. Remember your website is unique in its own right and will catch on in time. 

It takes time and passion:

The more you write, the better your blogs become. And the more the exciting the work is, the more it gives you a feeling of fulfilment. 

And the more exciting your website and blogs, the more people will be coming to see what you have next for them. 

If you are writing stuff you like and love doing, your work will improve.  

The more passionate you are about what you write, the more energized you become. Sharing that stuff gives you a feeling of power. And that power gives you the motivating energy to continue and continue `until the cows come home.’ 

Your strength is knowing yourself and your subject. 

Drawing on your own experiences and doing what you like best gives you reason to continue and share with others 

What gives you the most enjoy? That joy is sure to reach the hearts of people too. Because of the passionate way you write. Don’t forget there are people out there with the same passions and ideals you have. 

If you touch the hearts of people you will make valuable connections. It’s like seeing a cute puppy or kitten, people want to cuddle it and stroke it. Once the cute little thing wins their hearts they want to buy the adorable little thing as well. 

So emotion ties in with passion! The saying goes: 

Don’t sell the article, sell people the flavour:

  • How juicy is your blog story?  
  • What emotions does it provoke? 
  • Are you touching people’s feelings?  
  • Are you stirring their senses? 

And you’ll be surprised, how passion and drama reaches others out there! 

So what are you giving people?

People want to be filled with delight and pleasure. And most people enjoy living in the moment of fantasy.  

Why do you think all these years, people have read romantic novels and detective thrillers!? They want the thrills. Real `gossip’ they can pass on and share with their friends. 

Just a passing shot: I feel like a fraud too! 

It’s because I feel I have a humble background, perhaps I have a cheek to write all the stuff I do!  

And to add a chuckle or two: I often think my old English teachers, that they would turn in their graves, if they knew I churned out the stuff I do!

Then I remember what someone once said, "If you have something special, you should share it, no matter what your teachers may have thought."

And I say to myself,  "I can’t help myself. It’s my passion. I love sharing what I’ve learnt and experienced over the years!” 

And hope you share your thoughts with us too.  

It’s okay to feel vulnerable. We learn such a lot from each other. 


Indeed, some time will have the feeling of what I wrote did not matter much. Just between me and the writing. Finding the force

All through life, we are doing our little thing, unseen by everyone. Then one day it matters, because you have grown through those experiences.

Indeed, have to go through that process from seedlings to a grownup tree. Thanks @artguru!

Writing and posting is as much about self expression as it is about getting your message across. It seems like many blogs start because the writer wants to express themselves and they really don't care if they aren't recognized but as the writing goes on, it becomes something else.

I think there is an expectation by some who treat blogs as "I'm writing because I want to make money blogging about my experience".

The reality is, if you find yourself up at the middle of the night writing, and each time you write you find things you hate or love about your style, you're blogging for the right reasons. It might feel like a drag because it is a lot of extra work outside of your normal paying job. Just keep hammering on and you will find the satisfaction you need to keep pursing your interest in writing one way or another.

But if you find it a drag and you get frustrated that no one is reading or listening, you might be doing it for the wrong reasons. A little shift in thinking may be all you need.

The only thing that we know is that behind every success there are many falls along the way.

It's all about been positive, even if you think you're perhaps `small fry'!

Thank you for the wonderful post @artguru. I am a day old in steemit and was at a loss on how to kick start. You article gave me the direction of producing a steady stream of content and at the same time keeping my expectations straight.

'Selling the flavor' is the art which will help us go the distance. Good content for me is one that evokes strong emotion, and though am not there yet, the direction in your article will definitely help me reach there.

Thanks again. Wish you good times ahead.

Yip. Opening your heart allows you to create beautiful stuff. Let people see your blogs and feel the` flavour' of your creativity.

Yea yea. You touched itchy issues with your write up. Make your story "intent full" and "content full" rather than "length full"

nice, upvoted. do follow me and upvote my posts if you like.

Its ok to have a self doubt, it makes you a better writer.

I agree. It makes you aware of how you put it across.

Being authentic and being passionate are the most important hings when starting from the bottom on a site like this. Sprinkle in a little perseverance and you have a recipe for success

It's loving what you do. And caring about others, that we share.

great post artguru!keep it up! and thanks again for following!

You keep it up too. It won't belong before you're enjoying yourself no end.

Thank you very much.

Quality is more important than quantity.

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