Top 6 Things Autistics Are Better At Than Neurotypicals

in #blog7 years ago

Those with autism typically struggle with dating, living independently, and making friends to a certain degree. But there are things that autistics are actually better at compared to their non-diagnosed peers. Here are the top 6 things, that people with autism typically excel in

Note: This won't apply to every autistic but autistics tend to have these qualities.

1. Honesty...

Autistics are well-known for their honesty even when it's not always what you want to hear. For instance, a woman asking her autistic boyfriend if her dress makes her look fat. While most neurotypicals would say "you look great honey!", if a spectrum male feels like you look fat, he'll probably say yes.

Honesty is a good trait to have because it lets others know you're trustworthy but being too honest can either piss some people off or make you come off as an asshole. (Just read my old posts I used to write for knowing that being too honest and impulsive makes you come off as an asshole)

2. Seeing patterns

"Brain regions associated with recognizing patterns tend to light up more in autistic people than the general population, perhaps explaining why those with autism often excel at visual tasks, a new study finds.

A new review of multiple studies determined that people with an autism spectrum disorder tend to have more brain activity in these regions."

That's some good shit right there!

3. Doing repetitive tasks...

Why do you think so many autistics get a job of stacking books at a library? Because it's detail oriented and it's basically doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again...

No way could I ever do that shit but for many autistics, they're quite good at doing repetitive things...

4. Having a quirky sense of humor...

If you're into socially awkward quirky males, then you may like the autistics. Us aspies tend to have a quirky sense of humor. Some things that only us autistics could come up with that are funny.

5. Logical Thinking...

Many of us are like mini-Spocks. We're always observing the world around us and using logic. Because we're badass like that...

6. Sex

According to a study published by Autism Talks, people with autism are better at having sex compared to those non-diagnosed. The reason is because even though autistics are less likely to be sexually active, when they actually do hit the sack, they fuck like it's their last. They also can go harder and longer then neurotypical males ever could.

In addition to this, the average neurotypical male has a refractory period of 30 minutes while the average autistic male has a refractory period of just 2 minutes. They can literally have multiple orgasms in a single session.

For this reason, autistics are truly the most badass motherfiretruckers around. All you need to do is just find a girl to "pokemon and chill" or "anime and chill" with and you'll be set. Just wear protection. :)


Great post dude! I like your writing style.

Interesting video. Criminal Big Pharma is responsible for all the MMR vacinces causing Autism.

it's true man, shortly afterwards I caught a bad case of ass burgers. I have burgers up my ass! Damnit vaccines!

I can't wait to find a girl to pokemon and chill with.

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