B2AND-The Future of Online Viral Marketing

in #blockchain6 years ago

B2AND-The Future of Online Viral Marketing


B2AND is an outcome arranged cloud-based online stage which gives simple to-utilize and adaptable administrations through viral advertising by means of showcasing efforts in a creative and amazingly powerful way.

A standout amongst the most huge favorable circumstances of B2AND stage is the flexibility for sponsors to make and dispatch their battles whenever they see fit, build up rewards with the B2AND token, without combination or advancement prerequisites and run these crusades autonomously or alongside their other promoting channels, e.g. for example, Facebook, Twitter, and so forth.


The Advertiser's Side

There can be just a single sponsor for a battle. Promoters get a one-time free trial pack in a crusade for two weeks. The bundles incorporate signifying five email accounts as the primary level in a crusade. On the off chance that you advance your battle following a two-week free time for testing, they can transform a test crusade into a standard battle. Changes don't cause the cost of starting a battle. Be that as it may, in the wake of finishing the trial, just standard expenses will be charged if the battle is running. Sending messages for testing to the sponsor's email account is boundless before beginning an advertisement battle

Shopper's Side

Shoppers have the chance to take an interest in any crusade without registering on the B2AND stage.

Once enrolled on the B2AND stage, purchasers can:

• Save or import their referral organize contacts from sources, for example, Gmail;

• welcome chose contacts straightforwardly to partake in showcasing efforts;

• View blessing insights from your referral arrange.

• Subscribe to battles in light of individual interests.

There are two levels of prizes:

•Click Hotlink – The client taps the hotlink in the battle message.

•Click Hotlink with the referenced contact – if the get in touch with you allude to the crusade comes to the hotlink


•Current first generation B2AND stage is utilizing email, as it is worked as confirmation of-idea stage and it is practical conveyance channel. One of the motivation to apply the new model is that publicists are frequently thinking that its testing what to offer as prizes and have asked widespread reward alternative that could be utilized all inclusive to remunerate customers

what's more, B2C is ideal response for that. After the B2AND stage decentralization, we will utilize portable application, which is incorporated with wallet to hold rewards.

•Second generation B2AND stage will have B2AND token as installment and prizes strategy. B2AND wallet is made, where B2AND tokens can be hold.

•Third generation B2AND will present portable application, which is to be utilized to circulate B2AND battle by means of versatile drive messages, rather than current email. Versatile application will likewise bolster B2AND wallet. In addition, B2AND API is presented, which empowers promoters to make and circulate B2AND battles likewise by utilizing outsider front end suppliers. What's more, Ethereum Smart Contract is acquainted for the B2AND battles with be composed to Ethereum blockchain upon creation and enactment, which makes the data (promoter, content, rewards,time outline, and so forth.) on the crusades openly accessible.

•Fourth generation B2AND stage will have another token for battle following purposes, which token would have no business esteem. These following tokens won't influence the estimation of the B2AND tokens. Utilizing Ethereum based ERC20 tokens for following purposes prompts preposterously high costs as a result of the high exchange expenses. Besides, current Ethereum framework isn't sufficiently quick for activities requiring moment affirmation required for our battle following needs. Subsequently, we will issue another token committed particularly to battle following which will record the following data to blockchain. Possibly a private blockchain will be presented for this reason.

The B2AND Token

BB2AND token is an ERC-20 standard token sent on Ethereum blockchain. The B2AND group picked Ethereum for the accompanying reasons: – Ethereum gives propelled condition to decentralized applications (Dapps) advancement – Ethereum is the most surely understood and utilized blockchain with shrewd contracts and it has wide determination of bolstered wallets – Ethereum has the biggest group of blockchain designers sharing instruments, best practices, and learning about Dapp improvement Ethereum is the best supplier of tooling to keep up the collaboration with Dapps.

B2AND token (B2C) parts are:

installment, i.e. later on all B2AND battles are to be paid with B2Cs rewards, i.e. later on all crusades are putting forth B2Cs as prizes. Moreover, promoter may likewise consider to offer other kind of reward against B2C, in the event that they wish so.

Shoppers are not required to make any sort of installments with a specific end goal to take part in any B2AND crusades. By taking part in crusades and making referrals, customers get B2Cs from neighborhood and worldwide promoters.

Token Allocation

Token Sale : 65%

B2AND Project Team : 9%

Partners & Advisors : 4%

Bounties : 2%

Reserve : 20%

Token Sale Details

Start Token Sale : 23 April 2018

End Token Sale : 22 May 2018

Acceptable currencies : ETH

Total token issuance : 100.000.000 B2C

Number of tokens offered on Token Sale : 65.000.000 (65%) B2C

Tokens exchange rate : 1 ETH = 5.000 B2C

Minimum transaction amount : 0,1 ETH

Maximum transaction amount : 4.000 ETH*

Soft cap : 1.000 ETH

Hard cap : 10.000 ETH

Bonus Program:

Week : 30%
Week : 25%
Week : 20%

Road Map

– Private investment of 100k Euro secured from Hong Kong
– EAS (Estonian government) grant approved
– 1st generation B2AND platform launched
– Registered advertisers from five continents
– B2AND decentralized platform concept created based on the feedback on the existing B2AND platform

B2AND Token Sale preparations started

B2AND Token Sale

Applying B2AND token listings on cryptocurrency exchanges

B2AND platform to be decentralized on blockchain, B2AND wallet to be created and B2AND token to be accepted as B2AND campaign payment and campaign rewards incentive

2nd generation B2AND platform launch

B2AND API and B2AND mobile application with wallet integration as well as B2AND campaign smart contract to be created

3rd generation B2AND platform launch

Separate B2AND rewards tracking token (with no commercial value) and related private blockchain network (if required) for campaign tracking purposes to be deployed

4th generation B2AND platform launch

Further B2AND platform development and feature improvements to be deployed, e.g. new localisation versions, new campaign distribution channels, partnerships with online marketing agencies and other interest groups, etc.


Jani is a serial entrepreneur with 15+ years proven track record and international market exposure in advising and managing several ICT start-ups.

With degree from Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Jani is a founder and CEO of B2AND Ltd and he has been a blockchain believer since 2012.

Jere has a background in designing, developing and implementing challenging software architectures for some of the most technologically innovative MNCs.

With educational background from Tampere University of Technology, Finland, Jere is an acting CTO of B2AND Ltd. and a blockchain enthusiast in and outside his work.

Jem has a background to work with some of the world’s leading technology and consulting companies, like e.g. Convergys, Mercer, etc. in various customer service roles.

Jem has degrees from economics and mass communication/media studies and she is a Marketing Manager of B2AND Ltd.

Hochun is a highly respected professional on viral marketing, serving as Professor and Department Head of Viral & SNS Marketing CEO Program at Seoul Venture University, Korea, along with his roles of Head Director of Korea Smart Academy Institute (KSAcademy) and Moderator at Startup Store Group.

Hochun has his Computer Science degree from Pusan National University, Korea.

Anthony has over 20 years of professional sales and management experience in the ICT industry with successful track record covering multiple industries. Anthony is well adapted to multi-cultures in a complex selling and management environment with extensive business connections and client relationships.

Anthony has his Computing and Finance degree from Macquarie University, Australia.


For more information, please visit:

Website: https://b2and.com/

Whitepaper: https://ico.b2and.com/wp-content/uploads/B2AND-WHITEPAPER.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/B2AND

Twitter: https://twitter.com/B2ANDLTD

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/B2ANDLTD

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE8M2pFxv82ctMF-f1nJRXg

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/B2ANDLTD/

Medium: https://medium.com/@B2AND

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/b2and-ltd/

Telegram: https://t.me/B2ANDTelegramGroup

Author TheJohnMatch


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