The blocktrades contest | Packing by amazon for orders

This is wonderful contest and a big thanks to @anomadsoul and @blocktrades for such a great contest.

I have been in steemit for almost 6 months and I found it a great platform where I met many people who have great life experiences. I made few very nice friends here and interacting with them is always full of joy. In the span of last 6 month initial few weeks I learned about the platform and making myself familiar with it.

Now I am love steemit and I post almost daily and if in case I don't post then also I read many posts and comment as I like to engage with people through their posts. My posts are not limited to one topic instead I write about latest news about tech, crypto, and when I click good photos I share that too.

I submit below post for this contest and this post is related to environment.

I have many people who joined and left after few weeks and few months only. But my motive is to stay here for long term because this is the platform where I learn everyday and connect with new people. I want to help the steem community grow and if community grows then of course I will also grow with all of my friends over here.

I am not saying that I am top blogger and I am the best but I always put my best and work daily in the platform so if I will be given the chance then I will utilise it in the proper way to power up the steem.

Once again thanks a ton for such an amazing contest and I hope to win. If I win then it will be like a power booster for me and I assure that I will take it forward and help more people to grow.

have a great day.

Follow: @alokkumar121

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66437.76
ETH 3321.27
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71