Blockchain and the distributed workforce hosted with Andy Spence

in #blockchainworkforce6 years ago (edited)


Our recent NOMAN event was co-hosted with Andy Spence. Entitled 'Blockchain and the distributed workforce', the event focused on the influence and potential uses of blockchain In the world of HR. Despite the beautiful sunny weather in London we still had a full turnout!


The event began with an introduction from Andy Spence followed by a quiz on the blockchain by Sarah Louise Johnson, Community Manager of etch. Subsequently John Sweeney COO of etch took up the challenge to explain the blockchain in 60 seconds aided by volunteers and lego blocks!

We then heard from 5 representatives of projects at various stages of development that are utilising the blockchain to improve and change the operation of hr departments.


John Sweeney from @etch outlined how they are providing a platform to allow workers to be paid for the work they do in real-time which means that it could be possible for an employee to go to work in the morning and by midday have the money in their account for lunch! Real time payment is a concept that aims to help reduce the need for employees to take out expensive payday and credit card loans which can give rise to a debt spiral. It also allows people to take more control of their finances as the money flows in and out on a daily basis. #etcheconomy




Luke from rblock presented the world's first careers ledger and semi-anonymous work system. They utilise the blockchain to supply 'Proof of Reference' enabling a person to have validated proof of work that can be used over and over again.



Laura from TiiQu explained how they are creating new systems on the blockchain to help in the selection of job applicants by allowing employers access to their work history and past performance and utilising blockchain tech to create a digital “passport” on candidates. This can provide invaluable proof of an individual’s professional trustworthiness, identity, qualifications, certifications, memberships, previous work experience, performance metrics and education.



Neta fromVaultPlatform explained the role of technology in countering workplace harassment. Employees experiencing harassment or bullying at work can lodge a complaint on the blockchain. Although this information is not released publicly, if enough complaints are logged on one individual this will open up an investigation. This gives employees the confidence to speak out as they will be able to view that other people are lodging a similar complaint



Jonathan from Gigachain is working on a project to eradicate modern slavery from the workplace. Gigachain records evidence of work done (usually that means hours worked with location) in a tamper-proof, cryptographically signed record which is available to the worker, to the business, and potentially to interested third-parties for purposes of audit and oversight. These records are then used as the basis for settling workers’ wages.


We rounded off with a panel of HR and Blockchain specialists asking if and how blockchain technology will change the future landscape of the workplace.

The panel included;

Hema Bakshi - HR and recruiting guru
Gareth Jones - COO of headstart, a startup coach and commercial leader
Liz Rennie - Global Workforce Solutions research director at SIA and HR Solution Architect
Euros Evans - Founder of Etch and blockchain pioneer

The group answered various questions by Andy and then took questions from the audience.



The event was rounded off with mingling over drinks and nibbles at Rocketspace.



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YouTube - Etch

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