Blockchained Sex : let's make it happen.

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

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Like many geniuses ideas in the past, this one could change the world forever.

It's very simple.

You’ve certainly, at some point of your short but intense life, met an alluring stranger in a public place. Quickly starting the conversation with the openers that your seduction coach gave you at your last seminar, you discovered yourself a lot of things in common with the mysterious encounter. She (or he) had eyes like lagoons, waiting for you to dive in. Her (or his) voice made the most mundane things sound like cosmic poetry. Electricity in the air, and butterflies in your stomach. This was it. Something special was happening.

You took her (him) back to your place. The physical connection was definitely there. Your endocrinal system started firing up all sorts of niceties in every part of your body. Your lips felt electrocuted, your head was on fire and your heart was doing its own pump-and-dump.

And then it happened. As you were fully prepared to start a nice horizontal mambo, she (or he) said, in a whisper : “Tell me you have a condom”.

Of course, you didn’t. In your utter innocence, you thought from the start you guys were gonna have sex as it was meant to be in the first place : unprotected. Sadly for you, christian values are losing more and more terain each day. We aren’t in the Garden of Eve anymore. Today, we have responsabilities, risk-taking analysis and a repulsion for the slightest bit of danger. And so this is how it ended. You, awkwardly rolling on the side and looking at the white ceiling of your bedroom. Her (him), silently wondering if this was a good idea to leave the party with a stranger.

The magic had gone, and you never felt as alone as in this moment.

And there was nothing to be done, right ? Sometimes, when you meet someone, everything aligns…. except the one thing that really counts. C’est la vie.

Sauf que non. C’est pas ça, la vie. Merde alors. Things can change.

Solutions can be found. Solutions HAVE to be found. If we keep going down this road, one day will come when individuals will live in aseptised bubbles.

Let’s put our emotional brain aside, and listen carefully to what’s coming next. I think I found the solution to this problem. We have blockchain. We have biowereables. All the stars seem to align to show us the way. We just need to be open-minded. It’s not going to be easy to hear, but I think there is a huge market.

It would be a blockchain app that… certifies in real-time that your partner is STD-free.


I said it.

Have a good day.


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