Vexanium-Decentralized Marketing Ecosystem

in #blockchain6 years ago

Vexanium-Decentralized Marketing Ecosystem


The new ideas are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new tasks. We have the greatest instrument on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a gigantic base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is VEXANIUM a progressed decentralized promoting framework created utilizing blockchain.

VEXANIUM is making a business opportunity for traders to advance their items in an advantageous and most straightforward way. This decentralized biological system arrangement makes tokenized prizes and voucher stage for their clients. In this arrangement, VEXANIUM attempting to fill the space between off-fasten to on-chain for new and existing retailers and customers.

VEXANIUM will reform special space by bringing voucher and coupon businesses inside the blockchain. Blockchain-based biological communities made by VEXANIUM will tackle the principle issues confronting the advancement business today. The failure, liquidity and decentralized of VEXANIUM will upset the special market while acquainting blockchain with new clients into a decentralized blockchain period. The VEXANIUM stage will likewise normally serve existing blockchain organizations in client securing, actuation, and maintenance. The permanence, liquidity and decentralized nature of VEXANIUM will reform this market while presenting a radical new rush of retailers and clients to the blockchain period. The VEXANIUM stage will likewise normally serve existing blockchain organizations in their client securing, actuation and maintenance.


There are a few downsides in existing voucher and reward enterprises. VEXANIUM gives answers for these issues, for example, poor financial matters, illiquidity and reclamations. These days, there is a considerable measure of interest for blockchain based organizations. The VEXANIUM's stage gives an Airdrop answer for these organizations to meet their objective. As you most likely are aware the blockchain period is coming up. VEXANIUM venture helps every single new retailer and buyers to go into this blockchain time.

VEXANIUM is a progressed decentralized promoting framework created utilizing blockchain. At the end of the day, VEXANIUM is making a business opportunity for traders to advance their items in an advantageous and most straightforward way. This decentralized biological system arrangement makes tokenized prizes and voucher stage for their clients. In this arrangement, VEXANIUM attempting to fill the space between off-fasten to on-chain for new and existing retailers and customers.

The VEXANIUM stage has 4 parts:

Voucher Platform:

The VEX stage will permit organizations (disconnected, on the web and onchain) to be made battles to increase new clients and reward existing clients, utilizing VEX token. It will likewise empower the formation of vouchers by these organizations where customers can purchase with a VEX token. This will be encouraged through VEX web and portable applications.

P2P Voucher Exchange:

The VEX Exchange will enable buyers to exchange vouchers in the middle possess and set their own costs. It is facilitated inside a VEX application.

Cryptoexchange Integration VEX:

The VEX application highlights combination with chose cryptoexchanges in succession to enable clients to specifically exchange their VEX token adjust on the trade.

Airdrop Platform

The VEX stage will likewise permit blockchain organizations to make Airdrop crusades to increase new clients and reward existing clients, utilizing VEX token. This will be encouraged through VEX web and versatile applications.

VEXANIUM has answers for the issue of advancement in the realm of cryptographic money. These arrangements are;

A decentralized stage enables retailers to speak with clients without the requirement for a focal server. There is no focal specialist to process requests or lineup commercials and advertising efforts. By wiping out the focal specialist, the high expenses charged by the go between can be removed.

In the promoting promotion, using blockchain innovation enables clients to ensure the data of a voucher or coupon can't be altered or erased once being distributed on the blockchain, upgrading the trust in the market framework.

Applying tokenization to promotion advertising conveys straightforwardness to the couponing and voucher ventures by counteracting extortion while reclaiming a voucher as well as completely uncovering the data of each showcasing effort and advancement. Liquidity is achieved by permitting exchanging of vouchers, coupons and steadfastness focuses between clients.


VEXANIUM empowers traders to make their own tokenized vouchers (VEXM) effectively by utilizing VEXM Generator. Along these lines, Merchants can without much of a stretch make their voucher tokens by altering parameters in view of the agreement format. All data of the token will be composed in the VEXANIUM blockchain.

VEXplorer: This is a blockchain program enabling clients to perform pursuits, API and examination of the VEXANIUM blockchain. Every exchange, each square created and the shrewd contracts that had just been gone into will be appeared at ongoing in the VEXplorer, number of token holders will be shown on VEXplorer.


VEX tokens will be issued as an ATP 1.0 Standard Token on the Achain Blockchain Protocol. ATP 1.0, the Achain token standard, is a technical standard used for smart contracts on the Achain blockchain. The total amount of VEX ever created will be 1,000,000,000 VEX.

Tiker : VEX

Token Sale : 400.000.000 VEX (40% for total circulation)

START of ICO 4, 19th – 26th June 2018

Vex token is based on achain platform


1 ETH = 18.000 VEX Token

1 ACT = 4 VEX

1 BTC = 250.000 VEX

1 TEN = 8 VEX

1 NPXS = 0.43 VEX

ICO price is 0.00005 or approx 0,035 dollar )

Minimal purchase – 0.05 ETH , 0.003 btc, 100 ACT, 100 TEN or 1,000 vex tokens

The Token Allocation Plan is as follows:


40% for Token Sale

15% for Early Investors and Advisors

20% for VEXANIUM Foundation

15% for VEXANIUM Team

10% for User Incentives

Vexanium token name will be VEX. For every service on Vexanium ecosystem, VEX Token will be used and be needed. For this platform services one has to pay the equivalent amount in VEX Tokens. For example: for making 100$ gift card, one has to pay 100$ equivalent of VEX. Also for trading fees, transaction fees, service fee all will be paid in VEX.


Phase 0: Project Initiation and Token Sales (Q1/Q2 2018)

This phase currently is in progress. VEXANIUM ICO is over and tokens sold out. It was a great achievement considering the current market condition.

Phase 1: Launch of VEXANIUM in Indonesia (Q3/Q4 2018)

During this phase, VEXANIUM team will be releasing full functional marketplace to merchant and individuals in Indonesia. Merchants and enterprise users can create voucher tokens using a mobile app which will be created by VEXANIUM team. Merchants should be able to launch their campaigns using this app. Customers use this app to store and redeem voucher tokens.

Phase 2: Establishment of VEX Ecosystem (Q1Q2 2019)

In phase 2, VEXANIUM will launch VEXchange and VEXplorer. VEXchange is an exchange platform for trading VEX tokens and all VEXM tokens. The explorer is a blockchain browser. It helps users to perform searches, API and examine the VEXANIUM blockchain. In explorer, all transactions, every block generated and the smart contract information will be visible in actual time without any delay.

Phase 3: Business expansion to Asia (2019)

After proven success in Indonesia, VEXANIUM planning expands the operations to major business cities in Asia such as Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Min City, Seoul, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Dubai and Singapore.

Phase 4: Business Expansion to Outside Asia (2020)

From the year 2020, VEXANIUM expanding the operations worldwide. According to the roadmap, they are targeting cryptocurrency supported countries in almost all continents.

VEXANIUM is supported to reduce cost, improve efficiency and transparency for commercial businesses in decentralized environments. VEXANIUM ICO ratings really impressive. This is the one of the promising ICO in the year 2018 to watch.



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Author TheJohnMatch



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