Rencap Platform - Evolutionary payment platform!

in #blockchain6 years ago

RenCap is a blockchain based platform built on top of the blockchain. Rencap is an already running system that is used on several companies already. But the team that consists of the RenCap will take a big step to integrate the advantages of blockchain within their platform. This will revolutionize the payment system and make it ready for the future!

What is RenCap for?

  • RenCap is creating it’s own token RNP. With ready support from the first batch of businesses utilizing RNP for their B2B Transactions, RNP will be the future of B2B and B2C International Payment Solution.

  • All of RenCap owned businesses and clientele whom work with our businesses will eventually have to use RenCap(RNP) to transact with our businesses instead of regular local currency.

  • A better and more attractive contracts will be offered to businesses that are willing to transact using RNP instead of local currency. This is introduced during the early phase of RNP to attract more businesses to use RNP in their daily transactions B2B.

  • Merchants that accepts RNP in B2C payments will be saving a huge cost in payment commissions such as the regular 3% in credit card processing fee.

  • Consumers will be able to spend RNP in several countries without the need of exchanging their local currency into foreign currency. With a RNP Debit Card, this will make the process even easier.

Why RenCap?

  • RenCap has ready support from a group of first batch businesses that are ready to take on RNP as their B2B Payment Solution.

  • RenCap will develop into the B2C Market in a 5 year plan.

  • With a higher Market Share and Control, we will be able to offer better contracts to our clientele and require them to use RenCap Token (RNP) to transact with us instead of Regular local currency.

  • RenCap buybacks RNP regularly to inject local currency back to merchants and consumers for the monthly expenditures if they are unable to sell RNP elsewhere.

  • With a broader base of merchants supporting RNP Payment solution because of the cheap processing fee, demand of RNP will be higher resulting in higher value of the token.

  • ICO Price is fixed at USD$1/RenCap (RNP). The first BuyBack Scheme will take place in the Q2(April – June) 2019.

  • We have a tested and proven successful,working and profitable business model and we plan to do it on a larger scale, with the assistance of BlockChain.

Rencap is not only a platform that is made for today, but it is made for today and for the future. The platform aims to improve the payment system of the current generation and for the future ones!

RenCap’s Core Elements for Successful & Profitable Businesses.
Unlike 99% of BlockChain Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), RenCap is not fundraising or building on an idea or intangible product. We are using BlockChain to build in the Real World. Our Portfolio consists of Proven Profitable Actual Businesses. We will use these Fundamental Businesses to help us grow our value every year. We will also invest in potential innovations that may help to improve the standard of lives.
RenCap is not a new start-up by a newcomer into Technology or even Business. It is an expansion. RenCap is here to help us expand, and help you profit together. We have tested and proven that our existing business models are able to make us profitable year after year. RenCap is here to expand that profit, and bring us together. We have a very high potential ceiling and with this new technology bridge, we will be able to stretch our reach to the maximum possible.
Our Co-Founder and Team are very experienced in the various industry they work in. One of our member has more than 30 years experience in Agriculture. We are here to bring it to a bigger scale.
Most BlockChain Start-up or ICO faces a problem when they develop a product; Finding clients who would use them or trying to blend these products into actual use in the real world.
With RenCap you do not have to worry about this hurdle, for we have already set the foundation in place. We have a stable pool of clients who work with us and buy our products regularly. In future they will be required to use RenCap(RNP) to transact with us instead of regular local currency. Our products and businesses are regularly used in the Real World, particularly in South East Asia currently.
We are open to feedbacks to our business models, we provide regular updates about our
business and token news.
We Thank you for considering us or even better, investing in us.
For those who invested in us, We will not let you down.

Rencap Diagram:

Token metrics;

The information provided here does not constitute to an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to
buy RenCap Tokens called ‘RNP’. The information here are mainly for informational and research
purposes only.
The following information summary reflects RenCap’s current expectations to the future of RNP
Token and the sale of RNP.
RNP will be the token and the main currency to be used when transacting among businesses owned
by RenCap.
Example 1. Rice Exporters buying Raw Rice from our Factories in Thailand will have to use RNP as
payment in future instead of Regular local Currency.
Soon, RenCap’s Token, RNP, could potentially be sold out. A fixed amount of circulating supply have
been created and no further RNP could potentially be created in the future. Once the Public Sales
conclude, a portion of RNP can be allocated and given to the RenCap’s Core team as reward for the
success of the ICO. A separate pool will also be held on as Reserve pool and further expansion fund.
The community will hold an approximate 50% of the entire circulating supply.

RenCap Token Sale
RNP Tokens will be offered for sale at an exchange rate of 1 RNP for USD$1.00 or SGD$1.50 or ETH
0.001 during the entire ICO period. The ICO period will last for 4 stages, with each stage lasting
approximately 2-3 weeks each. The sale’s stage 1 is scheduled to begin on April 16, 2018 at 00:00
Hours GMT +8 (Singapore Time) and Stage 4 will end on July 16, 2018 23:59 Hours GMT +8
(Singapore Time).
Total Public Sale would add up to an amount of 20,000,000 RNP spread among 4 Stages.
Bonuses will account for 4,990,000 which is also spread among 4 Stages.
Stage 1 – 50% Bonus
Stage 2 – 30% Bonus
Stage 3 – 10% Bonus
Stage 4 – 3% Bonus

Core Team & Reserve Tokens
5,000,000 RNP will be given to the Core Team as a reward for the successful ICO.
20,010,000 RNP will be kept as reserve for future expansion plans and the safeguard the value of this
Core Team’s Tokens will be frozen for 1 year (12months) and Reserve Tokens will be frozen for 2
years (24months) starting from end of sale.
This is to ensure that no developer tokens could potentially enter circulation before RNP is stable.
Tokens purchased via ETH will immediately be allocated to the buyer’s given wallet address.
Tokens purchased via Paypal (USD and SGD) will be allocated to the buyer’s given wallet address
within 1 working day.
Unsold RNP Tokens
RenCap Tokens RNP are created to be sold during the ICO period. The Core Team, Reserves and
Public Sale gets created at the same time. In the event that the ICO is not entirely sold out and has
RNP remaining, the remaining RNP will be transferred to the Reserves for future expansions or sale.
RNP tokens could potentially not be ‘burned’.


Businesses supporting RenCap will be the first batch of businesses to take on RenCap as their B2B currency for financial settlements. Businesses will be transacting in RNP rather than their own local currency. RNP can be cashed out via the buyback scheme for local currency to settle monthly businesses expenditures. A more attractive contracts can also be offered to businesses that are willing to partner with the first batch of businesses on the condition that all B2B transactions are transacted using RNP.

In our new 5 year plan, we plan to have consumer holding RNP to be able to use the currency for their daily purchases as well. Offering local merchants a better processing fee compared to current rate, we encourage merchants to include our terminal in their cashier terminal(s). Consumer will be able to apply for a RenCap Debit Card and a mobile app to view RenCap account balance. This eliminate the need for currency changing when travelling and a much lower cost for transaction compared to current payment solution for Businesses.

RenCap will be buying back RNP tokens every quarter of the year to release local currency to merchants and consumers in exchange for their RNP. This will provide the foundation support for the token, as well as provide ease of financials for all RNP users for their monthly expenditure.

To know more about RenCap platform,
You can visit the following;

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Written by:
Bitcointalk Profile - i7claufe
Bitcointalk Profile URL -;u=1719874
ETH Address - 0xc38a4feFC0D2B94686F4E512952e8FB985FeA1B0

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