Greener Electricity for the Crypto Community - ElonCity Platform

in #blockchain6 years ago

ElonCity offers a cleaner electricty platform to be used by the community. Electricity has become part of our daily lives meaning ElonCity will also become part of our daily lives! The bad part is, the cost of electricity has kept increasing by the day and this has been the truth since then. With ElonCity platform, the team aims to stop this inflation within the industry by inducing a greener and a cheaper electricity source into the community.

It will result in a cheaper and more efficient energy source and consumption will be safer and will be lesser expensive. ElonCity is a blockchain based electricity revolutionary platform for a cleaner and greener electricty for the masses. ELONCITY decentralizes our power infrastructure into millions of self sufficient microgrids. Locally produced energy is available 24/7 and directly competitive to utilities. Energy price becomes transparent to all. People use eloncity's open technologies to make electricity virtually free so that we can electrify the world with clean energy.

Eloncity offers some special ways in which one can earn free tokens for themselves. Experience a cleaner and greener electricity energy consumption for free just by doing Special Tasks the ELONCity has to offer.

Eloncity shares the opportunity to everyone and not just for themselves. One can read the whitepaper to know more about the ElonCity platform and the advantages it can offer within the crypto sphere.

The purpose of this document is to provide a high-level technical overview of the Eloncity Model for decentralized
renewable energy projects. It assumes that the reader has a basic understanding of cloud computing, energy
industry, decentralized applications, blockchain technology, crypto utility token, project financing, community
development, energy regulatory and policy. A list of resources is provided for those who would like to develop
a foundational understanding of blockchain technology and crypto utility token.

This document provides an overview of the Eloncity Model, a community-based decentralized renewable
energy platform powered by blockchain ecosystem for building and deploying decentralized energy resources.
It describes fundamental problems that the Eloncity Model seeks to address, key building blocks of the Eloncity
solutions, target markets, and an implementation roadmap for realizing the Eloncity vision.
The information in this document is intended for informational purposes only. Eloncity may make
improvements or changes to the products, architectural design, or programs described in this
document at any time without notice.

Environmental and Public Health Problems, California October 23, 2015 – The underground natural gas storage
located in Aliso Canyon (Los Angeles) had a massive leak1

. This storage facility is the second-largest natural
gas storage facility of its kind in the United States, and it supplies gas to electric power generation plants
throughout Southern California. The leak problem was so dire that it prompted California Governor Jerry Brown
to declare a state of emergency on January 6, 2016. This Aliso Canyon incident created the environmental
disaster that was estimated to be larger than the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico. It was
assessed that the Aliso Canyon gas leak released approximately 5.3 gigatons of harmful methane gas into the
Earth’s atmosphere, or equivalent to about 12,800 years of the total annual emission of the entire South Coast
Air Basin in Southern California. The power utilities in Southern California implemented contingency plans in
anticipation of the natural gas shortages for powering the local gas-based electric plants. In the meanwhile,
the local residents reported headaches, nausea and severe nosebleeds. About 50 children per day saw school
nurses for severe nosebleeds. By January 2016, nearly three thousand households or about eleven thousand
people had been temporarily relocated while more than 6,500 families have filed for help. There are other
numerous but disastrous centralized grid accidents such as the Chernobyl and the Fukushima incidents. In the
Chernobyl nuclear power plant catastrophe2

, over 300,000 people were forced to relocate permanently. This
nuclear accident released traceable airborne radioactive particles in all countries in the northern hemisphere.
As these few examples attest, the centralized grids pose increasingly unbearable impacts to the environment,
health, and safety of the people that it serves.
Safety and Reliability Problems, California September 8, 2011 – A deficient equipment maintenance procedure
at a transmission switch station in Yuma, Arizona, initiated cascade grid power failures that left more than
seven million residents without electricity, from San Diego County to western Arizona and Tijuana3

. This major
incident exposed the inherent susceptibility of the centralized power grid to point-vulnerabilities. Like the Aliso
Canyon gas leak incident, a failure at one single point on the centralized power grid could cause adverse impacts
to millions of customers over vast areas. Whether natural or human-induced accidents at any vulnerable points
that could be located anywhere on the complex centralized power grid sprawling over the vast geographical
areas, the existing power grid’s ability to guarantee safe and reliable energy services looks to be increasingly
Adaptability and Resilience, Melbourne, January 28, 2018 – More than 10,000 homes in Australia’s second
most populous state were stuck without power as a surge in power demands from the scorching heat wave
overloaded the grid4

. This blackout was caused by a power network failure, rather than supply shortages. It
impacted more than 50,00 homes. This came less than a year after Australia’s largest City, Sydney, was hit by

blackouts during another heat wave. During an intense heat wave, power demands can precipitously peak as
customers increase their air conditioning. Meanwhile, the grid T&D wires and electric power plants experience
reduced electricity transmission and generation due to increased ambient temperature. In the foreseeable
future of climate change, cities around the world are expected to experience growing incidents of grid failures
due to adverse weathers. From heat waves in Australia and California to frigid winter spells in the northeastern
US, to hurricanes Katrina, Sandy, Rita or Maria, we have witnessed repeated episodes of massive grid failures
due to the system’s inability to adapt and absorb the disruptions brought about by climate-change-induced
Unaffordable Electricity Cost, USA April 14, 2016 – According to a study by Groundswell, a nonprofit renewable
energy advocacy group, the cost of electricity is increasingly burdensome for America’s working class. The study
reports the bottom 20 percent of earners spend about 10 percent of their income on electricity5

. There are a few
reasons for centralized grid’s high costs of electricity: (a) Five to nine percent6,7 of the total energy produced is
lost during the electricity transmission and distribution. As discussed above, the T&D losses amplified during
hot weather spells due to increasing resistance in the T&D wires and equipment as temperature rises; (b) the
electricity in AC is relatively complex which requires numerous supporting resources, called ancillary services,
to ensure the delivered powers at customer sites remain within the required power quality limits. Examples
of ancillary service would be frequency regulation, and voltage-level regulation. Unfortunately, the required
ancillary services for the centralized AC grid are costly and account from three to seven percent of the total
electricity bill8; (c) Capacity services to ensure adequate power generation capacity to maintain grid reliability
during periods of peak demand. The capacity services or standby capacity reserve are compulsory because the
today’s power grid lacks real-time coordination of customer power demands with the system’s available power
supply. In another word, since the real-time management of power demands at customer sites lacking, the
centralized grids procure excess generation capacity to standby just in case they are needed. These capacity
services are also costly and can add up to 15 percent of the total bill9

. These examples are just a few of the
innate and costly inefficiency of the centralized AC power grid design that drives up the cost of electricity for
all ratepayers.

With the challenges of natural disasters, population growth, and climate change, new approaches to energy
production and distribution are needed. The solutions must warrant vibrant and sustained growth for all. AI
Grid Foundation (Foundation) is a non-profit organization based in Singapore who advocates for employing
decentralized renewable energy as a possible pathway to address the problematic centralized AC grids as
mentioned above. The Foundation has collaborated with global organizations and local communities to develop
the Eloncity Model; a multifaceted solution that employs decentralized renewable energy resources to eradicate
barriers to attain safe, healthy, vibrant and equitable energy future.
Decentralized renewable energy is employing locally available renewable resources, such as solar or wind
power, to produce electricity locally where it is consumed. When energy customers in a community coordinate
with each other to exchange energy and share energy equipment costs-benefits (e.g., solar PV, BESS, energy
management system, and others) to access more reliable and cost-effective local energy supply, to maximize
the utilization rates of the installed equipment for accelerated return-of-investment (ROI) and other benefits,
they essentially create a community-based renewable microgrid. This type of decentralized community-based
renewable microgrid holds tremendous potential for fortifying the centralized grids and solving the problems
threatening our energy safety and security.

To know more about the Eloncity Platform,
You can visit the following;

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Written by;

Bitcointalk Profile - i7claufe
Bitcointalk Profile URL -;u=1719874
ELONCITY UID - 5421796415

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