
you dont source the posts. also you are stealing other models hard work you didnt make the GIFs you found them. then you didn't source the models or the videos said GIFS are from [which you must do or the downvotes on your posts are valid] your downvotes on my posts are not valid since they are our of spite. you know this.
many people have told you already.
and most porn GIFs are copyrighted by whomever made the porn they are from.
and yes it does hurt me and all original content creators as well as any models or pornstars whom those GIFs belong to that you are profiting off of illegally. this is not facebook it is not a sharing site. im sorry you cant understand that.

"this is not facebook it is not a sharing site. I'm sorry you cant understand that."

YOU clearly do not understand what censorship resistant blockchain based social network mean.

im sorry to inform you of the rules of this site and its purpose. this isnt censorship its actually just trying to reward the hard work of content creators. there are other places to post and share your fave porn. steemit shouldnt be one of them UNLESS you are adding value to the stolen images/ gifs you post. not even my rules the sites rules, man. go cry to the admins

STEEM primary goal isn't to reward the content creators, it's to give power to those who own and vest the token to decide what should get attention.

Do you even make the distinction between Steemit inc and Steem ?

I believe selecting the best and posting the content on steem DOES ad value to it.

organizing porn isnt a skill, btw. or anything new you are offering to steemit. again you dont know how to use steemit. please read some help articles so you dont have to be flagged as abusive.

they hurt steemit. i dont get how you dont understand that [ actually i know you do you just want to make $ off other peoples work]
and GIFs do have copyright. they're copyrighted by those who made the original porn the GIF is from, period. its theft and it makes it hard to bring actual models and pornstars onto steemit to post original work when they see the work of their colleagues being uploaded and profited from.
plagarism in nsfw is why steemit isnt gettng awesome orignal content from the makers of the awesome nsfw content. Ergo your method is directly against what steemit was made for...rewarding original content.

gifs have no copyright , give me your prove , Generally, something is considered fair use when the original material is used for a limited and "transformative" purpose, such as commentary, criticism or parody. According to Jeff John Roberts of Fortune, GIFs can be considered "transformative" under copyright law because they do not undermine the market for the original work: "No one, for instance, is going to watch a Star Wars GIF instead of the original movie."

its not "fair use" when your profiting on steemit from other peoples work and add nothing

fucking exactly.

yes but none of your posts are "transformative" at all. if you read anything you'd see that i am all for posting porn that you source and ADD TO [example: this pornstar is blah blah here is my review of who she is and why i like her not just her GIFs in a row OR these GIFs re from this video. here is a review of said video and also GIFs]
and they do indeed. just because no one has been sued over them does not mean they do not have copyright.
regardless the site itself says you must source stuff that is not yours. you dont. nor do you add to the content you post [transformative] hence...

ok but that not a reason for downvoting me i never downvote you , Even if you violated the site laws ,I'll just comment to let you know

i did let people know and have been commenting. and was greeted by attacks on my body and person, or ignored. THEN i report. i am being uber fair in all of this and being attacked over it. [le shrug]

and the downvote is FOR downvoting content that is spammy and not adhering to the easy ass rules stated my steemit. read before you post maybe to avoid downvotes??

good luck and don't worry about flags from accounts that do not have good power in steemit , This will not affect your account

every post that is spam and uncredited affects me since it affects the steemit community. period. most peope don't want this to be another tumblr of sharing content. it is meant to new original content.

"According to Jeff John Roberts of Fortune, GIFs can be considered 'transformative' under copyright law because they do not undermine the market for the original work: 'No one, for instance, is going to watch a Star Wars GIF instead of the original movie.'"

Mr. Two First Names can get fucked. what if the GIFs ARE the original work? there are people that make those GIFs that are being ripped and reposted. that shit takes time, and computer processing power, and a sense of artistry and erotica.

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