in #blockchain6 years ago



As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can't be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It's a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.

StealthCrypto is a decentralized worldwide and quantum coincided organize by Stealth Grid. Quantum Cyber ​​Security for another time of correspondence – They are building up the biggest system of decentralized, motivator based, self-practical quantum systems in light of blockchain innovation. Utilizing restrictive end-to-end dynamic split encryption, dynamic split-geodistribution and quantum number age, quantum key circulation, and validation. A definitive in secure quantum cryptography for information insurance, and in addition blockchain, correspondences, savvy city stages, IoT and managing an account. The group is making a solitary Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) biological community that will be far better than all current, secure, private, and on-request ID frameworks.

StealthCrypto and the Stealth Grid advancement group brag solid specialized aptitude and one of a kind market learning, with 2/3 of R and D workers including a worldwide group of security specialists and various world-renowned cryptographers.

Moreover, Stealth Crypto is a stage made to give a protected place to store all information and digital money exchanges rapidly. The word 'safe' speaks to the stage's capacity to make each exchange imperceptible by others (obscure to others in blockchain). It is a decentralized and self-governing innovation.

About StealthGrid
StealthGrid is a blockchain-fueled stage, which encourages an upgraded information insurance benefit by coordinating existing sustainable innovation into the digital security industry. StealthGrid has made a digital security environment that offers and keeps information all the more securely. The stage use a framework that straightforwardly encodes information in a superior manner. It offers a system and information insurance that is ideal for administrations, for example, Cloud Storage.

The fundamental objective of the Stealth Grid is to improve the most secure, dependable, present day and progressed, decentralized and self-sufficient cryptography and encryption advances and make them open to all. Stealth Grid is the primary system to embrace the blockchain for continuous correspondence systems and mechanical utilize. By joining the Stealth Grid eco-organize, you can do all that you've done previously: discussions, calls, trade photographs/recordings and reports, without stressing over security and protection issues in your virtual world, regardless of whether your correspondence for individual or expert purposes. That is the reason it is called Stealth Grid Living Stealth in the computerized organize.

The present stockpiling of information, media communications, video calling programming and texting are not totally anchored and are effectively inclined to examination and use by governments, enterprises and malignant outsiders, and also being less clever and practical than may be normal.

The headway and economies are confronting a mechanical insurrection. In an interconnected world, digital security ends up crucial to people, governments, urban communities and in addition ventures. As of now, most people and organizations are not set up to give adequate security with respect to their correspondence. Stealth Grid plans to set up variety to that.

To battle this approaching security emergency; we require a strong decentralized, free, significant work arrange that works crosswise over most unique gauges of gadget correspondence. Stealth Grid's major digital security arrangements make decentralization, encryption and confirmation quicker, less demanding and more grounded. Stealth Grid in one way or alternate shields information from being surrendered by utilizing restrictive Stealth Crypto dynamic end-to-end split information encryption layered with Polymorphic Hashed Encryption which is Dynamically Split Geo Distributed, making a coincided decentralized system for Stealth Crypto broadcast communications, verification, and information that utilizations exclusive AI Cyber Security.

Plan of action
StealthCrypto has the experience and the ability to ensure your information utilizing cutting edge decentralized blockchain security innovation to help safeguard against rising difficulties in an advancing danger scene. Our elite system encryption for long haul information security Quantum key age and quantum key dissemination. StealthCrypto makes distributed storage, IoT , and correspondences secure, and quicker with StealthCrypto's protected StealthCrypto.


Quantum Cyber Security
Building a decentralized arrangement of broadcast communications and data stockpiling is a phase for Stealthgrid. Other than decentralization, this correspondence framework is additionally the reward, autonomous, decentralized, free, and complex media transmission. While to enable it to happen Stealthgrid utilize blockchain innovation.

The Stealthgrid framework does the vitality of data stockpiling, broadcast communications, and coordinated interchanges which exist now. The exemplification of the eventual to make engineering changes in server-driven frameworks into decentralized systems which will be possessed and kept running by shoppers.

Mesh Network of STEALTHCRYPTO Delivered Quantum Entropy
Quantum-controlled StealthCrypto entropy motor cryptography that gives full quantum entropy (one quantum entropy bit for every yield bit) at the rates required for the server farm, cloud, vast scale Internet (loT) and portable applications. This will increment with the reception of our decentralized Quantum work arrange that will make a quantum supercomputer.

With StealthCrypto NAS and the Smartphone demonstrate, StealthCrypto disperses the genuine entropy of a quantum source to effectively create irregular numbers in server farms and arranged gadgets (an idea like the NTP convention) to guarantee a reliable date/time.

Cryptography – Authentication

IBE verification

Numeric personality

Digital money




StealthCrypto Trust Centers (TC), or NAS frameworks, give genuine shared correspondence and information stockpiling that can be coordinated on one chip and can be arranged for secure cross-area correspondence between Standalone Trust Center or StealthCrypto Cloud. NAS servers. Along these lines, it's social by outline. Stealth Grid items and arrangements depend on the hidden reasoning of making a protected association biological system for shoppers and business clients. Business openings today are assorted. Stealth Grid means to position itself as a pioneer, worldwide influencer and thought pioneer with regards to utilizing blockchain for cybersecurity purposes.

The StealthCrypto token is basic to the capacity of the StealthCrypto biological system. StealthCrypto is an utilitarian token that will be utilized on the stage to get to different highlights, items and expenses. What's more, as StealthCrypto's administrations and items turn out to be more fluid and important after some time, we expect they could be utilized to rebalance singular portfolios. As it were, the liquidity created by StealthCrypto can enable clients to move portions between various monetary standards rapidly and effectively.

Token Details

Token Name: QMN

Currencies: US, ETH, BTC, LTC

Platform: Ethereum

Location: Gibraltar


Total token supply: 400,000,000

200,000,000 tokens for Stage 1 Token Crowdsale

Pre Tokens Sale to start on January 28, 2018. The initial token price (ICO) will be set at a minimum of S0 .50, or present market value above S0 .50, when ICO launches July 05, 2018. 200,000,000 tokens will be reserved for Stage 2 Token Crowdsale (50% of total).

Stage 2 will happen no sooner than 2020, and all tokens will be sold at market price, not at a fixed $0 .50 USO value (important note: all percentage below will be adjusted in accordance with actual amount raised, e.g. if we sell 70M of 1 00M tokens, the following numbers will be multiplied by 0.007)

The StealthCrypto Fund operates as part of our business model, ensuring a stable token with a bright future. It is in our best interests to ensure that the STEALTHCRYPTO™ purchasing power grows over time and market manipulation is avoided. A total of 400 million tokens will be issued. This is how it breaks down in dollars during planning – the actual price is subject to change:



Use Of Proceeds


•Q1 2018, Quantum Cyber Security Solutions, to launch the peer communication product for cloud storage, file sharing, email and data encryption

•Q2 2018, StelathCrypto Distributed Network, meshed PTP cloud storage network, in the end, dynamic split encryption with disruptive authentication algorithms

•Q3 2018, Qubit Blockchain Development, to develop the Qubit platform and testing all thing to make sure it worked

•Q4 2018, Blockchain Launching, Launch the blockchain system of the StealthCrypto

•Q2 2019, Qubit Exchange Launching, in the end, Qubit Exchange will launch in the Q2 of 2018



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Author TheJohnMatch



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SBD 2.50