
other than every commercial card game ever, minus mechanics, which most people report steemmonsters doesnt have while you watch it play itself?

as the coder, im pretty sure you already know.

but for passers by, investigate the history of a former user named "spiritualmax". Im not gonna do all your homework for you and the next response to this will be yaba sputtering about how thats bullshit anyway, folks, it's as predictable as rain after you wash your car.

aggroed has never had an original thought and he has done exactly zero of any work most people think he claims as his own. So thats not news to anybody not stuck up his ass doing his work for him or drinking his piss flavored koolaid.

The card game was my idea. I wanted to make a blockchain-based trading card game as soon as I learned about digital assets well over a year ago. It was long before spiritualmax was around, so I certainly didn't steal anything from him. You're saying I stole it from "every commercial card game ever", so by that logic wouldn't every single commercial card game be stolen except the very first one?

The general concept of a card game is not property that can be owned, so thus it is not something that can be stolen. Many games do blatantly copy other successful games that came before them, but we actually tried to make something different and unique. You may think it's worse, which is fair, but that's beside the point.

Overall, your argument here makes no sense and it sounds like you just don't like aggroed so you made something up to badmouth him about which is also completely unrelated to the topic of this thread.

Really I would just like to ask, what's wrong with you? Having differences of opinion is great, and the information you provided regarding the relationships between gtg, blocktrades, dan and ned is all good and important for the community to know. But there's no call for the way you're treating people here.

From the little I know about you, I've seen that you founded a charitable organization, which is great, and seems to show that you care about helping people and making the world a better place, yet the way you are conducting yourself shows the opposite. It's people who don't treat others with kindness and respect that make the world a bad place, so if you want to help, I would start by taking a hard look at how you're treating people yourself.

Feel free to do your own research folks. I just bring the facts. Those that deflect them have their reasons to do so.

Cui Bono, kids. Cui Bono.

Oh but to address your points Yaba?

I don't give a fuck about if you think im nice or not. Sincerely.

But nice gaslighting.

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