My 2018: achievements and failures: The 20's are to fail ...

Welcome to this short story of what this roller coaster of 2018 was for me


As you know it is impossible to survive a year without having at least scraped your knee to fall (failure), and also, at least something good had to have happened in your life that made you smile (achievement). Regardless of how many failures or achievements have passed, we all started 2018 just like this:


With the score zero to zero, ready to give the fight!

I guess my first failure of this year began a few seconds after it started, and I do not feel bad about it. It's a family failure because this year I did not make a wish my dad to have a good year (in my country it's tradition), but it's definitely not my fault, he was being very annoying scolding me all night, so family failure added to the list.

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Instead an achievement this year, it definitely had to be to get friends girls. During my life I had very few friends, and none really wanted to have a loyal and true friendship with me, but this year because of the University I became friends with a group of girls that I really feel I could be with them for many years, and fantastic, friends are always achievements, and as they are 4, add 4 to the list of achievements. And of course I kept my old friends, two guys with whom I study since childhood. (Above is a picture that we took this year, with one of the girls who are now friends)


This year I also learned to see my dreams broken. Actually I had never felt so bad for not fulfilling a dream, because I really believe that sooner or later I will be able to fulfill it, but really this time it will never be fulfilled. When I started college I wanted to graduate with the highest honor and study hard during all this time, but obviously there is a score range that must be overcome to achieve it, and I had always been in that range. However I had a very bad teacher this semester that even though I studied and gave my 100% on each exam we simply never saw the grades of those exams and we placed the notes blindly. And as expected, it was such an unfavorable note that even if I pass the subject, my average is no longer good for graduating with the highest honor rank, so now I am for the second. This failure is partly my fault, I could have claimed something, but the teacher caused me fear, and the university situation is a total chaos to the point that these problems are not relevant. And sad as it is, in the university the professors usually win. This was an epic failure in my life, it is unpleasant to feel that no matter how hard you try your dream is sunk. (add 10 to the failure list (the 10 that I did not score)

But, in contrast to this sad story, this year I had my first job exercising my career. The first job is the one that serves to learn to bring everything you learn in the classroom to real life, you know, it's like applying your knowledge. The pay was terrible, I did not get even for transportation (here another failure), but what I learned was very useful for my university subjects, and now I feel very prepared for the professional life that awaits me when I leave university, that by with the universe conspiring in my favor will be next year.


Another thing that I failed in potency was in my purposes of the year. Not because I never went to the gym, which obviously I never went but I never proposed it. If not that I decided to start a new novel, because I like to write and I would like to try to be a writer, and this never happened, I know there is still a chance to start it because there are still days of 2018, but I know it will not happen, However at least it occurred to me that I want you to try, the characters, the plot and the important turns. So let's take this as just a point.

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And my achievement related to my writing is that this year I decided to participate in a writing contest. And I participated in several, at first it was not so good, now I am proud of my work. Only once again, bad news, I never won, but I do not feel bad about it, it was an achievement to have participated, not to have won and still feel happy with what I did. And there is also little to finish my novel "chapuzón/dip", which took like three years writing it, I have not finished yet but it is sure that this year it happens.


And now to finish I'll make a quick mix of my failures: I did not win the lottery, my cell phone was stolen, I preferred to keep quiet to make my voice heard in things I believed ... And many more, the score burst. But my post says just something I learned this year "the twenty are the perfect age to fail" because we are barely learning who we are, and where we want to go, perhaps the point where I felt most unsuccessful this year was thinking if I was really happy doing what I did, or worrying about my future, questioning my talents or questioning everything. But I saw a program on YouTube that said that phrase and I felt better after that, there's nothing wrong with falling, that helps you know where to step. Maybe at thirty it hurts us a lot more to fail, but if you have twenty today go ahead and find out who you are, do not be afraid. And if you're not in your twenties, maybe it's harder but it's always possible. Happiness is the goal


As for one of my favorite achievements this year, I had my first birthday party. I'm 21 years old, that was a long time. And without a doubt the best achievement of all, is that my family has health, I am healthy, we are alive and while we can enjoy one more day, one more year, is not that what I call the achievement of the year? Ready 2019! This year I learned a lot, I hope that you too. And another great achievement, I joined the family of steemit! Thank you for all the time I've spent this year here.


Hannah Montana's song "The Climb" has summarized the meaning of life.

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb

If you want to know more about this contest you can click on this link here

Take advantage of your last days of the year, have fun, be nice, and give a lot of love.


That problem with the teacher sounds terrible but overall seems you had a good year! That's great! Thanks for joining the contest my friend

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