IBM has introduced its adoption of the Balochsin technology for business

in #blocking7 years ago

During a lecture on the technology of the University of Northwesten to IBM General Manager Mary Wick, she covered the industry and the history of the plocchin and talked about IBM's Hyperledger project and how to overcome the challenges of decentralization such as supply chain food and digital identity.

IBM is entering the field of plucin
IBM has been working on the project for about 3 or 4 years by forming a dedicated technology unit with more than 1,500 employees. "We can not get enough people with skills in the Biloxin" to cover all the vacancies. She pointed out that the industry is modern and needs talent. She continued:
"Despite all the benefits, the plaque is very widespread but still very misunderstood"

An interesting observation to some extent is that most people focus on the initial entry point in the buccaneers and uses, and they always bind the balksin in the bitquin and this is not true. There is so much more for the bauxite, the biotech and the digital currencies.

IBM's Hyperledger project is under development
IBM entered into the world of plucchin with the question: Is Balocchin technology is the next generation of transaction systems?

"What we learn from this is that this technique is really an answer to digitization and digitization," she said. She continued:
"It is important to understand the history of the Biloxin and what is not. She pointed out that the technology of plucchin has assets in digital transformation and distribution.

Wake said that Biloxin is the solution to the financial and mortgage crisis of 2008. It offers the way you can create the same type of model you own in actual trading in the real world but in a digital world. In other words, how do you make cash transactions online? And how can you rebuild the market experience?

The real world experience is to go to the market and find a book, know its value and know the value of your money. So you talk to the seller and reach certain conditions, agree on a fair price, put a value proposition, and then make the purchase. In this case you did not need to be identified, and the seller did not conduct a transaction. The question is: how do you do it in the digital world? Today, you can not do so anonymously because there is a mechanism to identify you, your credit card, your wallet, etc. This is very true. If there are international transactions, there will be more actors and agencies that will need to be involved in your transaction. This is where the role of the Biloxin comes to eliminate intermediaries.


Submit a Hyperledger project to address 3 problems
IBM considered three major problems in the use of the pluxin network for etherium:

1 - Proof by Work (PoW): through mining is consuming very large energy, was 40% of the expenditure on the mining of mining in 2017 but there are ways to solve the problem of double spending without mining operations, we did not like this aspect of Consumption is a lot of resources without getting much in return for that, according to Wake.

2 - Statements: Many IBM customers want to know who to deal with, and there are ways to provide privacy and confidentiality without concealment. Where we believe that the idea of ​​obtaining authorizations and trusting those who work with them actually reinforces the value of the Biloxin.

3 - Licensing model: "IBM wants to use open source, so there must be a new technology platform like this," she said that this is very important because of the cooperative nature of the technology of the Blockin.

A year and a half ago, IBM approached Linux to work on the Hyperledger project. Now there are over 200 participants involved, the largest and fastest growing of all Linux projects. As evidenced by a lot of attention elsewhere.

Food Supply Chain Safety
Walmart has partnered with IBM to build a map of the food supply chain to be able to track products to enhance safety in the event of outbreaks of foodborne diseases. When the disease spreads, it takes weeks to track it back to the source. But using plucin in a fully connected supply system, it took only two seconds to trace the origin of the rampant disease. For this to happen quickly, competitors will need to cooperate and exchange logistical information. Despite this need for industry-wide collaboration, IBM has been able to reduce the amount of time it takes to trace the origin of disease to days rather than weeks without the use of balkin.

Digital Identity - How do you know your identity on the blockbuster network?
"How do you access a bank and issue an ID for digital transactions?" Asked Wick. "If you think about it, you'll find that by showing the driver's license, you provide more information than you need: address, date of birth, etc. till then".

So IBM works with Canadian SecureKey, which has a network of all major banks, and the Government of Canada, to be able to verify digital identity. SecureKey is a three-way system that gives you the ability to own your identity. If someone needs your identity to confirm the transaction, they will only request this specific information from you for transactions. With the help of balksin, without providing further information, your age will be confirmed. Therefore, for other transactions, you will be able to provide only the required information for the transaction.

"Imagine you can control your credit report and remove an external credit reporter," said Wick. "Will it be vulnerable to hacking? It's a much better system to keep your identity safe. "

Working with IBM for more than 25 years, Mary Wake has had a different technical and operational role in IBM hardware, software, software and services. In January 2017, IBM appointed Wick to the post In her current position as general manager of the Blocin. IBM is responsible for IBM's participation in the Hyperledger project: Open Platform for Developers and Service Providers.

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