EIPlatform-Global Platform In The World Of E-Sport

in #blockchain6 years ago

EIPlatform-Global Platform In The World Of E-Sport


The new ideas are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new tasks. We have the greatest instrument on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a gigantic base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is EIPlatform, an expansive scale stage in light of the blockchain framework, which empowers coordinate interface of supporters, accomplices, players, esports fans with huge advantages and comfort for all gatherings.


EIPlatform is an extensive scale stage in view of the blockchain framework, which empowers coordinate interface of backers, accomplices, players, esports fans with critical advantages and comfort for all gatherings.

EIPlatform built up a stage to empower coordinate communication amongst brands and individuals in the Esports part. Achieve the up and coming age of gatherings of people through information driven mass personalization. Empowering faithful amusement watchers who deliver Gamefuel cryptography utilizing the Limited Evidence Principles (Limited Evidence). Such utilize The approach permits to confine access to framework instead of market members. EIPlatform and patrons are discharged in view of EIP which makes it conceivable to discuss specifically with groups of onlookers of gamers, engineers and promoters actualized.

It is normal that by 2018 in excess of 165 million individuals will be associated with the business, and in addition brands and organizations. As per Deloitte's report, e-games will be the most encouraging game for the following 5 years. Be that as it may, this amazing development does not make the universe of e-sports insusceptible to two interrelated issues: from one perspective, monstrous spending on wasteful advertising efforts, and then again, spending limitations for little groups, streamers, media and nearby competitions.

EIPlatform makes a decentralized biological system that enables brands and organizations to get extraordinary substance, and in addition intrigued groups of onlookers to access selective offers.


Most brands don't comprehend the multifaceted nature of the esports market and its group of onlookers

Interest in esports promoting is winding up less effective as the commercial center turns out to be more divided. Promoting isn't all around focused

Little groups, starting streamers and competitions of neighborhood significance don't gain admittance to the financial plans of bigger organizations

A huge piece of brands' promoting spending plan is spent on inquire about, contract organization and different middle person and office expenses

Most of the esports gathering of people isn't straightforwardly associated with the advancement and molding of the esports business


EIP blockchain innovation will offer numerous more adaptation and usefulness chances to all brands, groups, players, content makers, fans and watchers

Supporters and accomplices will access propelled information investigation to gauge the adequacy of their ventures and recognize new openings.

Esports fans and watchers will profit by selective offers, products and enterprises from accomplice organizations

EIPlatform will disentangle showcase passage for non-endemic accomplices by giving statistic and conduct information to enable them to achieve their optimal target gathering of people

How It Works?



Gain admittance to Esports spending plans

Guide connect to supports, brands, gamers and fans

Adapt the gathering of people and acquire


Rejects delegates between the group of onlookers and the Brands

Gives savvy contracts to accommodation in leading the activities

Permit utilizing the EMP token for rewards in steadfastness programs and to pay for different contracts

Man-made brainpower framework recognizes and arranges the individual conduct of members in the Esports advertise, examines the perplexing collaboration of these practices, and based on prerequisites and errands issues an answer for each concerned accomplice

Upgrades sponsorship costs by expanding proficiency and expanding benefit for each accomplice.

EIP Ecosystem


EIP is the essential decentralized online-pronouncement. It is fitted out with the machine cleverness for acknowledgment and change of the ability to adjust the gathering of spectators while remunerating the said swarm for help.

Affiliation is a watchword for EIP. Streamers and gamers will find the opportunity to propel themselves, acquire money on advertisements and interface with brands without moderator. All the included organizations ought to do is enroll on the stage and in a flash start getting the advantages as tokens.

EIP empowers players to make buys using said tokens, including ingame things, tickets to esports rivalries, group stock and uncommon things from the speculator brands. The EIP biological community will energize the interest of a more broad social occasion of individuals, correspondence with fans, and the allocation of prizes.

The development of the estimation of the tokens will be ensured through the extending regard of the EIP association. With more individuals, more ventures, and more undertakings wrapped up the stage, the data accumulated ends up being more productive.

Through emphasis, the calculations in charge of figuring the most profitable promoting endeavors end up being more capable and in like manner all the more engaging. This raises the estimation of the office gave inside EIP and particularly the estimation of the tokens.

EIP Ecosystem will be sent to the greatest urban communities in the World with all the required establishment for successful errand.

The formation of a solitary EIP-stage outfitted with man-made consciousness gives the accompanying highlights:

Brands and organizations

Getting novel substance and gathering of people inspired by gaining admittance to selective offers;

Exceptional vision and comprehension of the intended interest group;

Streamlining of the cost of sponsorship;

Arrangement of items and administrations straightforwardly to the buyer;

Access to cutting edge information examination to evaluate the adequacy of their speculations and distinguish new openings;

Kill the requirement for costly promoting;

Make your own advertising projects to invigorate the group of onlookers straightforwardly, which take a shot at the premise of shrewd contracts and utilize EMI tokens as prizes (on account of keen contracts such projects are customized and less expensive).

Group of onlookers

Access to spending plans of brands and organizations;

Get restrictive products and ventures from the financed organizations (select tickets to the competitions from the competition scenes, stock from groups and more crosswise over media stages);

Getting extra particular conditions from backers and accomplices for the buy of their merchandise and enterprises;

Get remunerates for specific activities on the stage.

EIPlatform offers three principle methods for cooperation amongst clients and brands:

• The application (for iOS and Android)

• Web website


These capacities will give:

Ethereum Smart exchanges with the assistance of keen gets, the stage will give the accommodation of exchanges utilizing the intuitive eSports stage (EMP) token as the principle cash.

Whisper-association between the gaming group of onlookers and brands will happen through the whisper entrance, which is a continuous correspondence stage through the Ethereum arrange.

IPFS connect with the gathering of information on amusements and cooperations, EIP will give a decentralized record stockpiling gateway with no issues or reliance on the Central specialist.

LIBP2P hubs of the eSports market will work utilizing the LIBP2P Protocol, which is a measured system stack.

Respond Native-for the accommodation of members, you can likewise make your own particular applications with the React stage.

Electron – library with open source coordinates Node.js and Chromium to guarantee satisfactory run time and application tasks.


The EMP token is planned to be the only means of exchange for handling all types of rewards and one of the means of payment within the EIP ecosystem


Starting date: MAY 14, 2018

Payment methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, USD (bank transfer from 2,000 USD)

Minimal goal: 6.000,000 USD

Maximum goal: 60.000,000 USD

Tokens exchange rate: 1 EMI = 0.1 USD

The exact number of created tokens depends on the amount of funds deposited during the ICO process.

The EMI token cannot be created, issued or mined after the end of the ICO.

Tokens will be transferable after the end of the ICO.

After reaching the maximum goal, the ICO will be terminated immediately.

Tokens of the Reserve Fund will be used to encourage new customers who have joined the ecosystem therefore increasing the use and adoption of the EIP ecosystem by a wide audience.

Token Sale

Token Hardcap: US $ 60,000,000


• Minimum Transaction amount in ETH: 100 USD

• Minimum Transaction amount in BTC: 100 USD

• Minimum Transaction amount in LTC/XRP/Dash: 100 USD

• Minimum Transaction amount in Wire: 100 USD

• Minimum Transaction amount in CC: 100 USD


• 50,000 USD and above transactions: Additional bonus 15%

• 10,000 TO 50,000 USD: Additional bonus 10%

• 3 000 TO 10,000 USD: Additional bonus 7%

• 1 000 TO 3 000 USD: Additional bonus 5%

• 500 TO 1000 USD: Additional bonus 2%

EMI Token Distributions


Q3 2017 Eip concept created

Q4 2017 Eip got confirmed interest from leading global brands

Q1 2018 Seo

Q4 2018 Development of the eip apps and interfaces

Q3 2018 Development of the eiplatform

Q2 2018 Eip to conduct an ico

Q1 2019 Final development of the eiplatform

Q2 2019 Launch

Q3 2019 Geographical expansion and growing the ecosystem




For more information, please visit:

Website: https://eiplatform.io/

Whitepaper: https://eiplatform.io/doc/WhitePaper-Eng.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/EIP_ecosystem

ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3331909.0

Medium: https://medium.com/eiplatform

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIP_ECOSYSTEM

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eiplatform/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/EIPlatform/

Github: https://github.com/EIPlatform/EMI-Token

Author TheJohnMatch



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