Reprogramming Your Subconscious

in #blog7 years ago

The human mind continues to be an incomprehensible entity. Though the brain has been mapped, and the conscious mind is passionately studied, there are still so many questions about how it works and why. Beneath the conscious is the even more elusive subconscious, where stuff happens that we are not even aware of. Yet, despite everything that has yet to be discovered about the brain, one thing is certain—that the subconscious can be reprogrammed.

How the Conscious and Subconscious Differ
In order to understand how programming works, you need a little background on the conscious and subconscious.


Your conscious is the part of you that understands things immediately, whereas the subconscious is much slower. While the conscious can do what is taught seconds before perfectly, the subconscious will revert to old patterns and modes of thought. This is because the subconscious is created by neural pathways that have been created through unconscious reinforcement that can be either positive or negative.

However, the subconscious seems to love the negative, because it tells us what not to do and how to react to specific things. Meanwhile, the conscious actively seeks out pleasantries happening in the moment.

Methods of Reprogramming
So if you are ready to regain control of your subconscious mind, then here are some methods to help you do it:

  1. Repetition
    Since the subconscious is created through the repeated experiences and your reactions to them, if you want to change, then you just repeatedly do the desired behaviour. Practice positive actions that counteract the habit you are trying to alter. For example, if you are trying to learn a new skill, you practice it until you perfect it. This can be tricky if you do not believe in yourself or are blatantly lying to yourself, such as saying you are perfectly fine when there are emotional wounds you have yet to recover from.

It may take some time to get used to applying your new routine, but once the habit is created, you will have effectively rewired your brain.

  1. Hypnosis
    If you are one of those people who is susceptible to hypnosis, then harness the brain’s theta state of receptivity, you can consciously reprogram the subconscious. You do not need to have someone else attempt to hypnotise you either. Humans are perfectly capable of hypnotising themselves—right when you wake up in the morning and before you fall asleep. The brain waves move into a more receptive state during these two moments, allowing for the power of suggestion to become much more invincible. During these moments, listen to subliminal messages, engage in meditation, or try a visualisation practice for the new beliefs and behaviours you wish to take up.

  2. Events With Impact
    So events in our lives have effects so profound that they shake us to our very cores. These events can be either negative or positive, yet either way, our subconscious is rocked. This is not an invitation to go and do something unthinkable. Instead, if life is stagnant and you find yourself doing the same thing repeatedly, it may be time to take a leap of faith.

Create a new path in life that goes against everything your subconscious tells you do, like traveling the world when you have never left your hometown. Such a life-altering choice will cause something called “spontaneous remission.” It takes willpower, so believe in yourself.

  1. Energy Psychology
    Also called “EP,” this is a collection of mind-body therapies and methodologies that aid in the better understanding and improvement of human functioning. EP seeks to make connections with emotions, sensations, behaviours, and bioenergy systems. There are many therapies that you can try, like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Theta Healing that can open your mind to the possibilities and give you the tools needed to change your subconscious.

Consciousness is living now. The subconscious is dwelling in the past. The first step to reprogramming the subconscious is the accept that you have to live in the now. Sometimes you need to do the impossible, like create a new version of you. In the end, when you are released from the negative neural pathways, you bring yourself into a brighter today and tomorrow.

© 2017. ANDREW MORRISSEY. All Rights Reserved.


Great read. My brain is totally screwed. Dealing with anxiety, depression and ADD my whole life. I do agree you can train your brain into acting a certain way. Although I have all these problems, you can learn what your triggers are, how to reinvent the way you learn. I mean I cant remember anything for shit. But if I have pictures I will remember it forever. Its great to study the brain, its a mysterious and amazing thing!

Upvoted and resteemed!

All very interesting. Renewing our minds is possible and part of growth into greater wholeness.

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