My Normal Days, Good Time and Bad Time in 2018


My Normal Days, Good Time and Bad Time in 2018

Hi, I am Rokhani. I am Indonesian. I organize a course who teach kindergarden to junior high school.
My days always starting by wake up at 4 o'clock. After make the bed up i go to work place which only five minute by motorcycle. I must clean, sweep and mop.
Then I prepare my day with breakfast and teach reading, writing and counting for chuldren.
We start the lesson by draw "sleeping eight ", reading modul and writing. As addition we teach children simple counting
The challeng in this work is to persuade the children to study. Not too easy to do it. We create game to make them happy and eager to study.
Thi activities until 2 pm and the next task we must teach elementary and junior high school students
We has held this cours for about 5 years. So many bad time and good time we passed. I am proud to see they grow and smarter and smarter.
That a piece of my activity in notmal days.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it

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