My 2018: Achievements and Failures - My audiovisual year

My 2018: Achievements and Failures

I think everyone here knows what Steemit meant this dying year of 2018 for all venezuelans, long story short for that, it actually helped a lot of creative people to survive and stay in the country even with the worse moments of the still uprising crisis. It wasn't different for me, went I joined Steemit I was lost and broke, without the basic things at home and with a kid to bring shelter.

It changed everything, despite I had a job and worked for several years as a paramedic in the streets of the city of Caracas, and by the moment I joined was working as videographer and editor in the audiovisual office of the Fire Dept, none of that could face the huge tsunami of economic inflation that began in 2012. The progression of the falling salaries was a terrible thing for all families.

I was hopeless, thinking to leave the country without any paperwork, I didn't care to work in anything in order to send money to my family and get them out too. But then my friend @pits7 introduced me to Steemit, he said I had this grey cloud on the top of me and that this maybe help to clear the sky a little. It actually did, and I'm so grateful to him for that. I learned everything fast but I didn't understood everything yet, and still things passing by over me, but that's how I entered steemit and how my year 2018 started, as anomadsoul said, a rollercoaster.



I worked as freelancer in audiovisuals besides being in the Fire Dept, trying to get the balance to survive at the end of the month. Having a child boosted up everything for me and I had to move quick learning how to make rehearsal videos for local bands, starting with my own.

I joined the spanish language community Cervantes and their upvotes were a huge relief in the situation we were passing by, thanks to the music, photography or videos I was doing since 2014 I was able to do some quality posts that were upvoted and that was the exact moment of change for me. Maybe the people behind the Cervantes community and Steemit didn't knew the impact they were having on us.

I think they manage to create a platform where creative people could be rewarded no matter the place in the world and that's one of the most incredible things that I know by now. In january I was still shocked by the impact it has in my life, and thinking in any kind of project to make. But the first project that came in naturally was to make an audiovisual / creative team and it was conceived to work with Cervantes and some projects that were being developed by them.

I remember those days I was overwhelmed by steemit and started preaching the word among the creative people I knew, I failed. They didn't understood how to show their art or how to work with the site, even after I explain it in different times and offer myself to take pictures and videos for them to post.

The creative team was formed and we started working doing content for the Cervantes Science Magazine, travelled to another state to make the filming of interviews and promotion videos, as also a lot of photographs for posting and design. After this we had the posibility to make our own project with Cervantes, creating different kind of content and contributing, from me it was a weekly post about audiovisuals. I was so happy for this team work and what we were doing that I have every moment we lived together in my mind always.


It was a real rollercoaster

At the other hand, at home we were better than average because of the posting incomes plus the regular job incomes and the freelance job incomes, but it wasn't enough, it was harder each time and the steem value was slowly going down. We were limited but also gaining experience in the virtual community and our skills in the audiovisual production were getting better as we were able to team up with extremely creative and smart people.

There were incredible times and other bad times, but generally I think it was more GOOD than anything and most of it (in my case) because of Steemit and Cervantes, I will be eternally thankful to Ned and to Cervantes for what they did. Nostalgy apart, I learned a lot of different things from the work in the team and from other persons who were involved in all the projects we did, even when they don't know that taught me something.


All my year was a huge learning lesson and a I always try to get the best of the worse to be able to avoid repeating the mistakes I did in my personal life and also with my professional skills. Audivisual arts don't have a specific manual on how to manage every kind of production with the equipment and the people you have, so you have to be able to take action fast and get solutions and you have to be surrounded by the right people in order to do things right.


I think the best things in this year that happened to me were being able to buy food for my family in a terrible shortage moment, then being able to buy two laptops and a fast internet service to work on posts and communications with the team, plus working with all those people in person and in other places in the whole world was amazing, something that I dream of when I was a child listening stories about internet. I was able to record a music project with a friend from Australia @thomasrobertgent where I did the music in my place and he did the vocals in his, sending everything he recorded to me to mix it, that was one of the best thing I have done in my life and I give him a huge frontal virtual hug for that. There are so many good things and good people that came to me this year that I could make the longest steemit post ever, but then no one will read it.


Everything couldn't be just good stuff, as we were in Venezuela trying to survive the economic chaos and social hell politics created for all the citizens here. We manage to suft the trash wave they gave us working in different things, but as the year advanced it was bigger and stronger and today we just couln't resist anymore. Now I'm just a few days away to leave the country looking for a better life for me and my family, with a lot of projects in mind and looking the posible ways to make it real. I always wanted to work travelling, doing video, presentations, promotions and photographs and this year I had a little of that thanks to @industrialvarez and Cervantes. I did a few things I regret, but in fact I think it could be a lot worse, so I think I'm in a newer better behaviour to face things than I was one year ago.


I lost contact with a lot of friends, most of them moved to other countries and work as slaves to get on their feet and have a "normal" life. Something I'd deal with and also learned a lot was that people who change moods in weird ways should be left alone until they get everything together in their minds, if you push, you loose. I also learned I have to shut up sometimes, I speak too much about things other don't have to listen.


Steemit changed everything

Steemit was my first approach to cryptocurrencies as to many tools we can use to create projects no matter your location, I didn't undertand anything before and long time after entering here also, I learned about it slowly, but the impact all this tools had on my life were huge, stopping me one year to move from a country that is falling to pieces. Thanks everyone behind the Steemit platform and Cervantes for creating all they did. I don't think that was all my year but I don't want to write a bible here.

All pictures and article by Kirvic L. Aguilera / @kirvic-aguilera
Instagram: @pk_pro_audiovisual


What a year it is has been ... and gone so quick. Working with you was a definitely a massive highlight for me.

I'm missing a lot of things, but in achievements that was a huge one, thanks for that by the way!

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