Why are we dreaming and what are our dreams telling us?

in #blog7 years ago

All people are dreaming. Some dreams attach greater, and some less importance. For some people, dreams represent only unclear and unrelated slides of mind, for other dreams are guides that point out what is important to us in life. There are many dreamers written on the basis of human experience related to dreams. Are dreams just a mind-set? Or do they talk to us, ordinary mortals?

Dreams through history

Interest in dreaming is inspired by the ancient Egyptians, who thought they were the dreams of the message of the gods. Similar interests for the dreams were shown by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Egyptians believed that, in the course of their dreams, that the soul is immersed in heavenly ocean, and outgrowth regenerated.
It seems that they also believed in the inspiring power of the dream, which is confirmed by modern research.

All people are dreaming, as it was said at the beginning. Some people do not mind their dreams, some are very vividly depicted by several dreams for one night.Research shows that people only remember five percent of sleep.
Dreams occur during the sleep phase called REM phase (rapid eye movement or rapid octagonal movement). The rest of the sleep is not dreamed. Studies also show that if people are sleeping several times a night, those who will be more tired if they are in the REM phase than those in the second stage. Research also mentions some dramatic negative behavioral changes in people who were born in REM stage, shivering, tremor in some cases, and severe mental disorders. This shows that dreams are very important for our day-to-day functioning.Our mind releases and calculates certain contents that we experienced during the day through our dreams. Looks like dreams are our "mental cleaners." No wonder people have been paying attention to dreams since the dawn of civilization and tried to figure out their message.

In many old civilizations, the dreams of the witches have been very respected and many important decisions have been made on the basis of their dreams. The history of civilization remembers many important dreams recorded in the sacred books of the Holy Qur'an and the Bible. The Qur'an says that God takes souls in the dream. The one with whom he extends life returns his soul before he awakens. One of the most famous dreams in the Bible is the dream of an Egyptian pharaoh about seven fat and seven thin cows, following these first and devouring them. The dream is interpreted so that there will be seven good, year-old years for which the seven hungry, hungry years will come when all the food will be eaten and the people will die of starvation. San saved the people because, on the basis of his interpretation, people left plenty of food supplies to survive the tough, annoying years.

All the great revelations were brought to their dreams. So Moses received Ten Commandments of God, David received the Psalms, Jesus the Gospel, and Muhammad Quran. God's word came to people with this special mysterious channel. This mysterious canal is also important to today's man since a man of 60 years spent 20 years in sleeping and four years in snooping. Looks like dreams have something to say. Freud was one of those who devoted much of his scientific work to figure out what dreams actually meant.

Imperial journey to the unconscious

Undoubtedly it has its own logic and in it, Freud often play our deeper, suppressive mental contents. In other words, dreams are often a reflection of our hidden desires. We hide these desires from our conscious side of the psyche, we do not admit them to ourselves. But they stumble into sleep and appear disguised as symbols, which we have to find out after we want to know what our dream has told us.

Although dreams are absurd and unrealistic in many situations, Freud has felt that they have their own special significance. That's why he called them the imperial way in the unconscious. It's unusual for that part of a man's psyche that is not under his control, unlike the conscious one. Undoubtedly it has its own logic and in it, Freud often play our deeper, suppressive mental contents. In other words, dreams are often a reflection of our hidden desires. We hide these desires from our conscious side of the psyche, we do not admit them to ourselves. But they stumble into sleep and appear disguised as symbols, which we have to find out after we want to know what our dream has told us.

But a young man who dreams of giving his cousin a couple of balloons on yours reveals that he has a suppressed sexual desire for her, but since in a relationship with her, that desire appears disguised in the dream, where balloons symbolize her breasts. Freud felt that dreams often reveal sexual conflicts and our suppressed sexual and aggressive desires that we can not express in the waking state, but still represent the part of us who are describing us. Freud discovered the meaning of dreams by means of free association techniques, which he applied to his patients. Comfortably resting on the couch, patients would talk about what they would think about, without censorship and condemnation, and spontaneously appear to have been suppressed and removed from consciousness, which were the cause of their psychic symptoms.

Freud based on dreams and free associations uncovered what it is that tortures people and does not admit themselves and others. For example, one of his patients had the problem of having her hands been stolen from her lap, so she could not do the job of a typist, although the manner in which the seizure was manifested could not be attributed to the physiological causes of i. nerve damage. Using these techniques, Freud has discovered that she does not really want to do this job, but consciously thinks it must, so her dissatisfaction has been unconsciously manifested in such a way that she can not start her hands and is unable to do the job. The conflict between the demands of the conscious and unconscious part of the psyche is often manifested through specific symptoms, in this case through the seizure of the hand.

The manifest and latent content of the dream

Freud distinguished the manifest and latent content of the dream. Manifest content is what the dream looks like, and the latent content is hidden, which we need to find out. Since in the sleep the censorship of the conscious mind is weakened, our suppressed desires and contents are sneezed into dreams and displayed in the form of symbols. However, the censorship is not completely removed, because if it is, the repressed content would be directly revealed. But we are often not in a state of dreaming to deal directly with what we do not accept at a conscientious level, so we use symbols as transmitters of important significance. This was a very important discovery of modern psychological science.

Jung further developed the theory of dreams, giving them more universal significance. For Junga Dreams are not only suppressed sexual and aggressive conflicts and desires, but represent all the important messages that our unconscious use to help us become aware of important parts of the psyche that will help us to be whole personalities. It was very important for Junga to be the term of individuation. Identification is the development of personality in which the parts of the psyche are in harmony, and the personality is rounded. Dreams are parts of psyche that have not developed enough, so dreams have a compensatory function. Also, Jung considered that through dreams we receive not only the messages of our individual unconscious personality, but also the messages from the collective unconscious.

Namely, every man is, in fact, the product of all the previous generations and carries within himself a collective guarding of his ancestors. These memories often appear in dreams in the form of archetypes or images that are characteristic of all people, but each person develops these images in accordance with their special, individual experience. So we have an archetype of the mother as a caring and protective subject characteristic of all people, but we all fear it with their experience and in dreams we experience in their own way. Understanding that all people, collectively unconsciously, were in some way related, was also very important, especially for revealing the dream symbolism.

When a person dreams of a life-long dream, Jung called it a "big dream," and thought that a person in the form of an archetype would receive messages from the collective unconscious, which help him on the path to the individuation that is, in the end, the most controversial task of every man. He felt that every dream had its own form in the form of exposure to sleep or the presentation of the scene of sleep, then the development in which something is happening, the culmination of sleep and finally, the decay in which the solution of some critical situation is made. Something similar to fairy tales and stories that, again, have to do with our collective unconscious. Dreams are guides, for Junga, and they should not be neglected. They often reveal where we should go.

Between faith and science

Very often we are not aware that, in fact, we know more than we think, and that can be revealed in our dreams. This is where science and folk beliefs agree. We have certain abilities based on which we can assume that some events or situations will take place in the future, and dreams can reveal us.

Many people are addressing their husbands to help them in the interpretation of dream symbols. Talks are collections of interpreted dream symbols that are passed from generation to generation and are part of folk tradition and tradition. Is there truth in what the sanctuaries say? According to Dr. Ivan Nastović, a specialist in clinical psychology, the symbols are commonly used by translators in uniform, so for all people the same. One and the same symbol in the dream can have quite different meanings for different people. The meaning of dreams is revealed on the basis of personal associations of dreamers and therefore dreamers are often misdiagnosed. Sneaking a train for someone may be associated with some kind of caring from childhood, and for someone else it may mean a desire to travel.

Speakers usually cite one interpretation of all the dreams with the given symbol. Also, Nastovic believes he can not lie unconsciously. So what the dream says is a personal truth. Unlike the mind, which is prone to manipulation and deception, unconsciously, through symbols, reveals what is true, even if it is unpleasant for us. That is why dreams are paid great attention to the practice of clinical and deep psychology. Also, it is not easy to interpret your own dreams. Marija Lujza fon Franc says, "As we can not see his back, so often we can not even look at the very meaning of our dreams." That is why Jung often spoke to his disciples to help him in the interpretation of his dreams.

Do Dreams Be Pregnant? Or, can we predict some events based on our dreams? People usually usually and are interested in this kind of dreams. Even dreams that have a completely different function in their minds are often interpreted as precognitive. Jung considered that there were certain pre-cognitive forms in each human being, i.e. certain a priori knowledge that is not related to experience. Relying on these unexplored portions of our personality, he believed that there are dreams for which we can anticipate some future events and that our unconscious may warn us of some future events or situations. Very often we are not aware that, in fact, we know more than we think, and that can be revealed in our dreams. This is where science and folk beliefs agree. We have certain abilities based on which we can assume that some events or situations will take place in the future, and dreams can reveal us.

Dreams and healing

That dreams are really important to people is also confirmed by Dr. Berni Zigel in his book "Love, Medicine, Wonders". This oncologist dealt with the treatment of cancer patients, often at the terminal stage. He approached his patients in an unusual way, which included a relationship with the disease as a body message that something was wrong. After discovering together with their patients what their disease means and how it is related to their deep beliefs, they would often ask their patients to tell him some of their dreams they consider important. On the basis of the common interpretation of dreams, patients could come up with suppressed, unexpressed emotions related to their life and illness, as well as to knowing which treatment would best fit them in the fight against the disease. Using the drawings and dreams of a patient, Dr. Zigel has, with his unique approach, managed to achieve some amazing results in fighting various forms of cancer. Dreams are often a way for someone's heart.

How much attention need to be paid to the dreams? Is it, as it is said, a dream lie, and God is true? Is religious people allowed to interpret dreams?

Prof. Vladeta Jerotić believes that dreams should be paid attention, but their significance should not be overlooked. Prof. Jertic cites the interpretations of dream dreams that are still inspired by the Old Testament. Some spiritualists, such as St. Jovan Lestvičnik, thought that there was no need to deal with dreams and that dreams unnecessarily occupy the spirit of the monks who are called to be praying during the day.

Others, again, say that dreams can say something important, as ruler Nikolai Velimirovic also said: "Let your dreams be teachers. Dreams warn, reward, punish, anticipate. "It seems that dreams are significant to man and his path to individualization. For the interpretation of dreams, it is necessary to have adequate knowledge, intuition, empathy. Dream interpretation lies in the understanding of the other. If we open for their messages, we can be of great help.


Dreaming and science... how to explain that....

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