Blockchain Breakdown - Bitshares Passes Ethereum As The #2 Blockchain!!

in #blockchainbreakdown7 years ago (edited)

Blockchain Breakdown - Feb 15, 2018

Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 8.17.47 PM.png

This is the 2nd breakdown of the top blockchains according to!

Now as always STEEM is the top blockchain handling the most activity with minimum CUI, but if we compare today to 3 days ago..

Bitshares has more than doubled putting it at the number #2 blockchain!

And another thing to look at is the Market Cap of all of these..

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We see that compared to the others we STEEM is handling far more transactions, however all of these except Bitshares, Golos, and Dogecoin have a higher Market Cap than STEEM.


So I still think STEEM is undervalued when compared to other blockchains.. Especially when it comes to how many transactions STEEM can handle!

Source: @overkillcoin

Also that's not even mentioning zero transaction fees!!

But now that Bitshares and STEEM are both in the top spots.. I can only assume EOS will soon join them, but only time will tell, either way I am glad to be a part of Steemit this early, and can't wait to see what happens in the future.

Thanks for checking this out, and let me know what you think in the comments below.

Post - Vote - Earn 🤘😝

Disclaimer: I am not an Investment Adviser, and this is not investment advice. This is for entertainment purposes only!


Good news :)
Go BitShares!

Thanks for a great article, enjoyed reading it.

Voted and resteemed!

This is cool.

I wonder if because Steem is inflationary how that effects the price. Keeping it from hitting the $10 level.

The speed of this blockchain is amazing.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63592.23
ETH 2551.58
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.75