My 2018: Achievements and Failures

A new year to me has always been like turning over a new chapter in one's life.

The hopes, dreams and ambitions it carries are immense!

I experienced a lot this year, some I wish to undergo again and some I wish to bury and never remember.

As the clock 🕒 struck 12 on January 1st of this year, I had with me on paper all my "New year's resolution" .

On it was written :

  • Serve God with all your heart and all your might and all your soul.

  • Graduate 🎓

  • Have 500,000 naira as an account balance.

  • And lastly help others in whatever way.

Seems quite simple right? Well needless to say not everything goes as planned. 😑

Serve God with all my heart and all my might and all my soul.

First off I had to attend a different church from the one I was used to in an entirely new town and that threw me off core, not an excuse but still...

I did however use that oppurtunity to develop a personal relationship with God. To knoe him in depth, his mind and thoughts for my Life.

Even though I didn't get to join the choir or prayer group and all that, I got to see another side of MY 🔥 FIERSOME GOD AND KING.

I think it's safe to call that a "win-win " ➕ the year isn't over yet. ☺


This unfortunately has become utterly impossible (even though I hate using that word, but one must realise when he/she is beat).

I had hoped to graduate in flying colours this year but everything went south when the lectureres didn't get paid their salaries ➕ allowances for 5 months. "I mean you can't blame them"!!!!!

They went on strike

After their cries were heard and we were to resume, that very week, the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LECTURERES then went on a national strike for the government to increase minimum wage.

This was 3 months ago. I think it's safe to cross graduating this year off my mind. 😔 😔


Having 500,000 as an account balance.

Well ,this goal became like a roller coaster.

The figures in my account will begin climbing up and up and up then suddenly, either a friend will need to travel of a loved one falls sick and BOOM ✴️. The money is gone.
It sounds depressing? Yes.

I had gathered quite a number of steem and then one day I woke up and it was all gone.

Someone hacked into my steemit account and took it all. Sent it to @blocktrades

Then finally to make this dream untrue the prices of Steem came crashing down !

Sooo no, no 500,000 in my account.

Not yet anyway 😎.

Lastly helping others.

I did help others with the little money from my account as stated earlier, I helped with comfort and moral support, I helped sometimes by simply being there, I helped by connecting people with the right people that can help them in Life, but mostly I helped my Dad!

More than ever this year I helped my dad.
I cooked before he went to work, cooked before he got back and cooked before he went to bed.

Swept the floors and washed his clothes.

It was quite a handful but I did it. He loves me and I love him.

You might be asking what went well for me this year? I'll tell you!

  • I never fell terminal ill neither did any of my family.

  • I visited my dream art gallery: "Nike art gallery in Lagos"

  • For the first time my taste buds exploded with the taste of foreign foods like "Humus" and "Indian Curry"

  • I gained the Full love and trust of my parents

  • In school we never got to operate a microscope but during my 5 months industrial training, I did. And I loved it.

  • I overcame my supernatural fear of dogs 🐶 and actually pet one and got toys for it to play with.

  • I went on a fun, meet-up/ vacation with a steemian super stars🌟 ...

  • I've never had a birthday cake or really celebrated a birthday fully but thanks to the funds from STEEMIT, I DID ☺

  • And finally I am known by GOD.

________________________________________So it might not be the best year yet, but looking back now; it seems like a pretty good healthy and happy year. I can't wait to behin another one.




Seems you had lots of fun and experience along the way. A good year, overall.

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