20 Minute Blog a Day - when the negatives start to get you down

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Holy shit, there is a lot of negativity in the world!

I like to think of myself as a realist. I see the world for what it is - for the most part.. because I understand that how I see the world makes so.

This may seem like I'm talking in circles but it's really true. Your world, your reality are a creation of your perceptions, perspective and beliefs. Each person essentially lives in their own little reality bubble which is separate and unique.

Over the past two years or so I've really started to accept this as fact. I used to "prepare for the worst but hope for the best" so that when something bad happened I could tell myself, "Hah, told you so!" and if something good happened to take place I could be "pleasantly surprised". Now this may seem to make a lot of sense, it worked for me for like 25 years, but what I didn't realize is that by having that "realistic" view I was creating a world of negativity. Then I'd turn around and wonder why I was so unhappy, stressed, depressed and anxiety ridden.

I started a new way of thinking - which seemed ridiculous at first - but I stuck with it anyway. I'm not wearing rose-colored glasses and just singing kum by yah in my head all day, I've been accepting the negatives as they are but choosing not to relish in them. Instead I turn my focus to the positives in my life and I block out as much of the unnecessary BS like the news, television in general, rude people, traffic and road rage. These things used to ruin my day or at least a few hours of my day.

Now, I accept these things are a real part of some people's reality - but they are not a staple in mine. In my reality they pass through like clouds on a windy day, just blocking the sunlight for a moment. I know the sun will poke out in a second. This has caused a HUGE stress decrease for me.

With all that said, I do admit I am a work in progress.

I have bad days, sometimes things really get me down. Yesterday/Today are one of these slumps. It's hard for me to separate myself from my struggles. Then you pile on all the conversations about this school shooting in the US, the rising cost of living, the whale wars staining Steemit's beautiful platform and how I had a migraine flair at my new job yesterday (haven't had a migraine like this in over 6 months) and I start to get weighed down.

So, what do you do when all the negatives start to get you down? I used to bitch and complain to anyone who would listen. I'd craft up a beautifully decorated invitation to My Pity Party and send it right to myself. Oh I used to be so excited when I got those invites!

Now I recognize, "okay you're drafting up plans for a pity party sister, Shut It Down! No one wants to come, not even you want to be there!" Sometimes just having that conversation with my inner self helps - other times I need to physically remind myself with uplifting posts like this!

I do not have it that bad. I am not starving, my children are fed and clothed. Our van is running still (thank the Car Gods because this beast is a '97 with who knows how many miles - the gage is broke at 121k). I have a loving and supportive life partner and more family than some others have - so I am lucky. I needed a job and I got one, though it may not be the ideal pay rate, it is better than nothing. I have more love and respect for people, animals and the Earth than most millionaires - so who really is wealthier ?

Yes, the rising cost of living, rent, childcare and all these other things are crushing my hope for a better tomorrow and it's easy to jump into jealous and envy those who have homes, multiple cars, closets full of clothes but I must remind myself that I'm here to grow from these challenges.

Wow, I'm passed my 20 minutes! With all this said I think the best thing for me is extra yoga and meditation today!
Thanks for reading my quick blog of the day :)

How do you over come your negatives and stresses? What brings the happiness back into your life when you're feeling down?

Feel free to share in the comments!
I could certainly use suggestions and words of positivism today.
Maybe there's even some else out there having an off day(s) who could benefit from a pick me up! You never know who may find comfort in your words.


I have been consistently applying this method for over a year now. I’m a light-worker, so I’ve always looked at the bright side of things as a rule, but my enlightenment often got me overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, because I’ve been awake for a long time in a world where people had been pretty numb & asleep.
In the past several years, I’ve noticed that since I’ve been extra positive at a time when fear-mongering seems to be at an all-time high, I’ve remained quite strong among my fellow humans. Even today someone asked me why I was so hopeful about something related to my workplace, city & state, & I was able to say because I believe that good is going to prevail, that light is going to shine into the darkness & cover the darkness, and that the resistance is going to take the foothold and triumph over the destructors. My coworker couldn’t believe that I could be positive, but I know that my being hopeful gave her more hope than she’s been having. I could tell she’d rather believe in the hope than succumb to the negative forces, and in that moment the dark forces got just a little weaker. People get addicted to fear. It’s why it gets so prevalent. I will continue to help lift the veil wherever & whenever I can. Even if I can’t substantiate why I believe in the hope & positivity that I’m feeling I’m going to tell them that I’ll always choose hope. I’d rather blindly follow hope than fear. I’d rather manifest hope...so like you said...how I see the world makes it so. Resteemed

thank you for the awesome comment and the resteem :) I see myself as a lightworker as well - it's days like these I know I need to recharge! You've made so many great points that I also feel/believe! So glad someone else out there is spreading the positive !

Great post. As someone who can relate to the struggle, it is helpful to get reminders like this.

"okay you're drafting up plans for a pity party sister, Shut It Down! No one wants to come, not even you want to be there!"

Haha, I loved that. I remember a time when I was completely unable to have that inner dialogue. But being able to literally talk to the parts of myself changes the framework completely.

@ssimskins9 thank you! Yes, that inner dialogue takes a lot of practice lol I'm glad I'm finally there - before I could wallow for weeks or months at a time, I think I spent almost the entirety of 2009 sulking at my own pity party, wailing to anyone who would listen LOL
So happy you can relate - we are all in this together :)

Oh yeah, that's bringing back some now amusing memories. Progress is a precious thing.

''Ideas, number, flow to me. I feel renewed and lucky.''
--Wear bright yellow for confidence.
--Wear bright gold for luck.
--Wear pale yellow for truth.

thank you @simon62I will be wearing yellows and golds this weekend! :)

Solarized your water ¿ 😇

never heard of this! I just saw your post about it though - reading it now!

''If there's ten green bottles standing on the wall, ten green bottles standing on the wall, and if one green bottle should accidently fall, there'll be nine green bottles standing on the wall, nine green bottles standing on the wall, and if one green bottle . . .
-as a child learning to count, and driving my parents crazy on car journeys - are we there yet¿ I wanted to know, WHY ten green bottles were standing on the wall. 😆

oh how cool - I never heard that rhyme.. reminds me of 99 bottles of beer on the wall LOL such a better message than drink a bunch of alcohol

Writing for myself is a tactic that I use as well. Some posts I want to share ideas with others but many times I’m just trying to speak out s voice of reason for myself and I find it incredibly therapeutic, an invitation to go higher and be more of who I want to be.

Also with regards to rising rent costs and all the other things that look hopeless, remember how out of nowhere steemit probably seemed when you found it and how as little as it feels like you are making, howcmuch morenit is from when you started.

This post rocks and I’m resteeming it!

@whatamidoing thank you! Writing really does save me - that, and learning how to separate my higher self from that sulky, whiny brat who surfaces here and there LOL I stopped allowing myself to use anxiety, depression (or whatever you want to call it) as a crutch and an excuse for this type of thinking. That really helped.
Thanks for that point of view on rent/steemit. You're a very wise soul! I have to remember it's all about perspective and staying hopeful!

because I understand that how I see the world makes so.

This is so true, I learnt this in a NLP Neuro-linguistic programming course I did about 6 years ago, they talked of the thinker and the prover, as in everything you think you will find a way to prove it.

As for what do I do to overcome stresses, exercise is something I use often, Steemit has also become a fast fav to get rid of outside thoughts. It's a great distraction from wandering thoughts.

@insideoutlet thank you for reading and sharing too :) - I agree exercise is really a great way to pump up those happy endorphins :) Steemit is a big help for me too

I like the way you write. I use the 12-step programme of AA to help me with this sort of negativity, but it's a daily struggle. Thanks to the programme I haven't picked up a drink in over 12 years, but still suffer from alcoholism in quite a big way. Sharing honestly in the group really helps, but it's outside the group that I struggle. I want to love my fellow man, and I just can't seem to pull that off. Does that make sense?

@camuel congratulations on your sobriety! That is a serious accomplishment! I totally understand what you mean, I too struggled with drugs and alcohol. I was using alcohol to cope with trauma and was relying on it to get through my day by the time I was 14. Drugs crept in just as easily and before I knew it - that's all I had. I've now been drug free for 12 years this April, my first son saved my life at 18 - god knows where I'd be if I hadn't made that change for him.
It's hard outside that circle of like-minded addicts for many reasons, but for me it's like looking through glass at someone, you see them and they see you but it's distorted. You feel like they can't connect or fully appreciate your struggle because yours is different, stronger, harder to cope with. If someone has never struggled with addiction they cannot relate... BUT they can - if you let them. Empathy is everything - they don't have to KNOW the struggle to feel for you. Just as you don't have to lose a child to cancer to feel sorrow for that parent.. it's a process but I let my walls down little by little and try to let go of that jealous,envious, cynic inside me that says my struggles are worse than anyone else's.

Thank you so much for sharing! You made me remember how far I've come - you are truly an inspiration :)

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