They created theatre

in #blog8 years ago

I don't like a theatre. I went to theaters several times. And this did not make me happy. Once I was even in an opera. There was nothing understandable for me. And balet is absolutely anti-interesting performance, in my opinion.

Recently I learned to respect others opinion and preference. If I don't like something, that's not mean that is bad.

Once we (I and my wife) seen monuments of actors and theatre organizations. Maybe they were a good people.

I am not native English speaker. I want to improve my English very well. If you don't understand my texts or it is very bad, say me about it. Perhaps I will be useful for you also in future. I write my texts myself. I use Google translate only for proofreading.

Я не люблю театр. Декілька раз я був у театрі. Мені це не сподобалося. Навіть одного разу був в опері. Там взагалі нічого не зрозуміло. А балет це взагалі анти цікава штука на мій погляд.
За останній час я навчився поважати чужі думки та вподобання. Якщо мені щось не подобається це не означає що воно погане.
В одну з наших прогулянок ми сфотографували пам'ятники видатних акторів та організаторів театру. Мабуть вони були хорошими людьми.



Thank you. Your posts are good also )

Добра прогулянка була))

Very cool, thanks for sharing Martin :)

Steem on!!

Thank you. And Steem on you too )

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