The blockchain punchlines hidden in “The Wandering Earth” that 99% of the people don’t know

in #blockchian6 years ago (edited)

Chinese commercial cinema reaches a significant landmark with its first-ever sci-fi megahit.


Not only sci-fi fans are excited about it, but also a large number of blockchain practitioners are thrilled about the “blockchain application of the future world” presented in the film.

So how many blockchain relevant bonus scenes are hidden in the movie?

Let’s go find out.


United Earth Government- Global Consensus

In the film, the sun is dying out, in order to avoid the “flash” caused by the aging of the sun, human beings established a United Earth Government to build tens of thousands of earth engines to push the earth to escape the sun.


One of the Earth Engine

During the process of escaping, Jupiter’s gravitational surge and the Earth is about to disintegrate. The United Earth Government decided to forcefully terminate the “Wandering Earth” program and enter the “Fire” program:

Abandon the Earth, protect a small number of space station elites and 300,000 frozen fertilized eggs and animal and plant genetic maps.

But the film didn’t explain how the Earth United Government is established.

Many netizens said in a scoffing manner: if the sun is really going to explode, just the establishment of the “Earth United Government”, all hell will break loose.

At this point, we need to mention the blockchain.

Blockchain is a public ledger, a public database and also a peer-to-peer collaboration network.

Partners (Block Producers) maintain the data collectively, each BP owns a complete backup of data.


The data of all the BPs must be identical, each BP could find transaction records locally and add transactions locally

As a result, the difficulty of establishing an Earth United Government will be greatly reduced.


Demonetization — Credit Payment System

In the film, Liu Qi and his party were in the process of delivering the Flint to the Hangzhou base. Grandpa Han Ziang had an intriguing monologue:

“At that time, no one cares about the sun, people only care about something called money.”


Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower in the snow and ice

In addition, after Liu Qi bought a skewer with code scanning, the screen showed a scene called the credit exchange.


Liu Qi in the process of code verification

So we could assume that at that time the society has abolished the monetary system and started the implementation of demonetization.

In “The Wandering Earth”, the currency is no longer issued by the central bank of “United Government”, and the adjustment of currency matching economic liquidity is no longer implemented by the government.

Instead, it is likely to be a nontraditional credit score or credit point

Because if the earth does face the catastrophe depicted in the film, then continuing to follow the current monetary policy, the exchange will be particularly inefficient.

And even if there is no disaster, the cumbersome exchange is indeed adding many barriers to economic exchanges.

From the film to the real life, with the progress and development of the society, when AI develops to a certain level, the food, clothing, housing, and transportation of human beings need only invest a small amount of labor to obtain, we can hardly use currency to measure.

How do we measure it then? The POW of blockchain proves to be a good solution, it can even reconstruct the process of redistribution of social wealth


Identity Verification- Authentication

While the big scenes and vivid special effects of “The Wandering Earth” are a pleasant surprise, the plot is still criticized for not standing up to scrutiny.

Liu Qi forged his identity by replacing the photo to pass the authentication process in order to pretend to be his grandpa — a senior driver

For such an important ground transportation work, a single point of modification could be verified through various security checks and controls, which was obviously illogical for the level of social development at that time.


The driving ball that controls the vehicle in the film

Of course, if the film introduces the principle of blockchain authentication and confirmation, Liu Qi can’t escape the dungeon, and the story cannot continue.

However, if the blockchain technology cannot be used in the future authentication process, it will bring many unstable factors to society.

By using blockchain technology to solve authentication and confirmation problem, the gangster boss played by Lei Jiayin will not succeed in the trick of modifying the photo for profit.


Hangzhou Fall — Distributed Database

In the film, the fall of Hangzhou City has become a hot topic for people in Hangzhou and even the whole country.

Many Hangzhou audiences said: ”Hangzhou has fallen, do you think I should go see the movie again?”

Of course, we have Alipay who answer the questions on weibo:

“Hangzhou has fallen, do we still need to pay off Huabei?”

To respond to the question, Alipay said:

The machine room of Alipay now is 3 ground 5 center, namely deploying 5 machine rooms in 3 cities.

If one or two of the machine rooms fail, Alipay’s underlying technology will switch all the traffic in the faulty city to a normal operating room, and the data can be consistent and zero-loss, in response to natural disasters, power outages, fiber cables damaged and other black swan events…

Moreover, if earth starts a 2500-year wandering journey, Alipay might no longer deploy underground machine rooms of 5 centers in 3 dungeons, but deploys 108 centers in 72 dungeons, even if a dungeon in Hangzhou is gone, it could switch all the data to other cities.


Staff is conducting a routine inspection

If it’s really bad luck, the 108 centers are all affected, and according to the technological level set by the film, Alipay may have realized decentralized blockchain processing and quantum computing by then.

All the data nodes are completely distributed cloud architecture, and Alipay is still available as long as there is one computer left online on the planet.

The purpose of Introducing blockchain technology into cloud storage system disaster recovery is to use the features such as decentralized and trust-less of it to realize the decentralized autonomy of storage nodes in cloud storing systems and the data exchange and sharing based on consensus algorithms among storage nodes.

Namely, there’s no way to let your credit card wander with earth!


Movie leaked — Source tracking and anti-counterfeiting feature

Before the release of “Wandering Earth”, the most frustrating thing for fans is that the HD film was leaked in advance.

Guo Fan, the director and Gong Geer, the producer of “The Wandering Earth” called on netizens to support genuine copyright on Weibo respectively.

In addition, the National Copyright Administration also issued a copyright protection warning as early as February 2, requiring relevant network service providers to take measures to protect key cinema films.

When we are presented with the frequent copyright violation issues, the traceability and anti-counterfeit feature of blockchain might play a crucial role in copyright protection.

At present, the creators of music, literature, movies often take the form of registration in the Copyright Office to confirm their rights. There are two major pain points in the traditional copyright registration method:

On the one hand, the registration process takes a long time.

In general, it can take weeks or months for work to register its copyright from the moment it is applied to obtain a certificate issued by the national copyright administration.

On the other side, it’s costly to register the copyright.

According to the relevant information, taking the registration of written works as an example, it costs about 300 yuan per 100 words or less, but it costs up to 800 yuan for artwork.

The blockchain technology solves this problem very well:

When all the terms are explicitly defined by the smart contract, the payment of the copyright fee and the acquisition of the authorization could be executed automatically through smart contract, all the reputes could be solved easily.

For example, the blockchain can encrypt and time stamp the movie data of each movie. Any operations such as acquiring, copying, modifying, and reviewing data need to obtain decoding permission, and the information will be retained in the data itself.

Once the data is leaked, by reviewing the data leaked could identify it’s from which person.

This method can solve the problem of blocking and accountability after data leakage, and make the copyright maintenance well documented.

At last year’s Wuzhen blockchain conference, Liu Cixin said:

“The emergence of blockchain is an important step from reality to the virtual world.”

Many people regard “The Wandering Earth” as a sci-fi movie, have a good view, give it a laugh but don’t think much of it.

But many more people said:

The “sun” of the Internet is aging, and the blockchain may be the “firestone” for the human to explore the virtual world and promote the process of human civilization.

A well-recognized sci-fi movie often pinpoints the direction of science and technology that the public expect.

From a macro perspective, we are in the era of great migration with rapid development of information and overlapping of multiple technologies, moving from the real world to the virtual world. This is the eternal theme of science fiction.

Is the emergence of blockchain would promote the development of technology and turn the “Spiritual Utopia” of these sci-fi fans into a world-changing power?

“The Wandering Earth” is a beginning, so as the sci-fi movies, moreover, the process of the blockchain changing the world is just a beginning.



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