How can we protect against the world cyber threats

in #blockchain6 years ago

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Not all companies today are positioned to be aware of imminent cyber threats that are about to be released into the public domain which can cause not only financial damage but are also damaging to a company’s reputation. Vulnerability scanning applications rely on stale cyber threat security information to diagnose whether a company’s website or infrastructure is at risk.
May 2017, businesses and organisations around the world were hit by one of the biggest ransomware attacks we’ve seen. The attack spread through 150 countries and government agencies around the world, and were put at risk by having their computers and systems held hostage. The highest profile victim appeared to be the UK’s National Health Service, and the list of victims continued to grow as many more people became aware of the different hacks and variants of viruses that were used.

The attack spread through 150 countries and government agencies around the world


Forbes publication January 2017 an article entitled, “Why Cybersecurity Should be the Biggest Concern of 2017,”
Cesar Cerrudo wrote that “by 2020 there will be 200 billion connected things”. As technology becomes more deeply integrated into our lives, we become increasingly dependent on it.
Cerrudo also writes that, “Most technology is vulnerable and can be hacked…Cars have been hacked, plane systems, critical infrastructure like a power grid and a dam were hacked, and many more systems and organisations can be added to the list.
Cyber crime effects businesses of all sizes and types and the threat of data breach is constantly evolving. Now more than ever, it is important that companies take measures to protect themselves from costly data breaches.
Investment in cybercrime is reflective of a global rise in cybercrime. The pace of technological development is speedy, and a system that ensures total security in one year might become compromised in the next.
It was reported that 918 data breaches , (1.9 billion data records), took place in the first 6 months of 2017, that is 164% higher than the same period in 2016.

                Cybersecurity Problems Are Everywhere


UNCLOAK application developed in-house will
Automatically discover a client’s public internet footprint covering websites, email servers, applications and computers on the internet in readiness for a security scan greatly reducing the timescales around security scanning setup.
UNCLOAK with the expertise in the cyber security space have already spent one year developing an MVP (a minimum viable product) which is available as a demo right now. Due to the increasing scale of cyber threat and through working with many small to large enterprise clients who have similar security requirements in protecting their infrastructure and who seek a systematic approach to thwarting would-be hackers, UNCLOAK was developed to deliver this solution with a capability that currently does not exist in the commercial market.
Uncloak will work using a number of smart contracts on the platform (a function allowing a set of predetermined actions to be performed in a secure manner). For example, a smart contract would allow UCC tokens to be issued to the ethical hacker on the basis that a new cyber threat vulnerability has been found and checked by other ethical hackers in the community.
UNCLOAK - Mission is to create a decentralised, scalable, blockchain powered cyber security management solution that places an emphasis upon the strength of the wider community to contribute to finding vulnerabilities through a blockchain based mechanism. Even though our current understanding of the Blockchain is very much entrenched in online technology, it is also a new way of thinking about the value of data and how humans interact with it. The changes that blockchain can bring about for decentralising and authorising access to data may help us shift from our current use of centralised software for such pivotal and sensitive information as patient or telecommunications records.

Please visit our website to learn more and join our mailing list and engage in our other channels where you’ll be able to obtain the earliest news.

We are currently at private sale stage. If you would like to register an interest please email [email protected] Our upcoming bounty program is due to start in the next week so keep your eyes peeled!
We’re also open to hearing from everyone including future partnerships and collaborations!


Uncloak, the world’s first blockchain powered cyber threat solution!

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