Skyllz :What matters more Skill or Degree?

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

In the earlier days, degrees were the last thing that was considered before employment. This meant, even unskilled people with degrees from good schools got employed while the actually skilled ones but without any formal degree were left behind.

However, those days are really a thing of the past.

Degrees do not indicate excellence and the best example of it is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook who is a dropout.

Today, the leading tech-companies including SpaceX, Google and others do not focus on the degree but rather the skills. If a person is exceptional at something, he/she is easily recruited by the company. This is a welcome change.

This is why the Skyllz platform has been built.

What is Skillz?

Skyllz is a platform where people can develop, showcase and use any skill that they wish to. It will build a transparent platform where all its users will be assessed and their strength areas will be identified. Once that is done, they will be polished and empowered so that they can convert this skill into excellence.

The main mission of this platform is to convert people into stalwarts of their strength areas.

Along with this, the Skyllz Distribution Platform aims to build a human skills ecosystem that has the potential to replace CVs in the future.

SDP has understood the most important element of today's job market, skills, and are taking giant leaps forward to change the way people are employed today.

How does it work?

The SDP ecosystem is fuelled by two main components -

  • Proof of skill - This is the reputation of a user related to every skill on the SDP platform. It is nontradeable.

  • SKT - This is an exchangeable utility token. It enables users to participate, verify and certify their skills on the platform which will be an added advantage during job applications.

These two main components will have the following functions :

  • Skills Allocation - The skills that a person has been identified and allocated. Accordingly, the applications of these skills along with hard skills are carried out.

  • Skills Acquisition - New skills that are relevant to the old skills that a person had acquired along with skills that are in demand are taught to a person using various well-known web resources such as YouTube, Wikipedia, MOOCs etc.

  • Skills Contextualization - How a user actually applies these acquired skills are tested. The soft skills are also brushed up.

  • Skills Boosting - This is done to multiply the effect all the above 3 processes so that the user can enjoy best job opportunities along with a changed attitude full of confidence.

About ICO

The SKT token is the utility token of the Skyllz platform. It enables users to access as well as transact on the platform. Using the SKT, users can participate and get their skills validated.

The SKT private pre-sale is scheduled to take place in March, 2018. After the end of this pre-sale, development of Proof-of-skills and its implementation on the current platform will begin.

After this, the Public pre-sale will begin in June, 2018 followed by the public main sale in July, 2018.


Skyllz and its team have successfully identified the most important need of today's job market - skills. With the help of its platform, millions of users across the globe can acquire new skills and boost the old ones to get a much better job and feel much more confident about what they do.

With its unique 'talent branding' concept replacing conventional CVs, the need of degrees from a branded institution will be done away in the recent future. And rightly so, because a degree is never the right metric to judge the suitability of an applicant for a particular position.

Assessing and judging everything correctly, Skyllz has surely taken a step in the right direction with a unique concept that might help millions of people across the globe.

ANN Thread:

Blog by Yalsik

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