Universal Basic Income (UBI) Is Here!

in #blockchain6 years ago


Now, everyone can receive a basic income of Manna cryptocurrency via the magic of blockchain and the People’s Currency Foundation, a United States based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, classified as a public charity by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.


UBI is not a new idea. It’s already happening in Finland and the Canadian province of Ontario, while other states and cities across the world are considering the idea. The city of Stockton is committing to an experiment with a Universal Basic Income in 2018. The city will supplement low-income Stockton families’ budgets to the tune of $500/month and then monitor the results.[1]


Fortune magazine states, "A universal basic income, or UBI, is a once-fringe policy proposal that has gained increasing public support in the U.S., including from many tech business leaders including Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. In part, the idea is appealing because it would help insulate workers against labor market shocks likely to be produced by innovations like self-driving cars and artificial intelligence."[2]

Click this link now to begin receiving your weekly UBI payments.

According to the White Paper[3]:

Manna is the first publicly traded, blockchain-based currency to be distributed as a Universal Basic Income subsidy to anyone in the world who applies and is verified as a unique human being. Manna, originally called Grantcoin, is also the first cryptocurrency to be managed and distributed by a U.S.-based tax-exempt nonprofit organization, and to be value-backed not only by investors, but also by tax-deductible donations which are used to buy back the token on markets where it trades. If sufficiently capitalized in the future, Manna will also be backed by profits from a capital reserve fund, similar to the Alaska Permanent Fund which pays an annual dividend to all citizens of the U.S. state of Alaska and is the longest-lasting and most successful UBI subsidy program in the world.

On January 29, 2018, The People's Currency Foundation (a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit) published their whitepaper for Manna, a relaunching of the basic income cryptocurrency formerly known as Grantcoin, which was the first publicly traded blockchain currency to be distributed universally to all those verified as unique applicants. Its first distribution occurred on June 30, 2016. Four more disbursements occurred on October 1, 2016, January 31, 2017, June 17, 2017, and August 9, 2017.[4]

This program has been growing steadily...


Manna was formerly called Grantcoin and has establishsed a successful financial track record over time...


Considering the world situation, there is a decided need for UBI and this project has an ambitious roadmap:


UBI is available to everyone in the world. Click this link now to begin receiving your UBI payments.




Great project, but the people in their vids seem like total hippies :)
The program can't recognize my phone number as valid so going to take weeks before I'm verified probably.

To be straight up with you, the program is not perfected yet. There are still bugs to iron out as in any blockchain endeavor. It's not a mature technology. Think of Steem. It's a great project, but there are glitches, beefs about voting and whales etc., but the overall project is very successful.

UBI is not a super-fast get rich quick scheme where you sign up and your check arrives by Fed Ex the next day. I myself had my doubts at first, but when I started getting regular payments, I was more than pleased with the results. It was well worth the time and effort.

My suggestion is to sign up to take advantage of the program and put it on a back burner. When you check back in 2019, I would NOT be surprised if you had $100 worth of Manna or more in your account. It's hard to say for sure, because as you know, crypto is very volatile. Manna is not a major currency like Steem or Cardano and it is thinly traded on some small exchanges. Nonetheless UBI is now up and running and I hope you find it a gainful experience.

I already did a couple weeks ago, just waiting for the verification now.
Got plenty of time, and it will eventually be more traded some day.

Another cool program is Steem Basic Income, wich I've started to sponsor my followers. I think such a program could be rewarding over time if being active on our blogs.

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