Arsenic Lullaby Blog- So we abused byteball did we?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


Apparently while I was away dealing with all that is Comic-Con International, some app/crypo currency company started giving away free crypo "bytes" to people on Steemit who signed up for their app. The amount of which depended on your reputation score. AND you could get a little more by referring others. They did this in the hopes of helping get traction for their app. A well meaning gesture to all Steemians.

and what did you people do? Hmmm? You "abused" the offer. You made new accounts, you sold each other reputation boosts, someone figured out how to hack the blockchain and steal referrals, and all other manner of nefarious behavior that you could think of until, The byteball people had to redo the whole thing to try to stop as much gaming of the system as they could....

"When the abusive behavior reached a level where it no longer made sense to continue, we moved in to change it so that only accounts created prior to July 12 were eligible for rewards. We also halved the rewards for lower reputation level, to reduce the profitability of buying reputation boosts."



Never before have I truly felt so at home and among my own on a social media site.

Apparently now you can only get the cash payout by signing up for the app through a referral link now...because they think you can't figure out how to find some loophole in that. FEH!

Here's a referral link for you.

Use and abuse it as you will. Just don;t ask me how any of this works, I barely know what a blockchain is. But I do know this..I am among my own kind at last.

"There has been a lot of speculation about whether Byteball had thought everything through when launching the Steem attestation campaign. Please rest assured, we were very aware of the different types of abusive behavior we would potentially come across."

Ha! Like hell you were! Don't bring no weak game around here muthafugga!

I love you Steemit, don't ever change.



yep that sure did happen when you weren't looking, sir eldritch~

i donno what to say except that people are people


as a cure, i demand a strange and dark humour new post from you in the near future or i will be forced to incantate some ancient curse against your very name. it will involve very unpleasant hissing.

u have been warned.

One of the things you can always count on is to see a daily dosage of unnecessary drama in SteemIt.

Specially in the Trending Tab, where people fight over a photo of corn that got $120 in rewards... or they spend their days bullying others, just because they have the money to do harass innocent people, without suffering any consequence.

...don't go breaking my heart here. I was NOT being sarcastic. I personally have done every underhanded thing I could think of in order to survive in the comic book industry, and I'd do it all again (most of it).
also, don't use the word "bullying" to me in regards to how grown ass adults treat each other on a website they aren't even required to be on.
and there are always consequences...if the party harmed is clever enough.
I've turned the tables on plenty of entities that looked like they had me outmatched.

don't mean to come across as rude, there...I'm in a hurry as I type this. Just take my meaning and not my tone

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