[ICO REVIEW] What is Sparkster? Decentralized Cloud and Smart Software + 10 million transactions

in #blockchain6 years ago
  1. Technological ideas

Overview: Sparkster blockchain is built and improved from the Stellar source code. Development of Decentralized software on the Sparkster Platform allows users to build software in common English language without programming or blockchain knowledge. Decentralized Cloud decentralized cloud storage technology allows Smart Software programs to run at speeds of up to 10 million transactions per second. Speed ​​up the speed of blockchain technology application in daily life.testnet.PNG
Product status:

Testnet: ~ 6500 transactions per second performed on only 6 phones

You can sign up to participate in the public beta testing of the distributed computing platform at http://sparkster.me/test-cloud/.

  1. Basic information

Project Name: Sparkster. Token Symbol: SPARK

Whitelist: Opening (10/05/2018). Selling Presale

Website: sparkster.me

Telegram: https://t.me/SparksterICO

Minimum Contribution in Presale: $ 25,000

Crowd Sale Date: June / July 2018

Token Delivery: 2 Weeks After Crowdsale

Lock Tokens: Only Bonus Tokens are Locked

Lockup Period: 1 Month (Bonus Tokens Only)

Wallet Requirements: Ethereum Wallet

Founders, Advisors, and Team Vesting: 2 Years

Total Tokens Supply: 435,000,000

Exchange Liquidity Reserve: 10,000,000

Percentage Being Sold: 67%

Total Circulating Supply: 290,000,000

Presale Allocation: 250,000,000

Crowdsale Allocation: 38,000,000

Marketing Allocation: 2,000,000

Marketing Token Lock Period: 1 Months

Price Token: $ 0.15

No. SPARK Tokens per ETH .: 4,650: 1

Maximum Bonus: 30%

Soft Cap: $ 5 Million

Hard Cap: $ 30 Million

Amount Collected in Private Sale: $ 0

  1. Team

a. Advisor

Gary Leavens: Dean of Computer Science, Programming Language Specialist at the University of Florida. University of Iowa faculty. Formerly a programmer at the MIT Institute of Technology (MIT).

Juan Albelo: Senior Vice President of SAP (Indian Technology Company). Served as vice president of business at Oracle.advisors.PNG
b. Lead

Sajjad Daya: Sparkster CEO- 15 years of business and leadership experience. Of which there are 2 years experience in technical support at Cisco. 3 years of business development at Xprint. 1 year as head of software development at Syncoms. 10 years as investment manager at Syncoms. More than two years as CEO at Printerpix.com. More than 3 years as Vice President of Business Technology at Syncoms.

Amit Kumar: Chief Technology Officer - 20 years of App and Database Development experience at Syncoms for 7 years. Nearly 5 years as Database Director at Wipro.leadership-team.PNG
Shabeer Kirmani: Chief Technology Officer - 3 years at Accenture (Top 10 influential technology companies in the blockchain industry). From October 2013 to now hold the position of Director, Data Science at the US Department of Defense.

Dayanie Rajeev: Human Resources - 3 years working at Citibank India since 2003. 1 year working at Accenture since 2006, 3 years at IBM in 2007-2010, 4 years in Human Resources from 2010 to 2014.

Neeru Pallen: Marketing department. 3 years as marketing manager at Syncoms UK from 2011, SEO consultant for The Times in 2013. 1 year as a commercial web service.

Munawar Bijani: Senior Software Engineer- 7 years of back-end software programming experience.dev-team.PNG
ombined, the Sparkster team is said to be from well-known large corporations such as Cisco, HSBC, Wipro, Infosys, Capgemini, Citibank, IMB, Accenture, AT & T, Pfizer, NBC Universal, Snapdeal, OLA, etc.
Our partners are ARM and E

  1. Roadmap

The project is set up from 2014, from around 2014-2016 is the platform development, and Beta release

2017 signed a cooperation agreement with Libelium and ARM. Run Private Beta program, complete performance optimization.

2018 Finalizing the plan to build a decentralized cloud structure. T3 released the internal Dcloud Beta v0.1. T4 announced a full-fledged enterprise platform. T5 Announced Sparkster to Market.

Q2 2018 Platform Announces Arduino and ESP Platform Support for Developing Non-Code Applications.

Q3 2018 Announcement of platform for ARM equipment such as cooperation agreement. Becomes one of the first IOT platforms to integrate into ARM. The output version supports input sensors for the app on the phone such as (GPS, gyroscope, accelerometer, etc).

Q4 2018 Alpha version for Decentralized Cloud. Launched full version for AI support applications not just for PC version.

2019 Integrates other blockchain such as NEO, Cardano, Stellar to support payment transactions. Announces Platform for Data Analysis and Data Archiving for Enterprise Customers.roadmap.PNG

  1. Communities

Telegram: Membership increased rapidly from 1k member to 3k member in just 2 days (from May 12-14). The current number of members is 6k member. The admin team responded positively, timely.

The project received positive reviews from the ICO analysis page



The idea is clear: decentralized software and cloud computing
Website presentation professional, complete, scientific including all the information and communication interfaces needed. Be sure to provide evidence of the project's high credibility
Public permission to participate in system testing
The development team consists of quality members: mentors are professors from top technology universities; Leaders have years of leadership and technology experience at leading technology corporations and branches in India. In particular, they were involved, and worked together long before the project started. Programmers are senior programmers. Marketing and business staff are leaders from reputable companies, magazines and banks. This team represents a strong governance structure, each of which is made up of excellent members of each field and is well-managed.

Roadmap: are milestones with products that are almost complete, basic. Creates trust.
High hype (community): The project received positive reviews from the analysis page, ICO synthesis
Token metrics: logical token allocations, acceptable hardcap levels. Tight sale policy, carefully vesting mode for developers in 2 years and bonus token. Declaration of all information is transparent from time (sale, release, pay token after 2 weeks, etc.), quantity.
Minus point

Although the trial product and test results are available, the estimated number of deliverables is incredibly large, and there is no technical explanation available on the website and the whitepaper.
The information about the development team is not wrong, but it seems too much to take advantage of the reputation and image of the company, the old unit to show the company image along with individual faces.
The tests mentioned are mostly internal, open trials focused on testing for cloud storage systems.
link check project:
webside: https://sparkster.me/
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_341kbDEDc9PWn4lbsCGpAmcqDqcggUq/view
my link bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1937327


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