Get to know True Flip: Where did Flip come from?

in #blockchain6 years ago

TF_logo.pngHey guys,

Today we’d like to share some insights into our corporate life with you! The True Flip team is proud of the brand’s history, and we would be happy to tell you more about it.

So, let’s start from the beginning. In this post, we would like to tell you the story of how our mascot — Flip the dolphin — was born.

Process Sketches of True Flip’s logo
In the earliest stage of our business, after tons of hard work related to the company’s foundation, we were left with an exciting task: the creation of our logo. An exciting task, but not an easy one at all!

Everyone on the team had a different opinion. But, fortunately enough, we unanimously agreed on the idea that should stand behind our symbol: it should reflect fairness, intelligence, and luck.

And that was when the idea of a dolphin first swam into our minds! Dolphins are known as friendly and highly intelligent animals that trust their instincts and intuition. This animal also works perfectly for the gaming industry, as it symbolizes playfulness and joy. To add aspects of wisdom and luck, we agreed to add several attributes to the dolphin: a top hat, a cane, and spectacles. Now, the image of Flip the dolphin was in our minds — but not anywhere else.

As we didn’t have a designer on our team back then, the best way to get a sketch of our logo was to hire a freelancer. We posted the task on an online platform that brings together freelance designers. Many variants were close but still interpreted our symbol in the wrong way. Take a look at how Flip could have looked:

From the several sketches we received, we chose the most suitable that conveyed the right emotions. That was the prototype of our mascot. Here’s the earliest version:

It desperately needed detail and colour, but it was exactly what we wanted — a magical mascot that shows how joyful and fun our games are. From this simple, cheap sketch, the whole story began: we found a designer to redraw our logo in colour, and we created new characters and wrote a background story for them. We designed many other exciting features of our brand as well, but all of them merit their own stories, which we would like to tell you later. :)

To conclude, True Flip’s dolphin is not just a pretty image (which, we believe, is indisputable) but is also a good example that the best ideas do not always involve a huge amount of effort and money — just a little bit of creativity and luck! :)

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