First Question Answered on - Do you like reading long,descriptive blog post or short,crisp ones? - Thursday, October 17, 2018 - ULOG #33

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

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I prefer short and crisp posts over long, descriptive ones generally.

Even when researching something that is new that I want to get a good grasp of, I prefer a shorter post that gets to the point quickly and highlights the most important elements of the topic.

That way I gain clarity and can then decide what elements to research further.

I also appreciate an author who understands the fact that people are busy and takes the time to plan then share content in a concise way.. 

If the topic has many aspects to be covered, I'd prefer if the content is split in to several posts, starting off with an overview highlighting some of the aspects that will be covered in the upcoming series.

There will always be content that covers topics comprehensively. 

And that is excellent when such coverage is needed and preferred. Even busy people will want to absorb details in a comprehensive way if it is a topic they need to immediately deep dive into. 

An example of this would be someone who has just received a medical diagnosis that is not fully understood. A comprehensive explanation of the condition, alternative treatments, medications, progress possibilities and long term risk and care management would be desired and needed.

Happily, we live in a world where there is a wide selection of information in many different formats that content consumers can choose from. 

That is one of the miracles of the internet. It makes information available from all over the world that can be consumed, assessed and beneficially used as needed and desired.

All that is needed is discernment of the quality of information being consumed in terms of factual sources, if relevant and possible biases, misinformation and agendas that the content creator and supplier of information may have. But that is another topic entirely.

For my time constrained day to day consumption of information and even support of other authors, it is easier to use, benefit from and absorb content that is short and concise. 

If I come across even excellent information, I unfortunately have to bookmark it simply because I cannot stop long enough to go through it all. Oftentimes I never get back to it.


Excellent answer @angelacs.

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