Information & Value Flow: Slavery & Salvation

in #blockchain6 years ago

Facebook, Google and other power players in today’s web are banning information flow between people to counteract the threat of the blockchain-based decentralization movement. This is just one example of our information and value slavery in the current centralistic web. When a few conglomerates hold control over all information flow online, they hold the power to dictate everyone’s view of reality.


Just like the powerhouses of the dark ages didn’t want the public to know how to read, to avoid them from gaining power, so too centralistic powers of today are in complete control over our view of reality, and use this to further enslave us into their dogmas of power.

This is part of the reason Amazon doesn’t allow its shopkeepers to know who their customers are, except for an ID code with which they can do nothing but pay Amazon to send a message to the actual human behind the ID, a message which can only be answered back via the Amazon mediator. This is divide and conquer at its best.

This is part of the reason why Facebook has deliberately killed organic reach; They don’t want the human web to connect directly with one another, as it serves their interests better to act as a central mediator depicting our world view, selling our attention to the highest bidder, as if we were stock, and biasing the information flow to always maintain themselves as a middleman in full control.

Facebook is a centrally controlled robot which decides who will hear you when you speak out, and who you will hear back. It is a mask we wear, often unknowingly, completely controlling our view of the world. As the web moved from search to discovery, we actually surrendered before new masters, becoming helpless sheep staring at feeds, reactively digesting whatever we are fed. In the current web, we are just a necessity in someone else’s business model. These feeds were supposed to connect us with our friends, but the reality of our web is that every time you open your feeds, your mind is being washed to suit someone else’s interests.


Look around and behold, see the people staring at their screens, swapping up and down, right and left, usually on some centrally controlled feed. There is actually no more free web, it’s basically 5–6 power houses globally controlling a dozen information hoses feeding us a biased view of reality. Most users online spend mostly all their time on these feeds, totally sedated into the chemical rush of being in the know, as depicted by the master. And as any good drug dealer knows, you better get them on the substance when they’re young. This is why facebook is fighting so hard to get into the faces and eyes of all the children.. Catch them while their mind is malleable and easy to condition, and they’ll never break free.


Even the illusion that these hoses are actually just the entry point to the “web”, is an illusion. Sometimes people pop into other landing pages clicking from the feed to supposedly go outside, but they don’t actually leave the feed even then, since the feed has ingested this information as well so it can be centrally controlled and served (e.g. Facebook Instant Articles). And in turn, the rest of the web has become no more than just landing pages. The average page views per session outside of facebook is around 1, which means people just link “outside” their feeds, read some piece of content then go back inside. Because why be proactive when everything you supposedly need is just served to you as you stare at your screen?

As we now see, a single mediator controlling information flow between people is robbing us both from the basic human right of free speech, and from a more subtle basic right to know what we wish to know, since it’s in control and dictates our information feeds; Most often it just decides for us who will hear us and who we are allowed to hear, selling us off to serve business interests of others. But if something may threaten their control (like the decentralisation movement), these central powers will act out to try and ban us completely from knowing about it, or discussing it, or sharing it. All the greatest revolutions mankind has known, have been revolutions of consciousness, and in this next revolution, the human web will have to break free from the chains of its centrally controlled digital feeding farms, and start walking the hard path of emancipation.

It is always more responsibility to be independent than a slave, but once eyes become opened, it is impossible to slip back into slumber of ignorance. Whoever is keeping you from speaking out your mind or expressing your opinions, is depriving you of a basic human right. Whoever is making money from your personal information by selling your personality and attention for auction to the highest bidders, is depriving you from owning and monetising your self.


We at 2key are on a mission to build the infrastructure, algorithms and product to actually break information flow free. We’re working to create a general incentive model for online sharing, and infusing it into HTTP links, so that information flow online can be truly done by the people, for the people, truly yours; When you are the central node in each act of information referral, you regain control — and then each act of sharing online truly becomes an act of caring — for your interests and for the interests of the people you share to. The days of a central robot using each of us as a human relay money machine should soon come to an end. It is a matter of opening our eyes, and deciding to re-invest in our freedom; Our minds and our money are at stake, and we stand to gain our own selves back by taking charge of the information which flows through us online.

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