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RE: Ultimate Blockchains

in #blockchain6 years ago

@edicted - you are correct the ultimate blockchain may have not even been conceived of yet. The central bankers & powers that control the economy will seek to centralize and control that ultimate blockchain- whatever it is.

Many governments like China are already trying to regulate cryptos with various results. Other governments are taking a hands off approach at least so far- these include the US and many EU nations.

The key is to have a decentralized system that no one person or organization controls. As far as UBI- I've looked at the arguments. The theory on paper makes some sense, but cannot be realized in the current Bretton Woods/Fractional Banking economy in my opinion. You need a new system entirely. That would take another shot-across the bow finacial blow up, ala the 2008 Financial Crisis- right now that doesn't look to be happening.

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