Blockchain.....Freedom or Enslavement?

in #blockchains-contest6 years ago (edited)


I can't think of a better place to start this than with Guns, Gun's don't kill people, the person pulling the trigger does, Just like Cars have many good uses, but can also be used to kill someone...

Water can be used to save a life, and water can be used to drown someone...

Blockchain can be used to free humanity of the current monetary system or blockchain can be used to enslave humanity.

There are many people using blockchain tech atm for decentralized, "we the people powering" purposes, EOS and SmartCash are my favourites..

You must be aware that many people are also working to do just the opposite and enslave us "plebs".

You just can't ignore the 30 year old prediction or "plan" by the Rothschild economist magazine, about the end of fiat money in 2018 and the ushering in of what seems to be a digital currency around the rising Phoenix neck.


Also there is the ACChain who is working with the IMF to digitize all commodities and Assests and create a global digital SDR


The blockchain can not be altered and forged, although it is also not as anonymous as we might think, If we were to be individually assigned to the blockchain, as a digital social security number, every transaction and move we make would be imprinted and recorded on the blockchain, giving who ever is in charge full control over everything about us.

To be honest we do not know who created Bitcoin and it could of been created just to get us groomed for a global digital currency, bitcoin will not stay king forever, eventually a coin will rise above it.. Will it be a decentralized freedom coin or a centralized coin to enslave us all?

The Bible says in the last days:

Revelation 13:16-17 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

For now we just gotta keep on the good side of blockchain and support decentralized blockchains, rejecting all centralized blockchains which have the stench of rotting world bankers oozing off them, If it ever comes to the point that we are forced to take a chip to use our digital currency, I will be taking the safe road, bleach-bitting my crypto and taking my chance living off the land in the wild.

So... keep on making money and having fun while this tech is still young, learn to code and make your own decentralized coins.

Just remeber to diversify with Gold, silver and whatever else helps you breakaway from the system, and be aware that the bankers have a plan too... and will not give up their enslavement plan without a fight


thank you ... very interesting information and articles @wakeupworldnews

Damn straight! I am trying to leverage this opportunity to buy some freedom from the current system. A good reminder that Crypto is a wonderful tool and an awful master.

nsa invented bitcoin/ the blockchain. no such person as satoshi nakamoto.

Read their white paper from 1996:

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