The Cross Pollination of GreenFire and Steemit.

in #blog8 years ago


I think it is about time I shared exactly what happened to my life after I left the @gardenofeden to go join GreenFire Ecoministry ( @greenfiresteem ). I had recorded a blog that was being posted on GreenFire’s website. This website is currently undergoing a makeover, so the blog has not received much publicity.

Now I will press the cross pollination button, because I LOVE my Steemit family, and I want them to know EVERYTHING ^-^



Our cross pollination machine took us back to May 21st of this year.

I had just arrived at The Farm(one of the oldest intentional communities in the nation) near Summertown, Tennessee. This is a blog post about my first night. 



May 21st 2016

Have you ever been away from home(where you are accepted) for a long time, and then you return to be overcome with a feeling of pure Bliss. The simple fact that you are now around people who understand you and are living and breathing the values that you hold dear.

This fact is so simple but yet so profound. Being around a tribe of people who share your perception and mindset is one of the most comforting feelings I have ever experienced. Last night I had the pleasure to feel this Bliss.

Yesterday when I arrived at the EcoVillage training center I was given a warm welcome by a man I felt I have known before.  We instantly connected, and he proceeded to give me phenomenal tour of a land I have never seen before.

I have been exposed to sustainable realities before,but this land was on a whole other level than what I was accustom to. The time and love that was devoted to this land and its people was simply astounding. 

I had come to the awareness upon arriving that this night was a full moon. I was invited to partake in a full moon drum circle around a fire ceremony. The heat of the fire danced with the beat of the drums under the moonlight. 

At one moment I remember staring up at the Moon realizing what a remarkable moment I was present in. I became aware of how much I truly love my life and who I am today. 

One would think coming into a new environment not knowing a soul would be uncomfortable, but this was not the case for me. I instantly felt like I was with family. 

As the night came to a close I returned to my tent platform where I had set up my new home. The forest was alive with an abundance of life. I felt the forest caressing me for my first night's sleep. The Lullaby of the woods filled me with great comfort as my mind swayed from the physical. 

My first night at the farm came to a soothing end.

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