The Toe Night Tale. . . Creative writing journal #1

in #blog7 years ago

I told a friend about getting into writing, she suggested writing as if your the character of a book as a good creative exercise.

Thanks for the idea Lottie

The Toe Night Tale

Simon Left the bar and headed down to the beach around midnight, he moved passed a few faces that appeared on his way out of the village and down to the shore. For the last three night he had been down to sleep between two trees in his hammock on the beach, taking only the hammock a net a silk blanket and bottle of water, leaving his phone wallet and gadgets. The peace before he slept was very relaxing, sleep came to the sound of the waves and the pleasure of seeing moon sets and sun rises. . . One of the best reasons he found for his beach sleeps was that to wake up at the beach made it really easy to complete a very good warm up for the day, with stretching, swimming and some dance movement practice! Sleeping at the beach was very productive for simon!

This night Simon didn't see the massive rock sitting on the shore in his path, he moved quick thinking about setting up his nest, he smashed his toe at a high velocity into the stone. Needless to say he cried out a tiny bit. He staggered into the shallow water, he could feel a sting there, he could not see it but he felt that his toe was bleeding a little bit. He was not far from his sleeping spot it was an increasing struggle to walk more, he adopted a heel only stance in his right leg to protect his wound.

He knew he would need to get his toe looked at but it was too late to see someone about that now and it would be to much of an ordeal to leave the beach now, so he went to his regular spot, chucked his bag down and turned to the sea. . . he cried out in a strange kind of subdued way. Like a hollow shriek! This was fucking shit for Simon, after two and a half weeks of down time because of his last wound he was now slapped down again, just as the feeling of being dis impaired was passing then this blow had to happen. He just had to take a moment and be extremely pissy about this.

With not the most ease he put up his hammock, the strings where tangled, as he tried to figure out the mess of rope he felt a sharp pain on his other foot, the ants, the ants where biting now! He could do nothing about it until finally the hammock was up and he climbed in, then it took some time to brush as much of the sand off the feet before he could fully relax, he had to be extremely careful around his right big toe, he pulled out his lighter and lit it to see a bit more the damage to his foot. . . It confirmed the cut, the blood and a nasty fucked up toe! It wasn't bleeding loads though so he pushed his feet up to elevate, got under his net, pulled his blanket over himself and let the night take him.
Apart from a few noises of people and cars and getting up to wee he slept through the night, waking to the sight of a beautiful sunrise!

In the morning light he inspected his mangled toe, it was split right across the top near the nail, the skin had turned grey already and it looked like it needed to be seen and cleaned by someone who knows what they are doing. So he hobbled down to the sea to give it a little pre clean dip in the sea, the sea water stung like the night before, the waves crashed over his foot and he let it be submerged for a few moments.
He returned to the hammock to sit and look out to the sea there before he made his way back, as he was jumping up into the fabric the rope on one side broke and sent him tumbling onto his back, he put out his hand to break the fall and got a sharp pain from the newly healed scar of the previous wound. This was really more than he could handle, he grunted hard and contained a scream or even some tears. IMG_20180227_082631.jpg

He gathered his belongings and left the beach, trying to keep his toe pointing upwards in order to not get more sand on it or knock it. There are tuc tuc drivers who are always parked up from the beach, Simon got a ride in one back to the guest house, he needed to pick up some money before going to the pharmacy. “Ohh ouch yea that looks nasty” his friends said handing over some iodine and tissue . . . “thank” he responded but i'l take it to be cleaned now. Can I borrow a bike? The bikes where not available and so he was given a lift by motorcycle, riding without shoes on the back of the bike for all of about two minuets to the pharmacy.

He arrived to have his wound dressed and cleaned. They asked him to wait for fifteen minuets. . . he sat down outside, there was a man with bandages waiting inside, motorcycle accident Simon assumed. Its always motorbikes in Asia Simon knew from experience! That last wound, that last trip to the pharmacy that had ended in three stitches. He shuddered at the thought it was uncomfortable so he limped next door to get a coconut, he got one cold coconut and his favourite peanut snack of two bags of peanuts.

He returned to waiting, sipping his coconut eating one whole bag of nuts in about three mouthfuls, He looked at the scooters parked outside, the honda dream, all the local people seam to drive the dream, even children. The backpackers drive the win or a Chinese version of it. The nuts simon was eating where made in china he noticed, he had moved onto his 2nd bag and soon eat them all and finished his coconut.

Then it was time, The pharmacist called him into the little room in the back, sat him down on the bed and asked him to lift his foot. He immediately pulled out some gauze and iodine and cleaned the toe. He asked when it had happened “yestreday" Simon said.
“you should have come last night” said the pharmacist.
“what time do you close?” Simon asked
“10pm” responded the pharmacist
“it happened after that” Simon informed him.
The Pharmacist told Simon he would need to take away the dead skin from the top of his toe to avoid the risk it would become infected
“Do you have to do that now?” , “Wont it heal on its own?” asked Simon with a wince
“We need to take skin away now” Said the pharmacist Simon began to feel a little sick, the nuts seamed not such a great idea now.
“lie down please”
He lay down and covered his face, the pharmacist began working, he felt the horrid sensation of the removing of his skin from the top of his toe, he cried out each time in a kind of cackle, crying laugh.
He apologised for his yelping each time looking over to the pharmacist who told him not to look. “is it finnished?” “nearly” he shut his eyes and tried to take his mind anywhere else. He ended up thinking of the time he had stitches and squirmed even more, but then somehow it was done, the skin removed and the area covered and bandaged.

Simon hobbled on. . .


Ow Ow and double Ow
Hopefully 12 days has seen you out of the acute ouchin' phase <3

Yea it's all on the mend now . . . Got a lots of appreciation for having all my hands and feet and arms and legs working right again ! Nearly back on form now :)

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