🌎 🅾🅽🅴 💻 My Entry for the Block-Chains Writing Contest #4

in #blockchains-contest7 years ago (edited)

So much time had passed since the ending of the last epoch.

There wasn't a human alive who could remember the events that had taken place. Those things that had taken place in those last days of such a grand era seemed doomed to once again repeat themselves as they had done so many times before. If only humans would remember! There were many ages that had risen to such grand heights only to fall to the equivalent low. The current level of technology is very advanced, had been stolen away from the elder races and reverse engineered by those who have clawed their way to the very top of the financial and military industrial complex. This was accomplished by sheer imposition of will and the most extreme examples of brute force which had not been witnessed by any previous age. In light of these developments the approaching times were sure to see humanity and most all other life on Earth, to it's near, if not total destruction. “Annihilation, what a waste!” I thought to myself.

“Ouch!” I blurted out as I realized I had been so lost in thought that I had grabbed ahold of a stinging nettle. “That's the second time today!” I thought as I reached for the the nearest Plantain leaves I could find. Luckily Plantain usually grows right near Stinging Nettles, as nature most often provides solutions if we know what to look for. While rubbing the crushed leaves of the Plantain on my hand to ease the sting I contemplated how the network could neutralize our most recent threat. Sorting through my thoughts is often a task best undertaken while weeding out the least desired plants from the more manicured areas in the garden. It helps me to ground out the excess noise and chatter that accompanies spending time around humans. Humans who don't, on the surface, have any recollection of their previous incarnations. If they did they would surely recognize the recurring themes. While the facade has a different appearance, the program remains basically the same.

The network is a group of humans that has remembered. They remember they have seen these themes before. The network are actively working to help humanity progress in development both technologically, and in spiritual maturity, so that these amazing developments can be used to further humanity, instead of trapping them into something they cannot conceive exists which is reminiscent of a well known movie called Groundhog Day.

The latest developing threat to humanity is Blockchain Technology. There have been many debates about the pros, and cons of this technology which humans have recently become aware of. Most all of these debates come close to missing the point entirely. Though I would have thought they might have figured out the prison booking system upon it's implementation as well. As usual-- hidden in plain site! I shake my head in disbelief. One big psychological operation after another! The humans have actually been tricked into booking their own faces into the slave system and believing it is a fun and harmless thing they are doing when they send out their every thought and action into the 'vast sea' that is the internet. “Web, Net...a book for faces...” “Honestly!” I thought, “How many times must these humans put their hands on the hot burner before they stop doing it?” I suppose they cannot be blamed for the spell that has been cast over them.

The current debate amongst the network members is primarily one of philosophical disagreement between those who feel that it was best to intervene on behalf of humans without being called upon to do so, and those who feel it isn't. The latter feel that even though the trajectory humanity seems to be on does indeed look dim, it is not in the best interest of humanity to interviene. They feel to do so would also impede humans ability to develop through the proper stages to being fully actualized humans. They feel it would be ill advised for the network to intervene to fix a problem that most humans had yet to realize existed. The result of this divide seems to be one faction of the network is working to utilize these latest developments in technology to aide the humans in utilizing this technology for their betterment; as a springboard of sorts to get around the blocks that have been put in place to keep them walled off from their own birthright. Technology which has been harnessed by the controllers to further lock down the cell that humanity, as a whole, seems to have been walked into by their 'good shepherds'.

The second faction seems to be working toward educating humans into removing their consent from this system of willful compliance that is holding humanity in one of it's darkest stages of development seen in all of the ages. This age has seen these humans willingly subject themselves to the tearing down of their humanity, allowing themselves to be re-imagined as a sort of bionic warrior. Robotic, detached, able to with the push of a button blast entire communities to dust. This can all conveniently be achieved while watching from afar on a computer screen like it is but a video game. In past ages warriors had to be much more present to cause such devastation upon another group of humans. Many humans imagine it will be the robots or A.I. that will wipe them out. The truth is Robots need not do it. They are allowing it to happen to themselves with little resistance from the overwhelming majority.

The Block Chain Technology, like anything can be used for good, or it can be used for bad. Anything can be weaponized, even the food supply. If humanity utilizes this technology with a certain savvy, they may well best those who seek to remain the dominant force upon the world. If they don't act quickly, it will serve as exactly what it was reverse engineered to do, and that is not something that was intended to help humanity by those who have resurrected the code.

In the beginning, there was technology. This technology cannot yet exist in the space humanity presently inhabits. The ways of the past were possible only because the frequencies of the space occupied in past ages was much higher than it is here, and now. Due to an overthrow and a great calamity, it is as if everything has dropped into a pit and had the dirt thrown back on top of it. Nothing exists as it once did, at least not in this realm. In those past times, humans were an integral part of the technology as it was connected with their consciousness in an organic fashion, only attempting to be mimicked today by implanted computer chips and smart dust. Humans have been led to believe that the computers are smarter than they. That the future is upgrades through implants. That is certainly one way, but it isn't the only way. Humans have the ability to reawaken to their former glory if they so choose. But how to get them to choose to do that which they have been told is not possible has been a bone of contention between the two main factions of the network. By the same token how to get them to comprehend the inherent dangers of the block chain has also been a hot topic.

The Block Chain has the potential to literally form an energetic grid over the whole world. This, when coupled with the new faster networks being rolled out will ensure that humanity is locked into serving as slaves and a remaining a battery source for the controllers. As a result of the original fall the controllers have been genetically rendered incapable of generating their own life force energy. This life force is otherwise known as Chi or Prana to some cultures.

The amount one could generate was once potentially infinite. Due to the fall the DNA had changed in some humans in such a way as to force them to feed on the life force of others in an attempt to prolong their own lives. You see, they had retained the ability to remember what had once been as they had helped to cause the fall, and had devised a method for remembering in advance of the cataclysm. To achieve their longterm goals they had to develop a system where other humans, the ones who had lost the ability to remember were farmed, and maintained, much like a herd of cattle awaiting their turn to walk up the ramp and onto the slaughterhouse truck. This plan involved using whatever technology they could get their hands on to lock in the new lower frequencies by casting an energetic grid over the entire world, and to gradually reduce the frequencies even more so, until the rest of the humans were little more than automatons in flesh.

Each time a human leaves this world through what they know as natural death, they enter a trap which brings them back again. They return only to be once again used much like a rechargeable battery for those who are in such a state, by their own choice. Because of their choices the controllers are unable to leave this space known to most as simply “life” in this 3rd dimensional Earth realm.

Due to their having been manipulated against their own best interests in one of the earlier ages they have, for many thousands of years made choices out of a fear that was taught to them by a being that was most cunning. This being had a desire to control all life in the world due to a family feud and a severe case of sibling rivalry.

Despite all of their attempts to thwart this awaking of humanity to their true potential, to prevent them from realizing just how powerful they are, slowly and surely the network is reconnecting. As each human begins to see the veil that has been pulled over their eyes using frequencies, to jam the human's perceptions of the true nature of reality,they realize things are not at all as they have been told. Humans are reaching energetically through the prison grid at such a fast rate that the controllers plans are crumbling around them brick by rotten brick.

I don't know why the network is divided on this issue of blockchain at all. As I sift my hands through the soil in search of carrots to fix for dinner, it comes to me that both options must be employed in order to achieve a free and healthy humanity capable of moving forward as a species, which will thrive in a world full of abundance! Both methods of guiding humanity forward are prongs on the proverbial trident! The third, and central prong is humanity and the choices they make.

As humans become aware of more of the truth of the world around them, they will re-awaken the systems that have for far too long been in sleep mode. Humans will realize they, as well as this world are technology! They will recognize that everything is intricately interconnected through another type of web that is far superior to the one they have been caught in for so long! Humans will once again become capable of going within themselves and reconnecting to a world wide web that can overtake all. This original 'web' can even overtake the back engineered technology. Technology that to most humans seems to be extremely advanced. When this happens there will be no one that can stop it because humanity will be tapping into the collective 'organic' intelligence of the prime creative force. As unique individuals they will stand united in their connection to this force/intelligence as one collective that can reprogram their entire reality!


To be continued...

#minnowsupport #minnowsunite #dystopia


awesomeness!! Resteemeed!!

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Thank you @daniarnold! I'm glad you liked it! Thank you tons for Resteeming this! :D

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Great post Erinn ! Been reading it with interest, looking forward to the next part! :)

Thank you @jey-blue for your support!!! I am planning to publish the next installment of this sometime in the coming week! I hope it does not disappoint! :)

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