in #blockchain6 years ago




The new thoughts are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new ventures. We have the greatest apparatus on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is a tremendous base of data where we can do anything. Web has associated the whole world. One of these ventures is Beaxy which will be a one-stop look for the greater part of your digital currency exchanging needs. Our natural UI will consider exchanging both crypto and fiat monetary forms.


Beaxy is a cryptographic money trade. The organization expresses that it will make a stage with an instinctive UI which will permit trades from both fiat cash and digital forms of money. Beaxy's goal is to give a smooth and tastefulness encounter for every one of its clients.

The goal of the organization is the production of an open stage which will fill in as an across the board trade, one in which the clients won't have to get to some other stage in the event that they need to exchange digital forms of money. To give this choice to its clients, Beaxy expects to give an awesome arrangement of devices and administrations to help the clients when they encounter the stage.

The organization trusts that it is imperative to be worried about every one of the sorts of clients, from the learners to the specialists, so it can give a decent client experience to every one of them.

The group that made this trade stage was made by individuals from numerous nations around the globe: Artak Hamazaspyan (fellow benefactor, CEO), Mittal Patel (prime supporter, CTO), Narine Khachatryan (fellow benefactor, group facilitator) , Marine Ghandlyan (fellow benefactor, lead of lawful group) and John Galvagno (CTO).


The pioneers behind Beaxy first found the advanced money world in mid 2015. Two of our prime supporters (who both have a very long time of experience exchanging available) happened to work in a similar organization and started talking about digital currency. As the extent of their dialogs extended crosswise over various digital currency groups, an example of dissensions encompassing trades began to develop. Impediments like smooth cash exchanges, broken calculations, and an extremely soak expectation to learn and adapt for tenderfoots turned out to be exceptionally obvious. The possibility of Beaxy was accordingly conceived as a prepared to-go, across the board trade which will be:

Simple to use for all newcomers to the universe of digital forms of money

A shrewd stage for proficient speculators, with top of the line budgetary highlights

Created in light of security

We will welcome our clients to be a piece of our demo amid our ICO keeping in mind the end goal to assist Beaxy's central goal of straightforwardness, intense implicit apparatuses, and managed execution. We will likewise utilize the demo time frame to take criticism from the group, and tackle any issues before a full dispatch.


Our vision is to make an advantageous, secure, across the board stage that encourages an existence where digital forms of money are as open as fiat monetary standards. Beaxy wants to assume a significant part in this undertaking by laying the structure for what an across the board trade ought to be.


It is our central goal to give a wealth of instruments, news articles, instructional exercises, and money related administrations to help all clients - from add up to amateur to master dealer - in settling on educated choices in this quickly evolving condition.

Beaxy Features

•Faithfulness Program, Holding BXY on our stage will remunerate clients with 20% of exchange charges Program compensates never diminish or terminate


We value our clients and need to compensate them for owning our tokens. Within Beaxy's devotion compensate program this is conceivable. By holding your BXY on our trade, you will get 20% of all exchanging charges! The best part, there is no restriction to what number of BXY tokens you can hold. The more BXY you hold, the higher your reward will be. Simply kick back and hold our tokens.

•Coin Staking, Receive reduced exchanging charges by staking your BXY tokens Multi-layered framework with expanding rebates the more you stake


While there is an alternative on our trade to get a half markdown in exchanging charges by utilizing Beaxy tokens, there is likewise a moment approach to get reduced exchanging. Perhaps you would prefer not to need to spend your Beaxy tokens by any means. Presently with our staking program you will have the choice to bolt up some measure of your BXY tokens to get a marked down exchanging charge. Here's the way it works: you choose what number of BXY tokens you need to bolt, you set the period for to what extent you need to bolt them for (least one month), and you will get a markdown in exchanging up until the point when they open. The best part, you will at present get any coins created from our steadfastness program while they are bolted.

•Marked down Trading Fees, Users will get a half markdown on exchanging charges by utilizing BXY tokens Feature will work in conjunction with coin staking

Exchanging expenses can be a problem to manage. We know how costly exchanging can get (particularly for high volume brokers) and we needed to turn out without breaking a sweat the weight. In the event that you utilize BXY to exchange on our trade you will have the capacity to exchange at a half reduced rate. The best part, this component sets with our staking program. You can spare half off your as of now reduced exchange rate by using both of these highlights together! (Note the half markdown will be balanced from your new charge plan in the wake of securing your staked tokens).

•All day, every day Support, 24 hour reaction time or less Live talk Global scope with multi-dialect bolster

•Referral Program, Receive 10% of exchange charges for the lifetime of alluded accounts Referred clients get 2 month Platinum level participation (20% expense markdown)


Each enlisted Beaxy client will have the capacity to exploit our Referral Program. On the off chance that you allude a companion, you will get 10% of their exchange charges for the lifetime of their record. The individuals who join by means of a referral code will be allowed a Platinum level record (20% rebate on exchanging charges) temporarily period (60 days). When you enable us to develop, everybody wins. Any referrals affirmed amid the demo will likewise be connected towards your record at the underlying dispatch of the live stage, along these lines you can get benefits for alluding new clients without waiting for the last item dispatch.

•Fiat Deposits Wire exchange and ACH bolstered Instant stores accessible for affirmed accounts

•Security, Automated IP whitelisting Will meet PCI-DSS and ENISA security models Confidentiality, uprightness, and accessibility of data are our primary concerns

•Execution, High throughput and low inertness database execution Capable of taking care of countless tx/s with under 1ms of dormancy

•Trade Architecture Built for long haul scaling Isolated administrations to alleviate request spikes Automated scaling and asset adjusting

•Portable App, iOS and Android Integrated value alarms and request satisfaction notices

•OTC Trades, Available to institutional financial specialists Minimum request size of $1 MLN

•ICO Launch Platform, Projects checked by Beaxy Removes KYC cost and bother for ICOs Expedited token posting on Beaxy

How Beaxy Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange Works

The organization functions as a digital currency trade and it has numerous intriguing highlights which will draw in speculators. One of them is the faithfulness program of the organization, which rewards for holding the tokens and continue utilizing the administrations of the organization. With the steadfastness programs, you can get month to month rewards in view of the amount of tokens that you have and in the exchanges made on the stage.

The organization likewise has offers an all day, every day bolster which has live visit and worldwide scope (with help for some, dialects talked far and wide) and a reaction time of 24 hours or less. Security is likewise a need for this organization, as it utilizes robotized IP whitelisting, encryption innovation and intends to secure the classification and the respectability of the system. Additionally, the stage has a superior and the exchanges are quick.

Beaxy is worked for long haul scaling and it has an adjusting of assets which can be utilized with the computerized scaling arrangement of the organization. In the event that Beaxy develops too quick, this won't be an issue for this organization.

By utilizing the Beaxy staking program, you will have the capacity to keep your tokens in staking mode and win rebates in exchanging expenses when you utilize the tokens. Likewise, on the off chance that you pay the charges of the organization while utilizing its own particular tokens, you will have the capacity to get a markdown of up to half while paying exchanging expenses.

At last, there is additionally the referral program. On the off chance that you allude a companion to the organization, you will get 10% of their exchanging charges for whatever is left you could ever imagine. Individuals joining while at the same time utilizing the referral program and get rebates of 20% on the exchanging charges for 60 days. Beaxy will be accessible on cell phones both on the Android and on the iOS stage.

Instructions to Invest In Beaxy BXY ICO Details

It is safe to say that you are occupied with Beaxy? The organization is having a deal at the present time. In the event that you to take part in the Initial Coin Offering, you can purchase BXY tokens (which are ERC20 Ethereum-based tokens) by utilizing ETH. The delicate top of the deal is $5,000,000 USD and the hard top is $30,000,000.

The pre-deal will start on June 1 and you will have a reward of 25% in the event that you purchase tokens amid its span. On the off chance that you choose to purchase tokens amid the ICO, which will from June 15 onwards, you should pay the tokens without rebates. The cost of the tokens has not yet been made open by the organization.

Token Sale and ICO

The BXY token presale begins on June 1st, with a 20% bonus. The Public ICO begins on June 15th. ETH : BXY ratio will be determined at a point closer to the Presale date.


Budget Allocation

Our ICO will help fund the continuing development of our platform in security, performance agility, and feature set.

We want an army of customer support personnel to help on day one. Our team's collective experience with customer support standards across the crypto space is seriously lacking. We want to change that and are ready to invest heavily in being the absolute best on day one.

All things legal are expensive and beyond important. We want to be 100% compliant with laws wherever we operate. We also want our money handling licenses in the US to get processed and approved as fast as possible.






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Author TheJohnMatch


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