My Family Fishing Trips

in #blog7 years ago



years ago we used to take these great family fishing trips.we did this for a few years in a row the whole family grandparents brothers and sisters aunts and uncles,nieces and nephews over 20 of us would go to a remote area on Vancouver Island know as Winter Harbor British Columbia in Canada. very small fishing village population about 20.
but salmon fishing we do is 10 miles off shore a good 1 hour run out to fishing grounds.

staid at this camp site

great times lots of bears around to this was a heavily bear populated area so had to be on your guard.
some of us would go fishing in 2 welded aluminum made by

excellent for fishing off shore in pacific ocean it was very shallow water maybe 40 to 60 feet and sometimes the fog would roll in as thick as pea soup.

not everyone in family outing would go fishing in open water its very choppy and boats get tossed around alot in ocean
so alot of people would get sea sickness. which i found if didn't get much sleep night before you could be acceptable to this. which i did and i felt sick in boat for hours.but towards the end of that trip out i didn't fish i said yeah i think i can fish now i am feeling better so grabbed the rod and 20 mins later landed a 32lb salmon. boy everyone was not very happy with me i got biggest fish of the trip see photo below.


we caught all kinds of fish during trip ling cod,salmon,halibut,red snapper over 60 fish possession limit for trip was 3 everyone had a fishing license.

mostly jigged for halibut sometimes get 3 or 4 on at same time which can cause chaos on a boat with 4 people on it.
halibut is a bottom fish the small ones from 15 to 40 lbs are known as chickens because meat on them has same kinda chicken texture the bigger halibut are not as good to eat when get over 70lbs. the halibut you get in the supermarkets isn't same as we get out fishing in destination ours big thick steaks in supermarket there quite thin the halibut cheeks is a delicacy halibut has to be well cleaned because if not parasite in halibut can be a problem.

The Salmon fishing we used downriggers cause fish tend to stay near bottom. years ago you could catch a salmon on 10lb weight or deep six but fishing is not as good anymore. also years ago only people with disabilities could operate a electric down rigger it was a stupid rule that they changed. fishing halibut was excellent with penn reals but are terrible to use for salmon fishing no fun in it . catching halibut is more of a work out half the time caught a turbot which is another bottom fish and there thousands of them which kinda sucks cause you burn all your energy up bringing them in when you do catch a halibut it can be quite the workout sometimes have to let someone else in boat have a turn cause arms are to tired.

when you get a halibut up to the boat if its over 50lbs you should gaf it or shoot it with a gun a live halibut on a deck of a boat can trash around break someones legs.

salmon fishing we went after chinook springs or northern coho or tyee salmon which any salmon over 30lbs. now people in united states have different names for them they call coho silvers and salmon over 30lbs king salmon.
we fished with best reels like Hardy reel from england or Peetz wood knuckle bustards. or islander reel
when a fish runs and lets out alot of lines these reels are fun to play with the fish.





this was our total catch freezer was full and got a bunch smoked into smoked salmon with are little chief smoker.

was alot of fond memories and good times, nothing beats fresh salmon on the barbeque with some lemon so good.


Gorgeous little town. I wanna move there.

pretty isolated
there is a fishing charter resort there though

That's a lot of fish!

that was only half of them we had bunch halibut

Oh really?
That's huge!

My grandfather used to go salmon fishing with my uncle and cousins when he was still alive. I never made it out with them but I always thought it would be a good time. I think the spot they went was further up the coast of mainland British Columbia. I don't remember the name of the place right now. The fish was delicious though. They would can most of the salmon they caught. The canned fish in the supermarket is no comparison. I wish I could have made it myself.

Good story. Thank you.

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