Different Religions and Beliefs # 3 [Daily Compilation]

in #blocktrades5 years ago (edited)

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The purpose of this post is to offer a global knowledge of all the beliefs and religions that exist in the world, in order that the reader has an open view, not dangerously closed to a single idea, belief or religion.

I believe that the different religions and beliefs should be known and studied minimally; they should expose themselves, comment, share their evidence and discuss their reasons without stirring up their dogmatisms.

We have the dual duty of transmitting and teaching all our fellow citizens the existence of all the beliefs and religions that have developed in our civilization. Only that knowledge will make us more sensitive and respectful to others. Since a unique and absolute belief, without a vision of other beliefs makes us be arrogant and disparaging towards other ideas.

This is the Third of a post series where I will compile in a brief and simple way the different beliefs and religions that exist in the world.

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Al Azhar

Located in Cairo is the most prestigious theological and university center of Sunni Islam, the closest to the Vatican that can exist in the Muslim world, where there is no supreme authority.

In the Al Azhar are the most outstanding ulema and theologians of the Sunni Muslim world. They are not radical or violent Islamists, they are traditionalist theologians close to power and lovers of law and order. Their opinions are heard with respect by hundreds of millions of Muslims.

Evangelical Alliance

TheEvangelical Alliance was established from 1846 in England and the United States. It was a movement driven by Baptists and Unitarians as an attempt to bring Protestants from all over the world together in a single belief, rejecting Catholics and rationalizing exegesis of the Scriptures.

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The Amish appear within the Anabaptists at the end of the 17th century. In the middle of the XVIII century, they emigrated to the United States, establishing themselves in Lancaster Country (Pennsylvania). It is a religious group that decided to abandon all worldly influence and radicalized in an extremely conservative way that makes them live in the forms of the eighteenth century, without radio, television, light, or motorized vehicles.

Their life is in community and they do not allow marriage between men and women who do not belong to their society. They are pacifists and refuse to use weapons. The cult of their religion takes place in their own homes, without the need for churches. They perform communion twice a year and practice the rite of foot washing.


Sacred mountain inTiruvannamalai, about 185 kilometers from Madras in India. In it, Ramana Maharishi settled in 1896, at the age of 17 years, and following a religious experience, remained there in one of its caves until his death. His followers built an ashram in Vilupuram, at the foot of the mountain.

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It is the medicine or science of long life, especially in the Hindu texts known as sastras. It is a medicine aimed at promoting a long and healthy life since it focuses on the body and the mind in order to promote spiritual growth.

Vedic texts focusing on this aspect deal with the etiology of disease and embryology, seen from the point of reincarnation. Thus, the causes of the disease are not only physical but mental as well. One of the bases of Ayurvedic medicine, which as we see not only contemplates the body but also the spirit, performs its cures applying the opposite qualities to the humors that cause the disease.


For some authors Scientology should qualify as a sect, however, most experts in religions tend to define it as a movement that is within the limits of Christianity. Its detractors insist that it is a monumental business, since their courses, due to their prices, are not accessible to everyone.

Scientology was born in 1954 as a derivation of a technique called dianetics that the writer L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) had developed, and which he divulged through his book "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health".

Dianetics contains aspects of psychoanalysis, teaches to erase the negative perceptions of the mind and reach a state that Hubbard called "clear", all with searches in past lives. This induced Hubbard to found the Church of Scientology, a religion with simple ceremonies that qualifies Jesus as an important teacher and believes in God, albeit in a remote way.

For the believers ofScientology, we are pure spirits who created the universes and then were trapped in successive reincarnations without remembering that they were the creators of everything.

See you in the next post. Thank you for reading.

All images come from pixabay.com


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