4 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Upvotes

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


You feel accomplished after spending countless hours curating your next blog post, only to realize that you have yet to receive an upvote. You refresh the page over and over just to make sure your view, comment and upvote counts haven't changed. It's exhausting.

Point blank period:
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Or well, your content sucks.

You have 8.25 seconds to grab your reader's attention, and the battle continues after that. Only 4% of people are able to stay on a page for longer than 10 minutes and this data is only after you've convinced your reader that your title is enticing enough.

Source: StatisticBrain.com

Mix the statistics above with your lack-luster content and you'll understand exactly why you're not getting the attention you think you should be getting.

If you want to stop feeling so frustrated, it's essential to understand why your content sucks. Here are my top five reasons:

1. You aren't delivering valuable content

I guarantee that I am able to find whatever you're talking about on another blog or website. Recycling content is the number one reason why your readers aren't engaged. News flash: They are already informed on what you're talking about. If you notice yourself getting bored while writing, that should be a telltale sign that they'll be bored, too. Find something interesting to talk about, dig into that creative side of yourself before you begin writing.

2. You lack credibility

This is something that I have seen become far too common in the world today, especially within the cryptocurrency community. All of the sudden, everyone has become an expert on something that they have the slightest idea about. Countless content producers are stating "THESE 3 COINS ARE THE NEXT TO MOOOON" or "HERE'S WHY X WILL GAIN 1000%+" when in actuality, they don't have the slightest clue about financial analysis, nor should they be giving financial advice. If your content falls into this category (stating that you know something, when you don't), people will be able to tell. Research your topic and provide sources.

3. Your content lacks structure

It's all over the place. The wall of text that you wrote makes my eyes want to scroll all the way down the page, only to back out a few seconds later. Bullet-point your content, make it easier for the reader to skim your post. You and I know for damn sure that we aren't spending the time to read every single word on a blog post, so why are you writing like you know your reader is going to read everything? Everyone wants to get in, get their value, and get out.

4. Proof read

I know, I know. It makes you want to run away but honestly, is it that hard? No. Take four to five minutes to make sure that your grammar and spelling is legible. You don't need to have graduate level writing skills, but just make sure that your content makes sense. Break out of that comfort zone.

Before you publish your next post, take a few minutes to reference back to this post. Make sure that you hit all of these points so that you can avoid the frustration of not getting the views that you deserve.



Did you purposely type proof read? 😜

Is this a trick question, sir? 😂

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