Waves unveils new website for next phase of adoption

in #blockchain7 years ago

The Waves Platform has relaunched  its website, listing key projects and facilities as new services come  online and its blockchain ecosystem rapidly expands.

The  Waves Platform website has been given a full revamp as it releases new  services and positions to become the foremost custom tokens blockchain  application.

Tokens 101

Waves  was designed with mass adoption in mind and focuses on custom token  operations. ‘We believe that these very basic facilities — creating,  distributing, transferring and trading simple tokens — will be the  forefront of blockchain adoption,’ explains CEO Sasha Ivanov. ‘This is  the functionality that businesses are exploring now and want to  implement in their applications. We want to make it as easy as possible  for businesses to deploy their custom tokens, and for their customers to  use them.’The  new website explains exactly what a blockchain token is — knowledge  that cannot be assumed for newcomers seeking to explore the benefits of  distributed ledger technology for their businesses — before offering a  straightforward tutorial for creating tokens on Waves. ‘Waves is  “Blockchain for the People”, and we mean to makes these powerful tokens  facilities available to everyone, without a significant technical  overhead,’ continues Ivanov.

Key projects

As  well as introductions and guides, the site lists some of Waves’  flagship projects — applications that have crowdfunded on the platform  and are already up and running using Waves technology. Each are  represented by a token on the Waves network. These include WBTC — a  bitcoin token that allows Waves users to store, send and receive bitcoin  on the Waves platform via the secure Bitcoin Gateway — and the Waves  Community Token (WCT), which allows holders to participate in collective  due diligence for new projects and to benefit from regular airdrops.  Third-party projects such as Darcrus and Incent are also included,  offering some sense of the growing ecosystem building up around the core  Waves technology and infrastructure.

Optimised for convenience

Lastly,  the site has been fully optimised to give a faster, smoother  experience, and to ensure it is better suited for mobile browsing. ‘Our  attention is always on users. During its early period of development  blockchain technology was difficult to use. Everything was very  technical and hard for users — cryptocurrency clients, blockchain  downloads, complicated and unreliable exchanges and other services, and  even finding the information you need to get up and running. Waves aims  to change that for every element of blockchain adoption, from our  website right through to the wallet itself.’

For more information, visit www.WavesPlatform.com.

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